
"Hello Mr Kazama. How are you?

"Hello Mr Kazama. How are you?"

Inside a room in the Osaka city hospital, a Masked man said to Mr Kazama. It was a warm day with a nice breeze and people laughing and smiling with each other.

"Just like yesterday, Orion-kun. How are you? You look prepared... to do something?"

Mr Kazama said to the masked stranger that had came to his hospital room with a big bag on his back and a delivery box in his hand.

It had been the second day that he met the masked stranger and he didn't know why the stranger wanted to talk with him. At first he was scared, scared of the possibility that the stranger wanted his daughter. He had faced many lusty men like him.

In reality, that possibility had been ruined the day before on its own.

Now Mr Kazama was not sure of the purpose of the stranger. In his impression, the stranger was a rich man with a nice tone of humour and cooked really well.

'He would be a nice house husband, should I...'

Mr Kazama lost in the thoughts of how to persuade her daughter. She was a really stubborn girl to begin with along with the fact that she was hot-headed seventeen year old young girl. Except the girly part was missing. Feminine side that is. Not her organs.

A good natured and calm house husband would be a good match for his daughter as regarding his daughter, she definitely wasn't going to get a good man with her tomboyish, nosy behaviour.

"I am also good, better than yesterday. I was going to ask this from you yesterday but your daughter came and then I didn't have the chance to ask."

Mr Kazama was woken from his thoughts by the words of the stranger. He thought that the question of the marriage and dowry was coming. He was mentally prepared to reject the stranger now and then accept him later. This was the line and sink method of fishing.

[B-kun: Are you a maiden in love old man?]

"So I wanted to ask–"

"Sorry to disappoint you Orion-kun but she is still too young!"

"– what happened to the Kazama family and. Jun Kazama?"

Mr Kazama in his excitement and enthusiasm blurted what was in his mind to the stranger Orion-kun.

It took a few seconds for Mr Kazama to adjust to the information that stranger Orion said.



Mr Kazama was so baffled by the situation that he was not able to think straight. If he was just comically in fear before then he was experiencing real fear right now.

No one who came to ask about the Kazama family and her came with good intentions. No one.

Suddenly, the pleasing stranger Orion-kun looked not so pleasing anymore. The food that he ate the day before felt no longer that tasty and the thoughts he had about his daughter was already shredded to pieces.

Mr Kazama looked at Orion. He looked at those purple eyes of his. He felt like he was in a trance; as if he was surrounded by flames, as if all around him were the corpses of people, be it young or old, male or female and all of them had the expressions of deep pain and fear in their dead soulless eyes.

Mr Kazama's breathing got a little uneven. His back was drenched with cold sweat, so were his palms. Drops of fine beads of sweat could also be seen on his forehead.

"W-who, who are y-you? What is it that you want? I, I-I don't know anything about them. I have already cut ties with them and now I am living here with my daughter."

The stranger Orion-kun was calmy looking at Mr Kazama from the beginning to end. He had already put the backpack and delivery box beside him and was sitting on the small stool that was provided by the hospital.

The whole world seemed to be reflected in those purple eyes of his. The reflection looked as if the world was burning in purple flames.

The weather had changed from the hot sunny day to a cloudy day. The hot and arid sun was hidden behind the white and fluffy clouds. Clouds that were turning darker as moments passed.

All the people, be it students or working adults, food carts or small shops, everyone prepared for the rain. Convenience store employees started to fill the rack with new umbrellas and raincoats while others were filling the food compartments with hot and soupy ready to make foods packets that were liked by the people in the rainy weather.

The small food shops and all the other establishment all got rain-ready. They must have a lot of experience regarding uneven weather and tsunamis.

It was in the months of mid summer and rainstorms were common yet Mr Kazama felt a chill on his back.

"The weather's quite nice today, I like it."

Orion commented at the sight of the dark clouds and people's reactions towards it.

"So as I was asking, what happened to the Kazama family and why did Jun Kazama lived alone in Yakushima with her child? I need answers and you have to give it to me."

Orion said with his clear purple eyes that seemed to change between light and darkness.

Mr Kazama didn't reply. He was still struggling to come with a response.

"I mean no harm. I just need it for something important and for personal reasons as well. Well, would you help me after seeing this?"

Orion said to him. Mr Kazama was still unable to say anything and just nodded. He had promised someone once and he will not break it.

In the meantime, Orion completed the set up of an HD quality streaming device or in simple terms, smart TV. He inputted a small pen drive in the smart TV and went to select a file called Tekken.

The Stranger Orion-kun said in his ever-present pleasing voice. Mr Kazama felt excited for no apparent reason but he chose to ignore it.

"So let's start from the beginning of this saga."


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