
I am Refugee

I am Aftab from Bangladesh, My father was a Shopkeeper,My mother is a house wife,I have four brothers & three sisters,I born in 1992 of December 18,

Now I am 28years old,My family still live in fugee camps from 1972, we had two rooms that size is 8 feer by 12feet,lots of peoples live here,they don't know how to write,they have no idea about better livelihood also they don't know about family planning,education,personality etc,we eat two times we can't fulfill our stomach full by foods,everyday we face lots of problem & search a way for better life but we fail beacuse we have nothing for future,on Special day 80% peoples can't wear well dresses & can't afford food,meals or dress for their kids, all day long we work hard, now I am 28 years old & still fighting with my present for making my and my family members future.

My fathers past away few years ago my others brothers don't live with us.

I & my old mama live together with my sister life is going dull day by day,lots of time I work in hotels and search better job but fail.

eveyday I think next will be good but fail.

My family (Mother,Sister) still live in refugee camp in 8 feer by 13 feet rooms where no healthy water no job no foods no future just take breath and live.

Thank you

MD.Aftab Ashmee