
Chapter 3: Prologue (3)

"is he really dead? the fact that he is still standing even his heart was stab by his Holy sword, there's no mistake! he's truly a monster! and one thing that bothered me the most is that, he died while smiling!"

"you're right Princess Mekel, it bothered me too, but for me I think he became insane after you stab him princess Mekel, and for the fact that he's still standing, without a doubt he is a man with honor, but one thing that I don't understand before I kill the demon lord is that, why the Demon Lord tried to warn him about us?, If I were late a single second back then, I don't know what will happen to us"

"you did a good job at that time Uzmas! and if not for you to kill the demon lord before he say something to our Hero, I think we will die before achieving our goal to kill him, and as for the demon lord to try to warn the hero, is truly a bad moment to us"

"but I don't understand why did the demon lord Cain tried to warn him?"

"Listen Uzmas! he just want to see the Hero face that will soon field with despair if he will know what is really the truth, he's truly a scum indeed, and if will that happen the world might be destroyed, I admit the Hero is strong, he is strong enough to shake the whole world, because He is the strongest hero in history after all, and for the demon lord to tried to warn him was good decision for the demon lord and his tribe, luckily you kill him before saying anything, anyway Good job Uzmas"

" No, it's nothing princess Mekel, I am just doing my job, for I am just your knight " ( so that's the reason huh, now it makes sense )

" yeah! anyway our job here is done, Kale!! is your magic ready? "

" Y-yes my princess!! "

" Good! erase all the evidence in this area and be careful that someone might discover the truth and also add something interesting on it "

" S-something interesting!!? "

" well, Just add some evidence that our Hero Jetrin 'shamelessly' died before meeting the Demon lord Cain, as for his body, Just erase all evidence that we killed him and when you are finish, Give it to Uzmas to carry his body, and as for me, I will hold the head of the demon lord until we arrive in our Kingdom and when we arrive, we will share to the whole world that I Mekel von de august!! Killed the demon Lord Cain! "

"Yes my princess"

"As you wish! princess Mekel"


(where am I ? it's so dark I can't even see the light, There's nothing in this place, it's just a complete emptiness, just where the hell is this! I still remember that we're just chatting earlier, Akanna! everyone! just where the hell are they!? r-right! I was stab by that bitch and...a-and...wait, did I just died?)

[ you are not dead yet ]

"W-what? who are you!? show yourself!" ( what a strange deep loud voice he had, it give a shock, and what do you mean I am not dead yet )

[ Do not worry for I will not harm you nor will I trick you, for I am the one who offered you a help, and for the fact that you're not dead is because I just transported your soul in this place before you died ]

"Y-you!!! what happen to them!! tell me what happen to Akanna and to my comrades!? I don't care if you transport me in this place! I care about my comrades before me" ( I don't want to lost them again )

[ you don't need to know for you have no rights to know ]

"Have no rights!? are you crazy! We are a comrades for life and death and you telling me right now that I have no rights!? bastard!!"

[ You need to calm yourself Jetrin, for I just accept their request to help you, and as for them, you don't need to know it, for there's a time to explain everything and a time to know everything, but don't worry for their lives are meant for their own purpose, as I meet and exchange words to them, I was move by their emotions of love for you, and I was able to see their will power, just to convince me to help you, you are really a Lucky person to meet them who cared you so much and love you as much as they give you their magic power, for you to have a great comrades and a great family, you are really a lucky person Jetrin ]

The hero Jetrin was stunned by his word and realize the hardship of his comrades just to convince him, he remember their faces and remember their words,

(Do not worry Jetrin for we will be there in your heart)

that was the last words he remembered before coming here, He knew that this is not the right time to be angry like this, for him to be angry like this was a rude behavior to his comrades who just went through hardship just to save him, later he calm his head and said.

"O-of course they are great!! they are like a family to me! no, they're a Family to me! we laughed and we cried and sometimes we fight at each other, like a family!, and those time were the best, I am really glad I meet them! and did you know? when I first meet Akanna who is a beautiful and prideful women, the first thing that I recieve is her heavy punch, and later at that day I meet Ganzo who is super small dwarf but best at making legendary weapons, and then after 2days I meet Akkeles who's a pervert fairy guy who gives blessings only to a girls, then I meet Baboon who's a coward giant guy but super strong, he can even use a tower as his weapon, that time I laugh so hard!! and also our great alchemist Sadara a elf Girl who's only love Girls, and sometimes Akkeles and Sadara were fighting about their types of woman, who's beautiful or not, sigh* to think I was glad remembering those time, what a weird memories and yet those memories are more than a jewels to me, they are so precious, But then... oneday I lost everything, I lost them, my Friends, my family I lost them all, I am too weak to accept the fact that I am weak, so I blame everything to the demon lord, I train and train hard just to kill him! I just blaming someone just to remove this feeling of guilt within my heart, but one thing that I don't know is that they were killed by someone I use to trust, those traitor bastard !! I'm just a weak and idiot person this whole time! I swear I will kill them all !, so this time I want to protect someone precious to me and bring peace to this world!! and if I were get a news about them that you harass or erase their souls, then I will not make a single thoughts to find and kill you!"

[ Do not worry for I am Good person, a good person will not harm or bully a weak creature like you, anyway we had a long chat and able to share our emotions, I think it's time for you to know what will gonna happen to you right now ]

"R-right, so what's the deal?" ( so he admit, he is strong and stronger than me, just who the hell is he?)

[ You don't need to be nervous, as I said before, I am not gonna harm you nor will I trick you, for I am a Good person ]

" for someone to take their comrades souls, I still can't trust you "

[ Trust can't be obtain by force, Indeed the word 'trust' still hard for me to understand, so I had no choice but to understand you Jetrin, anyway, back to my offer, I will give you a chance to change your life, right here and right now, but in exchange, I will barrow your memories, do not worry for I will return it and the right time and right a place, and if you can't trust me then form a contract with me ]

The Hero Jetrin was confuse because the offer was not explain clearly, a contract must be 50/50 as he wants to question it more, but when he wants to ask him, he stop and said

" I still can't trust you! I don't know where is this place and I don't know your face also I don't know who you are ,I can't trust you yet, but If I were to question you more, I know I will never understand everything and if that will happen it will create a doubt in my heart and the more I doubt the more I lost my path, So right now I decided to take a gamble, I know it's a gamble were I don't know if I gain or lost, but I somehow I know it's Good!! because it's my comrades souls! I am sure of it that's a Good and if not then I will kill! so make it sure that's a good offer you had, anyway right now I decided I will never need to know it more! and take a gumble, I will accept it! "

[ you are indeed a strange guy Jetrin, for you to take a gumble were you don't know what's my offer, indeed a strange guy, and for you to make this kind of decision, then I have to time to explain and I will quickly help you for your soul are disappearing right now ]

When the hero Jetrin heard that, he quickly look at his body, and realize that part of his body was gone.

"w-what? I didn't notice at all"

And when he was worrying about his missing part of his body, The Unknown Existent begin chanting.

[ Rule of space and time within the dark heaven and the light hell, show me the revelation of the beginning and the end, Open the new world and bring back the old world, bring this man as new as the sand and bring back his soul to his first step to his ground ]

His word was loud and clear, and it's loud that you can hear it even you are in the 2nd mountain, after finishing his chanting , The hero Jetrin realize something and said.

"w-what the hell? why I can't move"

[ Jetrin from the planet Flamagust , any last word to say? ]

"H-huh? ahh right! by the way what is your nam-"

[ Good bye ]

the Hero Jetrin was gone and nowhere to be found.

[ Do not worry for you will achieve your wish as long as you don't lost your path, Jetrin from the planet Flamagust ]

At that day the Hero Jetrin meet the unknown existent and take a gumble with him, a gumble were he can't predict, and that gumble change his everything.

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