
I am Jose (Football)

---MTL alert--- Under the huge pressure of relegation, the team actually invited a rookie coach to direct the game! However, the result was unexpected! Yes, it is him. He looks like a rookie but has a mind to see the future. He plays with the whole world In football, turn your hands into clouds and turn your hands into rain, accumulate strength bit by bit, rely on strength to fight, and finally achieve the glory of Mallorca. God is the greatest, and under God, it is me! I am Jose!

Alexxz · Celebridades
Classificações insuficientes
101 Chs

Chapter 71

Chapter 71

When the last round of La Liga kicked off, Jose's surgery was still a day away.

Although he has decided to start resting, Jose still watched the game in front of the TV, and then he watched Atletico Madrid's lineup drooling - Molina, Gamarra, Ca Pudevilla, Baraja, Solari, Belleron, Hasselbaink, Kiko, Jose Mari... This lineup is completely capable of hitting the championship, but Ranieri It can't save Atletico Madrid, and Antić, who took office midway, can't save Atletico Madrid either.

Thinking of this, Jose hates the shareholders of Mallorca. Now if Jose has control over the team, this is a good opportunity to strengthen his own strength and not cost much. At least Capdevila, Barbados He will not let go of players like Raha, Solari and Belleron. It is the best of both worlds to poach players from the relegated team. It is cheap and can help the relegated team save wages...

However, now Jose can only watch such an opportunity slip away from him, which also makes Jose firmer in his determination to gain control of the Mallorca club faster.

In the end, the game ended in a 2-2 draw. Mallorca got a perfect result at home, and Atletico Madrid also got the only dignity.

La Liga ended, Deportivo won the club's first La Liga title in history, Barcelona came in second, Valencia came in third, Zaragoza came in fourth - Real Madrid came in one point behind Five, but it is not that they have no chance to participate in the Champions League next season. If they beat Valencia in the Champions League final, they can still enter the Champions League next season as Champions League champions-in fact, it is the same, After Real Madrid won the Champions League, the Spanish Football Association persuaded Zaragoza to give up the Champions League place, and Real Madrid participated in the Champions League next season as the Champions Cup champion.

Mallorca finally ranked eighth in La Liga with 16 wins, 6 draws and 16 losses (a very auspicious number) and 54 points. In the first 20 rounds, they only had 3 wins, 3 draws and 14 losses. In the 18 league rounds they took office, they rebounded strongly. In the remaining 18 rounds, they achieved 13 wins, 3 draws and 2 losses, becoming the team with the best results in the second half of the season! Considering that they are only nine points away from the fourth-ranked Zaragoza, and only 15 points away from the first-ranked Deportivo, if they play better in the first half of the season, they can hit the league championship. not impossible...

Tristan also performed well after Jose took over. After scoring only five goals in the first half, he scored 15 goals like a convulsion in the second half, beating Raul and Crewe with 20 league goals. Yvette, Mendieta, Rivaldo, Morientes and other famous players ranked sixth in the La Liga scorer list. In front of him were the local striker Salva of Santander who scored 27 goals. Atletico Madrid striker Hasselbaink of the Netherlands scored 25 goals, Malaga striker Brazilian Catania scored 24 goals, Deportivo Dutch striker scored 22 goals Ma Kai and the Zaragoza striker Milosevic, who scored 21 goals, have achieved such results in their first La Liga appearance. No wonder many people think that he will be a part of the Spanish national team. The most brilliant top scorer, it is said that the national team coach Camacho has planned to replace Morientes, who is in poor form in the league, with this center forward and bring him to the European Championship...

Eto'o scored seven goals in the second half of the game, and he performed well. More importantly than scoring goals, his presence gave Mallorca more means of scoring.

Ibagaza contributed three goals and eight assists in the second half of the season, and Stankovic also performed well.

As for the captain Ngonga, he showed his style in the second half of the season. As the core of Mallorca's midfielder, his performance can be said to have returned to the level of last season. On the other hand, he has completely controlled the rhythm!

And the defense line, which is basically composed of old guys, also performed extremely well in the second half of the season. With almost full attendance, they played at a top level in every game. The biggest contributor to the comeback!

Speaking of which, Mallorca fans can't ignore a guy who is lying in bed—after that game, the Mallorca fans celebrating on the spot, under the command of the on-site commentator, shouted "Hey!" Cy's name, I wish him a speedy recovery and continue to lead Mallorca forward!

This very touching scene made Jose in front of the TV feel like crying—his achievements in the past half season are also worthy of this commemoration.

Before Jose's surgery, disbanded Mallorca players came to see him one after another, and Eto'o was no exception.

"Head, I'm leaving." Eto'o said to Jose, sitting in front of Jose's bed.

"Well, the loan period is over, you are now part of Real Madrid again." Jose said with a smile: "How is it, have you lived well in Mallorca for the past half season?"

"Very happy." Eto'o simply replied that he was a little embarrassed to look at Jose, because he did not plan to stay in Mallorca, but hoped to return to Real Madrid, because the leather who brought him from Africa to Spain Li called him before and said that his performance in the past half of the season was very good, and he will definitely recommend him to head coach Bosque next season so that he can get more playing opportunities next season.

In a wealthy team like Real Madrid, even as a main substitute, he can get more than a dozen appearances in a season, which is much better than playing the main force in a mid-range team like Mallorca!

What's more, it was Real Madrid who brought him from poor Africa to Spain and freed him from poverty. From this point of view, Real Madrid's kindness to him is much greater than Mallorca.

Jose naturally knew what Eto'o was thinking, and he didn't expect to recover the Cameroon cheetah in just half a season. He also knew in his heart that Eto'o would not have many opportunities in Real Madrid. Why? What happened in history is true, so is it false?

Jose doesn't know why Eto'o always has no chance to succeed in Real Madrid, but he just needs to know the result-that is, Eto'o and Real Madrid are incompatible, and he is destined to become a Mallorca man...

"Go back to Real Madrid and work hard! Unfortunately, I can't decide who to sign at the club, but if there is a chance that I can sign you and you are not happy at Real Madrid, welcome to Mallorca. Because, I I will use you." Jose said to Eto'o with a smile.

Eto'o looked at Jose gratefully and nodded vigorously.

After Eto'o was sent away, Jose had nothing to do, and the time for his surgery came quietly.

On the day of the operation, many Mallorca fans spontaneously came to pray for Jose near the hospital. Although they knew it was only a small operation, it represented their heart.

Similarly, many reporters came to find news, but Perissas commanded the hospital security guards to stop them outside the hospital. The reason is very simple - in the hospital, patients cannot be disturbed.

Obviously, Perissas is an expert in sports injuries. Under his auspices, the operation went smoothly. When Jose woke up, Perissas told him that the operation was quite successful. Next, as long as he rests and recuperates according to the method he said, after a few months, he will be able to be alive and kicking like before.

However, Perissas also told him that his body seems to be seldom exercising now, which needs attention. Long-term monotonous paperwork and inattentive exercise can easily cause his body to collapse.

Jose is a little strange about this, because he had good physical fitness before and often participated in sports, but after thinking about it, he was relieved—since he started to study coaching courses five years ago, because he knew that he There are not many cheating methods, so Jose studied very hard, especially when he was learning theoretical knowledge in the first three years, he wasted exercise. Although he trained players on the sidelines of the training field in the past two years, he did not conduct systematic training on himself. In the past six months, I have often done paperwork and worked very hard, and my body has gradually deteriorated. However, Perissas also told him that he is still young after all, only 26 years old. As long as he recovers After the physical condition, if you insist on exercising and maintaining necessary activities every day, your physical fitness will slowly return—after all, he is not yet thirty years old, and there is still a possibility of recovery.

People's health depends on talent before the age of thirty, and it depends on maintenance after the age of thirty.

Jose can still listen to these words. After all, he is still young, and he doesn't want his body to collapse like that. You must know that there is still such a bright future waiting for him...

Knowing that Jose's operation went well, but after a few months of recuperation, Mallorca fans felt relieved and began to think, who will lead Mallorca next season as the head coach? Should the assistant coach Natal lead the team for a period of time and wait for Jose to fully recover before returning to coach, or should another head coach be found?

The Mallorca fans naturally hope that Jose will continue to coach. After all, he is only resting in bed. For team building and so on, Jose can give instructions when he is ill, and he does not need to do it himself.

Others, however, have a different opinion.

At the general meeting of shareholders in Mallorca, Juan Asensio tended to let Natal make a transition and continue coaching after Jose recovered. His previous personal relationship with Jose made him inclined to this point. However, Grande, the second largest shareholder, strongly opposed this, but he did not object directly, but put on a look of concern for Jose's body, and did not want him to be more tired during the recuperation process as an excuse. At the same time, he said Mallorca still needs to compete in the Champions League next season, so they have to prepare early, and they can't rely on Jose alone.

Grande's reasons are also quite good. Juan's reputation is not enough, and it is difficult to persuade Grande. In the end, Alemani quelled the dispute. He said that his son is not willing to occupy the latrine and not shit, and he is not willing to command remotely. Before the club, he was just an acting head coach. If there was no injury, he might continue to coach, but now his body does not allow it...

Seeing that Alemani said that as Jose's father, Juan had no excuses, so he agreed to the proposal of Grande and Alemani-if his father was here, it would definitely be passed. The power of speech in his hand suppressed the voices of opposition, but the young Juan still lacked some energy in this regard...