
I Am a Protegenitor Vampire

A teenage high school boy was preparing for an important exam that would define his future. when he was about to take the exam an unfortunate event causes his death. But due to an interference he is thrown into a completely different world where he would not be a human. He would be something superior to the human race, he will be a Vampire! but not any Vampire he would be the Progenitor of an entire race. He accompanies him on his adventures as he learns and delves deeper into his new abilities as well as a support system similar to the system of an old game. All while you begin to strengthen and create armies together with a great Nation.

RedNovel · Fantasia
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34 Chs

Battle against the Goblin King


Name: Unnamed

Race: Goblin King

Gender: Male

Mana Core Cultivation: Rank 1 (High Stage)

Vitality: 955/955

Mana: 200/200

Strength: 200

Dexterity: 187

Magic: 47




[Raise Morale]


[Sword Art]


As he expected his abilities are insane and plus that absurd amount of vitality, plus his strength.

If a single hit hits me squarely I'll be in serious trouble.


The huge three-meter tall goblin, covered in a large and heavy metal armor, let out a roar which shook the cave.

This roar was the beginning of the combat between the two.

The goblin king is the first to make the move on him.

Despite his large size and armor his speed is incredibly high, so much so that he jumps to the side.

Shock! Crack!

What the hell!

Right in the place where he was a few moments ago there was a big hole in the ground which was the product of a goblin attack.

This is not good.

I quickly summoned several knives which the goblin threw towards him, to my disbelief my knives could not penetrate his tough skin.

The goblin king turned his head towards my direction while giving a foul smile then raised his greatsword above his head.

I could see how a yellowish aura began to emerge from the greatsword which became black with this aura.


I felt like something impacted my body.

Taking a better look at my chest there was a diagonal line which began to bleed deeply.

What happened?

He's confused but then the realization hit me like a train.

This monster is not normal, it has intelligence, although there is baga!

Realizing this revelation I start to sweat from nervousness so my immortal body ability starts to close the wound.

Looking up, he noticed how the Goblin King's sword was halfway down.


A second before the impact, I jumped to the other side, successfully escaping the attack.

Again the cave trembled from the impact and another egg was formed.

This guy's strength was one which far surpasses me.


When I was thinking I can see how the Goblin King gave a Psycho smile and then put pressure on his legs, using the ground as a catapult.

I couldn't dodge the attack, it wouldn't be fast enough so all I can do is block as much damage as possible.

Shock! Flash!

The world is upside down?

No wait, I'm the one who's inverted.

I felt my body crash against the hard wall, reducing my HP by 150 which left me at about 588 HP from consecutive damage.

...I need to attack and strategize, this guy outmatches me by a full range.

Making a decision activate three skills consecutively.

[Note: You want to activate the following abilities: Mana Control, Vampire Aura, Blood Control.]


Giving the affirmation all three abilities were activated at once.

With Mana Control I will strengthen my body, with Vampire aura I will sharpen my senses and finally with Blood Control I will cause damage consecutively.

Maintaining these three skills takes 20 Mana every 10 seconds which leaves me around 5-7 minutes max.

I must defeat him in that time.


The goblin king lets out a thunderous cry.

At this I make a face.

The goblin king lunged at me again to cut me with his sword but this time he was ready.

This time my opponent's movements I could see and keep up with.

He moved his sword vertically, but anticipating this I put myself in his personal space while generating a spear made of blood.

metallic noise!

Both weapons collided with each other generating a small cloud of smoke.

We both exerted force but neither backed down.

The first to break this competition was me.

Stopping exerting force I move to the side letting the goblin king break his center of balance.

He went long trying to avoid his fall but this was the moment he was waiting for.

Giving a jump I place myself on his back while with overwhelming force I plunge my spear into the uniom between the neck and the left torso being an area that was not being protected.

The goblin king roared in anger and will go to feel pain but I don't care.

I kept driving the spear in as deep as I could.

After a few seconds, the goblin king moved his body abruptly, causing him to have to jump a few meters back.

Due to this, the spear had completely disappeared, leaving in its place a wound which causes severe bleeding.

With anger visible on his face the great goblin began to throw fits of rage.

His attacks were chaotic and erratic but still moral.

It was really difficult to keep up with the battle now.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Shock! Shock!

The Goblin King's greatsword began to swing back and forth while hitting everything in its path.

The rocky ground, the stalagmites, even the walls were all battered by the goblin king.

Among this barrage of blows was me who was dodging those attacks by the hair.

even in his angry state the goblin king ruled that she was his enemy.

That was close.

I dodged a diagonal slash by ducking but then I had to jump backwards to avoid a straight line slash down.

After moving away a bit I catch some of my breath while my heart was pumping rapidly.

My eyes and senses were attentive to any movement of this goblin king.


Another roar came from his mouth.

This repeated the same action attacking left and right.

Take this!

Using my Mana I guided him towards my arms where I landed a full blow to his head causing his back to double over from the force.

Not finishing there I turn the bell Asia in front impacting a kick to the chest of the armor.



The ground shook for a few seconds.

Without giving him time to react, he began to launch blow after blow to the chest of the armor which was buoyed after each impact.

Since my speed was greater than his, I could attack faster and faster.

The goblin king felt pain from those blows which impacted his stomach.

He used his left hand to impact his palm against the body of his enemy who used his arms to cover himself.


My body was thrown back asia sliding a few meters.

This must have reduced his vitality quite a bit.


Name: Unnamed

Race: Goblin King

Gender: Male

Mana Core Cultivation: Rank 1 (High Stage)

Vitality: 600/955

Mana: 102/200

Strength: 200

Dexterity: 187

Magic: 47


After all those attacks I only reduced about 355 points of his total vitality.

This thing is a complete beast.

The worst thing is that my mana is being consumed quickly. I only have about 300 mana left.

[The racing thinking skill Lv:2 Increases to racing thinking Lv:3]

Listening to that I feel like my environment is slower.

Just in time System!

Thanking the system I see how the Goblin King had stood up ready to attack with everything.

Although this time his armor was severely damaged from my previous attacks.

Looking at his state again I open my eyes to what I saw.

[Berserker Mode: Increases your abilities twice for a set period of time. Cost consumes your rationality]


I swallowed nervously.

If what that skill said was true, I'm screwed.

If before his strength was 200 now it should be...400 and his Dexterity 307.



I felt my body being pierced by a two meter long sword.


I spit out a mouthful of blood from my mouth while feeling indescribable pain from being pierced by a sword including my stomach and organs.

I felt tired and lethargic.

The goblin moved his sword causing me more pain and damage.

My Vitality from before 500 was now down to 341 and falling.

I was tired and sore but I realize something.

Berserker's ability was gone.

What happened?

[Answer. The use time of the Berserker skill is 30 seconds, when that time expires it leaves the user in a weakened state]

Damn I'm so lucky today!

Thinking about that, he summoned several blood knives to which I introduced more Mana and blood, making them sharper and thicker.

Court! Court! Court! Court! Court!

The goblin king dropped his sword as he brought his hand to his neck, holding on to himself.

From his exposed thick neck were 5 blood daggers which were in his throat causing him to start choking on his own blood.

Heh... take that bastard!

I laughed as I coughed up blood from my mouth.

My vitality was now around 240 and falling.

My immortal body skill used all the calories to regenerate the wound on my chest leaving the other wounds open and spouting blood.

Not everything is on my side though as the bastard managed to pull out his daggers while roaring in fury.


It was all I could think while I was grabbed by both hands of the huge goblin next to that I felt my body being crushed slowly and painfully.