
I am in the PJ universe now!

Aiden died and was reincarnated into the world of Naruto. After defeating Kaguya and achieving the peak that is possible in that world, he is in dire need of a vacation. Follow Aiden as he hops into the world of Percy Jackson and witnesses everything since the beginning of time.

Raj_Chatterpaji · Livros e literatura
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10 Chs

Off to PJ universe and meeting the woman

In a world where technology keeps advancing by the passing decades, the humans that inhabit this world are unaware of its true history.

Standing atop Mt Everest is a man with a regal demeanor. His black yukata fluttering about in the cold winds with his Muramasa strapped on his waist, we see Aiden Uchiha taking in the view of this world for the last time.

"Man, it has been around 2000 years since I died back in my original world and reincarnated into the Shinobi world. I have got it all. Power and Immortality. I have also developed my version of Haoshoku Haki and named it God's will so that's cool."

As Aiden falls into a serene mood, he couldn't help but reminisce about all his adventures and misfortunes. He left it all behind him after a few centuries but he could never forget his first and only crush Tsunade Senju. But things didn't work out between them because of their clan disparities and when he did gain all the power in the world, he didn't feel like it again.

After the age of Shinobi, Aiden made sure to extract chakra from all living humans and make sure that humans will never be able to use chakra ever again. He doesn't want another world war.

Aiden also destroyed any records related to the Age of Shinobi, monuments were razed to the ground. It's better this way.

Aiden stayed this long just to make sure that he didn't screw up and now its job well done.

"Well, now that I have completed my job here, it's time to leave. I can't say that I am gonna miss this world but it did have its moments" mused Aiden.

Without turning back, Aiden used KAMUI to enter the void and exit into the world of Percy Jackson.

As Aiden stepped out of the void, he was greeted with nothingness. Nothing. There is nothing. What the hell!! Is hell even there?! Aiden had an incredulous expression on his face. He was never greeted with nothingness. He just kept roaming around in here for who knows how long.

As he was getting really bored, he heard a really sweet voice call out to him

"You are really bored aren't you."

Aiden whipped his head so hard that he had to set it straight to meet his company.

As he was set, he laid his eyes upon the most gorgeous woman he has ever seen.

Hair as dark as the void with clothes that compliment her hourglass figure. Her dark eyebrows contrasted really well with her white skin with a tint of pink. As he gazed into her eyes, he could see everything. Literally everything. The universes, the galaxies, and their end. With her kissable full pink lips and her melodious voice, Aiden started feeling something he has never felt in his 2040 years of life.

With Aiden in his own wonderland, the woman in front had to snap her fingers in front of him to get his attention. As he broke out of his stupor, he displayed his Shikamaru level IQ;

"Uh... hi?"

'WHAT THE **** is wrong with me. You defeated Kaguya for Kami's sake and now you do not know how to speak to an SSSSS+ grade woman??..... well that sounds about right.'

"Pffft~ hahaha~ seriously, hi?"

Aiden's face turned red from embarrassment but he replied nonetheless,

"For the first time in my life, I have seen a woman as beautiful and divine as you"

Aiden put his whole heart into his reply that the woman turned red from his compliment.

"T-Thanks for the compliment" the woman replied with her face still flushed. "My name is Chaos, May I know who you are?"

Aiden was stunned when he heard this. 'She's Chaos, like THE Chaos!! What are the chances? I am in front of the creator of this reality'

"Well hello, Chaos, nice to meet you. My name is Aiden" he replied in a gentlemanly fashion by kissing the back of her hand.

Chaos giggled. "It's nice to meet you too Aiden. How did you get here? I am the only living being in this plane"

'Sure enough, she has not yet created anything. It's better that I tell her that I am a dimension hopper, but will take the reincarnation secret to my immortal grave'

"I am indeed not from around here. I come from another dimension where humans thrive and move forward. They live their limited life with and without regrets and continue in the cycle of birth and rebirth"

Chaos raised her eyebrow in interest and excitement plastered all over her face.

After one session of me telling her everything from my previous world, she told me about how her life was, living here in nothing and not having any inspiration to create or talk to somebody really bummed her out.

So I did the very thing that any man would do when they meet an extremely beautiful girl;

I held her hand, got down on my knees, gazed straight into her eyes, and popped the question.

"Chaos, will you marry me?"

Hello, my dear readers,

This is just the first chapter. The story will get better as it moves on. Aiden only has his version of Haoshoku Haki, no other Haki's will be possible.

Happy Reading!!!

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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