
I am Absolute

This fanfic is absolutely for fun, also I am an absolute beginner when it comes to writing, do expect a lot of grammar mistakes and spelling, If you see one, tell me and I'm going to correct it. Oh, and I'm going to add crossover anime characters from popular animes and they may or may not have a big role in the future so if you don't like those kinds of fanfic this is not for you. Also, This fanfic will be a slow pace compared to any Classroom of the elite fanfics out there. So, please keep that in mind. Synopsis: Adam is an "ordinary" young man who loves nothing but games and anime. Especially the anime called classroom of the elite. He loves the philosophy of the school of anime where the students compete with each other for a greater future. And now having a deal with the devil. he was given a chance to reborn in that world and compete with the original characters but with a cost. I don't own any of the characters in this fanfic other than the MC. all credits to their respective creators.

Reincarnator113 · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
24 Chs

Kakeru Ryuen

(Adam's POV)

"You of people said that? you've been trying to make friends since day one," Suzune said.

"I won't deny that, however, you and I are similar. I wasn't able to make friends until I came to this school. In junior high, I never interact with my classmates. I was always alone," Kiyotaka said.

Kushida and her classmates were surprised about what Kiyotaka said. Even I would be surprised if I didn't know his past. I must say, he is good at manipulating others.

"I think that was the reason why I was able to talk to you normally," He continued.

"Is that so? even if that were the case. I took a different way of doing things ever since I was in kindergarten. You wanted friends but couldn't make any, but I consider friends unnecessary. We are completely different from each other. You say we are the same, but you are incorrect. Am I wrong?" Suzune said.

'She's been like that ever since she was in kindergarten? That surprised me a little. To think she was like that, I respect her for that.' I thought to myself.

I keep on watching them talk back and forth. It's quite entertaining actually.

"Can I go now?" she asked.

She then sighed deeply and looked straight into Kikyo's eyes.

"Kushida-san, if you don't try to force me into anything, I won't be rude. I promise. You're not stupid, so you understand what I'm telling you, right?" Suzune said.

"You guys stay here, I'm going to check the situation," I said to my group, which they nodded.

I grab my drink went in their direction. I decided to make a move before Suzune left the cafe. They notice me which I greeted them to announce my presence.

"Fancy seeing you two here, Ayanokoji-kun, Horikita-san," I said.

"Are you also a part of this?" Suzune asked.

"Hmm? a part of what?" I asked while acting dumb.

The acting skills that I learn from the white room come in handy in situations like this. She observed my facial expressions to find any hints that may express my true thoughts. But her efforts are futile.

"I don't mind being stared at by a beautiful woman, but it's kinda embarrassing," I said, teasing her a bit.

She looks away with a small blush. Shocking both Kiyotaka and Kikyo in the process. This also is quite a surprise for me. I didn't think she will be embarrassed about this easily. Did anything change I wonder? anyway, the atmosphere becomes awkward.

"Eto... What are you doing here, Kirusu-kun?" Kiyotaka asked. Temporary removing the awkward atmosphere.

"Oh, I just want to check things out if you guys have any problems that may need help. You guys gather quite the attention,"

Kiyotaka, Kikyo, and Suzune gaining her composure look around the cafe. And just like I mentioned, all eyes are on us. I'm pretty sure they are aware from the very beginning. I just put their attention from me to their surroundings.

"Ehem, anyway, I'm going now," Suzune said, walking towards the entrance of the cafe.

But before she could touch the handle, the door suddenly opens. Stopping her from tracts.

The one who entered is a young man of average height with shoulder-length magenta hair, he has a sharp magenta eye that could strike fear in anyone who stared at them, Kakeru Ryuen. He is the class representative of Class 1-C. Three students followed closely behind him. Two boys and one girl.

He has a smug on his face while looking around at the cafe.

"What do we have here?" He said.

"Could you move out the way, you're blocking the exit," Suzune said without any change from her usual demeanor.

"Leaving already? the party just started," he said.

Which makes Suzune frowned.

"And who are you?" she asked with slight anger.

"Oh? you're a sassy one arent you? I like it. This is how a woman should act, Ibuki," He said to the girl behind him.

"Tsk" The girl, Ibuki, clicked her tongue in annoyance.

If my memories serve me right. Her full name is Mio Ibuki and a student of class 1-C. She has an average height with blue short hair and purple eyes. When you first saw her, she doesn't stand out in any shape or form. But she is a smart and athletic young woman. The only negative part of her personality is that she despises socializing with other students. That makes her a loner like Suzune.

"Join me in getting a coffee, my treat," Kakeru said to Suzune.

"No thank you. I'm in a hurry," She said.

"That's too bad..."

After he finished saying those words, he suddenly makes a move. He strikes Suzune by grabbing her neck between his palms. catching those who watch, caught off guard. Including the victim herself. But before it could reach her, a silhouette blocking her vision suddenly appeared before her.

"Using violence in public. You're stupider than I thought, Ryuen,"

I said to him while stopping his attacks from reaching Suzune. He was quite a bit surprised. He snaps back his hand. I let his hand go before he did that. He stared at my eyes for a while. I return the gestures, making the atmosphere around the cafe very tense.

While I was having a staring contest with Kakeru. My classmates become worried.

"Things are getting out of hand," Saeko said to the group.

"What should we do?" Rei asked worriedly.

"Don't worry, nothing serious is going to happen. I'm sure the school will interfere if things get messy," Honami said. The girls nodded at her words, and they return to observing the situation.

In the boy's group.

"What should we do?" Tetsuya asked.

"Should we go there and help?" Ryota said.

"No, although that idiot seems reckless, that guy is a smartass. He wouldn't interfere in someone's problem if he couldn't handle the consequences of his action. He won't need our help," Ryuji said. The boys were surprised at first but they nodded.

"Oh? I didn't expect that I would be popular already," Kakeru said. Breaking the tense atmosphere with sarcastic remarks.

"Just a little bit of investigating, not much," I said while shrugging.

"What's your name?" He asked.

"Sorry, I don't swing that way," I said, insulting him.

But rather than getting mad. He laughed, loudly.

"Hahahahahaha, Things are finally getting interesting. I would soon found out who you are, so prepare yourself. I'm going to crush you," He said.

"I will be waiting..." I said to him.

He gives me one last look before he and his classmates decided to leave the cafe. I stared at them for a while before I noticed that the cafe still have an awkward atmosphere.

"Ehem, I'm sorry for the commotion that all you witness. Please return to what you were doing before," I said to the surrounding staff and students.

They noticed that they been staring for quite a while. So they return to their business. And with that, the cafe returns to the relaxing atmosphere. With the problem being solved, I return my gaze to the students of class 1-D.

"Are you okay?" I asked Suzune.

"Yes, I'm okay. But you didn't have to interfere. I could have protected myself," she said.

"I know, but my body suddenly moves on its own. So it's not my fault," I shrug.

"Whatever, I'm leaving,"

With those words, she finally able to leave without someone interfering her.

"What about you two?" I asked Kiyotaka and Kikyo who was silent the entire time.

"Oh, I'm also leaving since there nothing for me to do here. What about you Kushida-san?" Kiyotaka said.

"Me? I'm going to wait for my friends to finish their drinks. Why don't you join us Ayanokoji-kun?" she asked.

"Um, no need. I have something to do anyway. Thanks for the invite," He said.

I looked at Kikyo and acted like I forgot something.

"Oh, yeah. I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Adam Kirusu from class 1-B. What's your name, young lady?" I teased.

"Hehe, I'm Kikyo Kushida from class 1-D. Nice to meet you, Kirusu-kun," she said while returning to her usual bubbly and bright persona.

"You guys have fun. I'm going to go back to my table," I said while looking in the direction of my classmates.

When I turn to face them. I saw that they are already ready to leave and go. They are probably waiting for me to finish my business here.

"Sorry for making you guys wait," I apologize with a smile.

"It's okay, we should head back," Rei said.

"Hm, alright. Let go,"

After that, we decided to head to the dorms. On the way home, Ryuji and I stay in the far back of the group. He and I talk for a while.

"Did you predict all of that to happen?" He asked.

"Huh? what do you mean?" I said.

"The fact that you pick that cafe, which is usually popular for girls, and all the things that happen earlier. I don't think there is any reason for you to exactly pick that place,"

"What are you talking about. There is no way for me to predict all of that. Even if I did. Why would I pick such a troublesome cafe? I just want to treat you guys in a peaceful environment without any trouble," I said.

"Sigh, I guess so. But still, what sup with that guy?" He said.

"Who? oh. Do you mean the guy that I met earlier at the entrance? That guy is Kakeru Ryuen. According to the info I collect about him. He's the type of guy to use violence to solve his problems. Also, He uses fear to control his classmates to do his bidding,"

"What? Isn't that guy dangerous?"

"Apparently so," I said

"And you just shrug his violence like nothing. I don't know if proud that your my friend or should I be worried about that guy messing with you,"

"Why not both?" I said while smiling.

"That's true,"

"Hey, you two love birds! We will leave you behind if you guys keep on flirting,"

We were interrupted by Tetsuya's shout.

"What did you say?! Don't let me catch you or I will give you a beating,"

Before I could do anything. Ryuji runs in the direction of Tetsuya. Chasing him to the dorms. We could only laugh at their antics. We follow them behind and before we know it. We already in the dorms.

"Fuck, I'm beat," Ryuji said.

"No shit, you guys chase each other like a bunch of maniacs," I said while laughing.

I give him a drink to cool him down.

"Thanks," He gulps down the black coffee I gave him.

"So bitter. Why would you give me a coffee after all the cardio I did." He said.

"If you don't want it, give it to that guy," I said while pointing at Tetsuya who is laying and dying of exhaustion in the ground.

"Yeah, no. He deserves that," He said while smirking.

"What about the others?" He asked.

"They already went to their room, since watching you two idiots running already made them tired," I said.

He was speechless.

"Anyway, I'm going to my room. After you guys have done taking rest go to your room take a shower. You stink," I said while ignoring the deadpan gaze I received.

After all of that, the moment I open the door to my room and reach my bed. I dive in and immediately fall asleep.

I don't why I'm so tired today. All I know is that sleep is all I need right now.


I'm very sorry that I wasn't able to post a chapter for almost 2 weeks. I'm busy with all the projects I need to submit. As an apology, I will make my chapter from now on to be at least 2000 words at most. I will try my best to do at least 3-4 chapters per week. Anyway I hope you guys enjoy this chapter.

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