
I am the 'Supreme' Spider-Man

Becoming the 'Supreme' Spider-Man– A normal man died and found himself taking over the identity of the 'Spider-Man' Lead A.K.A Peter Parker! Web of Destiny become intangible and messy, because of his sole existence, countless tragedies were coming to his life.... Fortunately, the most basic 'Gift' for a Transmigrator was acquired by him–a System! Living in a Marvel Universe where a single flick of a finger the world can END. Countless Powerhouses linger in the shadows! Peter Parker– what will he do? Will he change his Fate? Will he be able to fight for the World he resides in? Most of all.... Can he protect those who he treated as.... a Family? Follow Peter Parker on his journey to become the Supreme Spider-Man! However..... Gwen: "P-Pete.....r?" Peter Paker: "Gwen?" Gwen: "Why is there a yellow box in front of me? Pfft..." Peter: "???" Peter: "Y-You! Gwenpoo–" Gwen: "Damnit! Don't spoil the fun Petehr! Shh... Shh.... Readers will be spoiled...." Gwendolyn Stacy: "Wha- Who's that Peter!!!" Peter: ┐⁠( ̄⁠ヘ⁠ ̄⁠)⁠┌ . . . . Note: To tell you the truth I didn't even read Marvel Comics, I just wanted to write this for fun, haha! This has a smut scene also. Cover photo not mine–CTTO.

Barfk · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
15 Chs

Beginning: Super Spider's Bite

"Woah–Yah see this Pete?" Gwen gasped, tapping Peter on the shoulder as they entered the Oscorp Building, immediately they were welcome with such a scientific scene. "I–It's really cool–" She bumped Peter on the shoulder as her excitement arose.

Peter rolled his eyes inwardly, seeing Gwen acting like this, but thought that this was the adorable side of her character, "Don't get too excited, Gwen. Remember what I said–on our agreement before this." He seriously look at Gwen, after all, even though he didn't have spider sense yet, he can't help but felt a little weird as if something he couldn't pinpoint will occured.

Seeing Peter's serious expression, Gwen stuck her tongue out and snickered, "What are you, my dad? Trynna restrict me too? keep dreaming!" They were at the back of their group, as their classmates were in front guided by a certain sexy thick black woman, from this Oscorp as their adviser supervise them from not touching anything inside of this building.

"MJ? Hey, Mary Jane–?!"

In the middle of the group, Mary Jane could be seen dazing, looking back, as she witnessed Gwen and Peter's interaction.

Mary Jane Watson A.K.A MJ was distracted, as Harry shook her shoulder, mustering the voice to reply she said, ".... W–What is it, Harry?"

Harry followed the direction of Mary Jane's eyes, as he saw Peter and Gwen talking without a care to other people, he look at Mary Jane, "MJ–are you looking at Stacy and.... Parker again?" There was a hint of jealousy in his tone, when Peter's name was mentioned, as he held MJ's shoulder tightly.

"No– I am not looking at them...." Mary Jane masked her expression, as inwardly she was feeling troubled, but she has hidden it enough, even her expression was neutral. She felt Harry's hand on her shoulder, as she distance herself from him a little, as she continue to walk with Liz on her side.

"Couple's fight?" Liz Allan said to MJ with a smirk.

"Harry and I are not in a relationship, Ms. Allan, we two are just friends." Mary Jane said to Liz.

Liz Allan though grinned more, "You are lying.... After all, the two of you seem to be quite close. Only a blind person can't see the ambiguous relationship between the two of you."

Hearing that, Mary Jane who was professional at acting, just shook her head and seriously denied the false accusation, "We are nothing but friends that's all, say whatever you want but it will not change the 'Fact'." MJ seemed to be in a bad mood, as she walk past Liz Allan, and followed by Harry who was on MJ's back, but when Liz Allan and Harry Osborn made an eye contact, the two nodded at each other.

"Mary Jane–wait!"

Liz Allan sighed, as MJ's too hard to become soft for Harry to swallow, after all, Harry asked her to help him with Mary Jane. He wanted to give her some money but Liz didn't care about such a thing, her father was quite rich after all.

Meanwhile– all of this happened as they were tour around, and this time the first episode was about to start.

Peter's eyes finally beamed with seriousness, as he saw that the group approach the glass that has a 14 boxed layers on display.


"What is it again, nerdy boy?"

Peter look at Gwen intently, and Gwen flinched seeing his eyes, she was quite surprised to see him like this, "Stick close to me."


Peter grabbed Gwen's hands, after all, he didn't want her to get bitten by a Radioactive Super Spider, but maybe he was selfish but maybe he is not–Remembering Ghost-Spider's Fate from the comics, and the others when they were to become and welcomed into the Spider Family, he was hesitant.

It's full of tragedies!

"Peter Parker, your acting like a cree–" Gwen was about to retort teasingly, but Peter put a finger on her mouth shutting her completely.


"Quite down, Gwen." Peter then did the unimaginable thing, he pulled Gwen into his embrace, as he let her face buried on his chest, he can feel her soft body, and her scent gave an arousing smell.

Though, he was paying attention to something.

"There are 42 thousand known Species of Spider in the world, it's not sure yet– there's poisonous while some of them were not– like the Home Black Spiders to be precise." One of the scientists in charge of this Spider-Block said he was a white Oldman, as he laughed at his own joke.

Students: "...."

Seeing them not laughing, the Oldman coughed, as he wore a white coat, he stroke his mustache and continue, "Come–Let me show to all of you the Spider species that our Osborn Group has collected." The Oldman led the students into an experimental glass and inside was a spider with a brown color and long legs, as it jumped and jumped, Peter look at it and thought that any normal spider wouldn't act like that, it was probably used on a certain experiment.

"This is the Spider nicknamed– Hopping Spider– normally it was just a new breed of our experiment from Phidippus Regius, the regal jumping Spider, and Phidippus Audax, the Bold Jumping Spider. You can see that those two were almost the same but due to a special experiment tested, we, no, I tried to breed this family of spiders–though it's certainly not Alabama, kay? We still didn't have a name for such a spider species but don't base it on its appearance as it may have an adorable glinting eyes, it can bite, and for some reason–well..... Due to classified information, I can't tell you, kids, haha!"

The Oldman then signaled them to follow him, as he kept on introducing some of the Spider Species, making the students gasp as the mysterious experiment was sounding like an awesome thing for them, seeing a Hopping-Spider jumping so high! Etc.

Peter followed as he held Gwen in his embrace, she tried to break free from him, but she simply could not, as Peter seems to tighten his arm more.

Gwen sighed, seeing their classmate awestruck by the Spiders, as Gwen look at Peter's frame, her mouth open and closed, as Peter's expression was too serious and this was the first time she has seen it.

'Peter?' Gwen didn't know what was happening, but she unconsciously lean her head on Peter's chest, as she couldn't break free from him, so she will take such advantage to lean her head, as she eyed the introduction of Spiders.

Then, Peter's eyes finally beamed, 'is that.....' he saw the Oldman guiding them to the last species of Spider.

This time the Oldman's lips were arching into a wide smile, like a madman.

"This..... What type of Spider is this... sir?" Liz Allan asked as she saw a Spider with 8 long black legs, 8 dark red eyes, and its body has a shade of mix black and red color.

This time Harry Osborn, the son and the future inheritor of the Oscorp from his daddy stepped in, he eyed his classmates as he spread his hands, and with a wide smirk, he introduced the last spider, "You see, Ms. Liz Allan, our Oscorp has made countless of a deadly experiment, we fail and fail–but this time–Haha! It's different. Let me introduce to you the newly created spider–an entirely new species!"

"We call it under the name of–Super Spider Species!"

"Woah! That's really cool!"

"Oscorp making a new spider family is goddayumly awesome!"



Harry was applauded by his classmates, as the Oldman almost shed tears listening to the young master's excellent words.

"Young Harry has grown up so fast."

Harry tapped the Oldman's back in appreciation, as the Oldman's eyes reddened almost giving Harry a kiss, but Harry step out of the scene.

Then, the students laughed, as the Oldman introduced the new spider, while Peter almost spat, Harry's speech sounded like he was the one who did the thing–

Though he didn't care, as he held the silent Gwen, he eyed the New Super Spider, he saw that in a box of see-through glass, there were 5 of them inside, however–the Box itself was made for 6, the last one didn't have a spider inside.

'D–Damn— this scenario is like from Tobby's case, where is it.....?' Peter look around but he couldn't find the Spider, he look up at the ceiling but there was none.

"....." Peter was left in silence, as Gwen curiously look at him.

"You want to steal something, Peter? You're acting strangely. Hmm?" Gwen asked squinting her eyes, though her lips were smiling.

Peter replied, "No."

Gwen however wouldn't be buzzed off, "Ahw~ come on, I wanted to join the fun. I've seen these Scientific things yesterday night at the Oscorp's Documentary, all of the representation only added little information– they seem to be hiding well..." She whispered as Peter understood her.

"Well, they couldn't be blamed, only a dumdum would reveal an important information.." Gwen said.

As he listened to Gwen, Peter didn't see something crawling to the back of his leg, as it crawl towards his back until it arrived at the back of his neck.


The spider didn't just bite on the back of his neck, it chewed some of his flesh sucking blood from him.

"Gwen–Kahk–!" Peter felt pain, as he sent a forceful slap on the back of his neck, killing the Super Spider who was busy sucking his blood chaotically.


Peter looked at his hand it has blood, as a red spider just like the same from the Oldman's introduction was dead on his palm.

He brought it near his face, and due to Gwen's height, she couldn't see it, as Peter put it in his pocket.

"P–Peter? Did something happen? Oh my–why are you so pale?!" Gwen panicked, as Peter started to breathe hard. He look at the edges and the entire room, he sighed as he didn't see any camera in record.

Grabbing a small towel from his sling bag, Peter wiped the blood on the back of his neck, and reassured Gwen, "It's nothing.... Gwen. I'm fine." He said back to his neutral expression, but his face was quite pale.

He finally released Gwen from his embrace, as she look at him suspiciously, "You really sure?" Gwen felt something from Peter, as she saw him nodding his head, so she sigh relaxingly, throwing an elbow at Peter's stomach.

It didn't affect him that much, "That's for taking advantage of this poor Stacy, hmp!" Gwen though still felt embarrassed, but she stick on Peter's side until the event ended.

Meanwhile– Peter who was sitting inside of the bus beside Gwen was sweating, 'Fuck–I'm too narrow-minded dumb ass, I–I can't even find a trace of that Spider shit!' Peter was a little frustrated, after all, he already know the Plot yet he was bitten out of nowhere. He felt a pang of pain in his neck, as he didn't even know that the spider eat a tiny bit of his flesh. The wound stopped bleeding.

Peter sighed, instead of throwing tantrums like a child, he sighed deeply, vein was starting to bulge out of his hands.

Gwen was sleeping, as her head rested on his shoulder, and he let her take a nap.

It didn't take that long, as they arrived back at the Midtown High, the adviser started to disperse them, and Peter too said Goodbye to Gwen, but when he ran he was blocked by a red-haired girl.

"Peter– I just— wanted to talk w–" Mary Jane was about to say something, but Peter walk past her and said, "I don't have time for you, Ms. Watson!"

Peter was in a hurry, he felt a massive pain in his head, as it was the effect of the Spider's Bite. He immediately hopped inside of a taxi.

Mary Jane was left there with shocked eyes, as they started to moisten, Peter just ignored her and called her indifferently.

"I—I... 'm sorry...." She muttered under her breath, as her apologetic eyes were in a public display. She look down in sadness, as she wanted to go home alone.

However, it was seen by Harry, how Peter made Mary Jane cry, his eyes were a glinting with a plan forming in his mind.





At the Parker's residence– May was working, as she texted Peter she wouldn't come this night.



Peter's howling voice resounded inside of his room, as he lay on the floor, his teeth were making a sound, and he gritted strongly. He held into the mattress as if his life was on the line.

Even with the Body Enhancement Serum, Peter was suffering a hellish kind of sensation, his eyes were so red too.



Peter bit hard on the mattress, as his saliva smeared on it, he groan in pain as he tried to endure it more!






A/N: Sorry if this chapter is trashy! I'm not a scientific guy, I'm a dumdum, so kindly expect some errors ok? Writing this for entertainment only–hope some of you will not be offended.

Also, this chapter is too long!

I'm embarrassed about the Hopping-Spider ah–ah!