
I am a legend

What awaits in the road ahead, I do not know, but surely something that has nothing to do with peace, goodness, or justice -- John Farrell Sitting in a large chair covered with a leopard-skin blanket, I drank red wine slowly, letting the hot liquor warm my chest and relax my tired body. Shoulder gentle press, can relax my tight muscles, I looked behind the moon sakura, after many years, this from childhood to take care of my sister's wife, massage technology or as good as I was a child, but also to me back with a gentle smile. Not only the moon cherry...... I glanced at the many women in the room, they are doing their own things, peaceful and carefree appearance of happiness, it is hard to believe that we have gone through so much ups and downs. Fox ears long tail half beast beauty, sitting on a rattan chair to take a nap, open half of the book, placed on her full chest, people can not be attracted by the towering sexy curve. The fairy girl with pointed ears and blue eyes, holding a fine needle in her hand, made embroideries one by one, and occasionally rubbed her tired eyes. The horn-haired dragon lady, polishing her sword with cotton cloth, would occasionally cast her eyes on the cradle opposite her, and on the old enemy beside it. Next to the cradle, a young girl with huge breasts, holding a short blade, is always guarding the name of me and her most beloved person in the cradle. On the luxurious carpet embroidered with the pattern of a hundred phoenixes, a pair of angels with folded wings whisper, their looks and bodies are identical, but their reactions when they are indulged in happiness are completely different. ... I looked around the room again, at them, at the others, and quickly glanced at some of the names already inscribed on the memorials. When I met my wives, they gave me a nod, a smile, a glance, and a little red lips, an undisguised hint of flirtation. My stories with them are enough to fill dozens of thick books. There are childhood sweethearts, mutual support in adversity, bitter resentment and deep love. The love story between my wives and me, like my martial arts, covers most parts of the earth and is still talked about by people there today.

bing_bai · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
70 Chs

Chapter 52

Hearing that we had obtained sufficient evidence, A Wu and I marched into Ciji Shan Tang with our troops and searched everything inside. We successfully found the transaction books, which proved that the criminal syndicate headed by Bai Shuqing secretly engaged in human trafficking under the cover of Shan Tang.

This is a very good move, because in Narnia, no one cares about the life and death of a group of foreign beings. Who knows what became of those orcs and elves who entered the Good Tang?

Neighboring residents hate their own home next to open this kind of thing, has long been dissatisfied in the heart, this was a witch sweep success, can be said to be a big happy heart, every family came out to cheer for the governor, will ride through a witch and I, as a great hero for the people.

The soldiers who knew the inside were ashamed, because they surrounded the good hall for the same purpose as the officer. When A Wu raped Bai Shuqing, they probably pulled out the beautiful girls in the Good Hall and gang-raped them at will. Poor me, at that time, but with Jessie at the bottom of the cliff, they were enjoying me in the tired, I really do not know why?

Thanks to this incident, John Farrell's reputation, which was already at the bottom of the cliff, has risen again. Umu and I waved frantically as we greeted the cheers in the street, oblivious to how we would have handled the scandal had we not discovered the secret in time.

On the surface, that was all that was going on, but the real truth was being forced down by Umu and I.


However, the conspiracy carried out in this good Hall is not trafficking in human beings, because the so-called account book only records where a group of new people were transported from a certain month and date, but there is no record of their sale. In other words, every refugee who entered the Good Hall has never left. Since it was not a trade, why did it absorb such a large number of refugees of all races? There is only one answer: the study of living beings, the most taboo of the dark arts.

Among the books I searched in Bai Shuqing's room, I found some records sealed by magic. Using some of the techniques in the Bloodmare Secret, I tried to read out some of the words and found that the Good Hall was studying an incredible technology: body fusion.

Technically, the science is similar to the technique I used to transform Gladys into a Dragon warrior, but its ultimate goal is to transform living things into other creatures with the same strengths. When humans merge with elves, they live longer and become powerful sorcerers with both creative and magical skills. If you combine elves with orcs, you will become a super soldier with high magic and great power. If you combine all three races...

The hybrid method does not work, except with humans, there is no known success of two races of marriage, but even human and other races of mixed birth of half-elves, half-orcs, there is a problem in reproduction, as good as Gladys case, can be said to be a thousand.

But the technology developed in this record... Ehhh! The technology in development, however, uses advanced dark magic to force the fusion of two different races of creatures to produce a new being with a new personality. It's a fantasy, but if it works, it would be a revolutionary feat.

And looking at this record in my hand, I can't help but worry. The seal on this is very strong, it seems that there is always a fifth, sixth seal, I was with the blood nightmare secret record record, to peek, under normal circumstances, I am afraid to return to the king of the magic academy, there are masters can unlock. In short, this seal is by no means Bai Shuqing can exert, if she has this power, the whole Nalivia can not be her opponent, and how will be a witch alive rape and murder?

If there is another person under the seal...

When I told Wu about my concerns, he immediately agreed to burn Shentang to the ground and suppress all information. In fact, behind such a profound study, there must be a huge organization, perhaps the magic Academy in China. In order to avoid revealing the secret that should not be revealed and being silenced, A Wu and I decided to keep it quiet.

That night, I went back to see Jess. Having suffered the tragic death of an elder whom I admired, and having heard that the good church of her faith was an evil organization, she was obviously devastated and remained in my room, unable to leave.

Open the door, the girl is sitting on the edge of the bed, drooping head, hair scattered, red eyes, telling the fact that she has just cried.

"Jess, are you all right?"

"Prefect! At the sound of my voice, Jessie looked up suddenly. "Isn't Jessie stupid? Was I really that wrong about what I believed?"

The glistening look in the girl's eyes was so serious that I stifled my breath and muttered, "Things in the world are always difficult to say, good people and bad people... It is difficult to tell them apart." Don't you see that I, sitting next to you right now, am a great adulterer with a hidden agenda? !

Looking down just through the gap in Jessie's breast pocket, the two tender white blobs, constricted by the tightness of her dress, make her half-bowl-shaped breasts flaring and rounding, and from this Angle, the tender white cleavage tights and loosens, opening and closing, which is very attractive.

"The Good Church is ruined. I -- I don't know who I am. Governor, what am I going to do?"

The girl's eyes were pitiful, and my heart was doubtful. Yes, it is! What should I do after that? Jessie has nowhere else to go. She can't be left running around with such a big, dangerous bomb. Let's give her a chance to remember.

I sent her to the kitchen to get some food and get the record back from Wu to try to find out more. A few moments later, there was a strange noise outside the door. I thought it was Jessie coming back to answer the door, but then there was a crash and a fluffy white tail burst through the door and wrapped itself around my neck.

A flash of a figure threw me to the ground, the strong smell of fox in my nose, and when I looked I was scared out of my skin.

It was a dead fox, Mrs. Bai Shuqing!

"You? You're not..."

When Bai Shuqing, who should have died, was riding on me, a very bad feeling came over me. Just as I tried to push her over, my hands and feet were entangled in her tail and I could not move. But she had a bushy tail in my face, and one was wrapped around my neck.

The fox with six tails!!

The Fox is a very rare breed among Orcs. Unlike the rest of the Orcs, who remain immune to magic for the rest of their lives, when the Vixen grows a third tail over the years, she can practice magic like the elves.

But those who have a little knowledge of the Fox clan know that they are measured by the number of tails they have. Generally speaking, a fox clan with three or four tails has attained the rank of "spirit fox," while a fox with six tails has attained the rank of "demonic fox," and it is said that when the demonic fox goes higher, it becomes a sky fox with nine tails.

The power possessed by the demon fox has reached 500,000, which is far worse than that of the top master, of course, but it is a piece of cake to kill me.

Now that her fox's tail was wrapped around my neck, was she going to kill me at once?

"Lord Farrell, how much you have done to my wife this time?" "Said the fox beauty, smiling as she sat on me, but there was no smile in the eyes of the creatures whose eyes had turned into fox eyes. "Hiss hiss" a few sound, she has torn all my clothes, and I also found at this time, originally from the door she has only covered the body with a fox tail, in fact, she has been naked.

"Madam laughed, you and I used to have no hatred, no hatred recently, how can I harm you?"

"This time, you broke in at the critical moment when my concubine was practicing, arrested me, tossed me to death, and could only escape by pretending to be dead. This is still no grudge or hatred?"

Gently lift the body and sit down, Bai Shuqing suddenly swallowed my meat stem length, and then she began to twist the body. The woman's body seemed to be a mill, which wrapped the meat stem and turned slowly, and a wonderful feeling immediately came from the tip of the meat stem. I couldn't help but give a few cold shots, and within a minute of merging with the fox, I was launched inside her.

The 膣 wall of the demon fox still tightly wrapped the stem wriggle, almost instantly, my already atrophied stem heaved up again.

My brain is telling me: This is not good! Definitely not good. But my body was already heaving involuntarily upward, and soon I felt that I was about to have another cold war. Something this woman had just said rang in my head.

The reason why she obediently surrendered was because A Wu broke in at the "critical moment of practicing kung fu". So, what kind of kung was she practicing?

"You... You... What do you practice?" My voice trembled when I asked, but I got the answer I most feared.

"Yin and Yang of heaven and earth meet with great sorrow."

I nearly fainted with fear. In the past, I have heard that there are four most powerful methods of collecting and supplementation, including the "Great sorrow Fu" of the Fox nationality. It is said that this strange art is extremely overbearing cultivation. As long as you have sex with the opposite sex, you must kill it before you give up, otherwise you will immediately be attacked.