
I am a legend

What awaits in the road ahead, I do not know, but surely something that has nothing to do with peace, goodness, or justice -- John Farrell Sitting in a large chair covered with a leopard-skin blanket, I drank red wine slowly, letting the hot liquor warm my chest and relax my tired body. Shoulder gentle press, can relax my tight muscles, I looked behind the moon sakura, after many years, this from childhood to take care of my sister's wife, massage technology or as good as I was a child, but also to me back with a gentle smile. Not only the moon cherry...... I glanced at the many women in the room, they are doing their own things, peaceful and carefree appearance of happiness, it is hard to believe that we have gone through so much ups and downs. Fox ears long tail half beast beauty, sitting on a rattan chair to take a nap, open half of the book, placed on her full chest, people can not be attracted by the towering sexy curve. The fairy girl with pointed ears and blue eyes, holding a fine needle in her hand, made embroideries one by one, and occasionally rubbed her tired eyes. The horn-haired dragon lady, polishing her sword with cotton cloth, would occasionally cast her eyes on the cradle opposite her, and on the old enemy beside it. Next to the cradle, a young girl with huge breasts, holding a short blade, is always guarding the name of me and her most beloved person in the cradle. On the luxurious carpet embroidered with the pattern of a hundred phoenixes, a pair of angels with folded wings whisper, their looks and bodies are identical, but their reactions when they are indulged in happiness are completely different. ... I looked around the room again, at them, at the others, and quickly glanced at some of the names already inscribed on the memorials. When I met my wives, they gave me a nod, a smile, a glance, and a little red lips, an undisguised hint of flirtation. My stories with them are enough to fill dozens of thick books. There are childhood sweethearts, mutual support in adversity, bitter resentment and deep love. The love story between my wives and me, like my martial arts, covers most parts of the earth and is still talked about by people there today.

bing_bai · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
70 Chs

Chapter 32

Looking at her beautiful face, I almost couldn't control myself, and said the truth of "I want to fuck you". I tried to bear it in my busy life, and planned to say something that would ease her guard and obediently follow me. When I came close, Jess suddenly screamed and turned to run.

Aych! How sad that I should forget that my face is bruised and swollen, the pit is very scary, and the dirty thoughts in my heart are all written on my face, and no wonder people run away when they see it. On the other hand, if the night before yesterday, when I shared happiness with the dragon girl sister, also showed such an expression, she would not directly kill me and run away with the money?

The rare bait flew, I should have chased out, but I heard the noise outside, and suddenly remembered that there were still those pirates on the island, I had no defense at this moment, but I could not confront them directly, and then I found a position in the cave to hide.

God was kind to me. The robbers seemed to be afraid of the devil of water and fire, and did not dare to rush in. But the bitch ran away in a hurry and made a loud noise, which led everyone to the past. When the noise faded away, I was relieved and emerged.

The island is only a small one, and with all the pirates searching for it, they're sure to find Jess. I wonder if these pirates will be able to break the Goddess Charm, but if they can't, the Goddess will probably have a couple of blooms on her ass tonight.

It's none of my business. I'll focus my energies on the remains of the water-fire-demon. This dead beast has nearly disfigured me, and now it is my turn to make you look worse than you are.

In addition to being regarded as a sacred product of many martial dragon inside Dan, water fire devil Jiao sun moon only pupil, diamond sharp Angle, are rare treasures, the rest like a hard skin, dragon teeth, are also the black market let people deal with a lot of high-priced items.

This trip is due to the blessing of Jaycey, although there is a gap between the strength of the water Fire demon Jiao and the orthodox dragon, but Jaycey can kill him with her own strength, and I am afraid that her spiritual power is not under the five strongest in the world. Fortunately, this bitch and the Water Fire demon Jiao are both defeated, which is cheaper than Lao Zi.

I dissected the water-fire-demon Jiao according to the records of the Bloodmare Mystery. Although I had the sharpness of the ghost pill, it still took a lot of effort and also required a risk. Creatures such as the dragon, who contain deadly poison in their bodies, must be especially careful when dissecting. If anything goes wrong, the result will be no different from bathing in strong acid, and the consequences... Needless to say, I suppose.

"Hey! Here it is, at last."

When Baighost pill will water fire demon Jiao's head cut open, I wish to see the legend of dragon Dan. It is a group of fist size amber gelatine, I used to hear elders say, before the death of the dragon will be a flesh and blood essence condensed in the brain, become dragon Dan, also known as the dragon soul, is the most precious thing in the dragon body. Although the water Fire demon Jiao is not as good as some dragons with high intelligence and can chant incantions, it has been a bit vicious and cruel, and now it is worth the hard work to get its inner Dan in the hand.

It is already quite late, so it is not a problem to seize the time to escape, but looking at this beast who has ruined me, I am always unwilling to leave like this, and my stomach is hungry. It is also good to make this thing into a pot of dragon meat hot pot... Aaah! Not enough tools at hand to make fire-roasted dragon meat...

Which parts are the most economical to roast anyway? Heheh! That, of course, is the most useful part!

"Bull's whip, tiger's whip, deer's whip, elephant's whip, even the orc Whip has tasted it, and don't know what dragon's whip tastes like?" Mumbling, I cut off the target part with a hundred ghost pill and began to fire a barbecue.

"La la la ~ Mayflower is a big restaurant, the girl inside is really not bad..." Humming the song, I in the cave to enjoy the fire roast dragon meat. Although the taste was not very good, it was probably the most expensive meal I had ever eaten, in terms of the cost of the ingredients.

According to legend, every part of the dragon's body has a great role to play, so whether it is the sorcerer or the warrior, in various adventure stories, the main characters are scrambling to slay the dragon, hoping to get some benefit. However, the dragon is the strongest race in the world! Except for the gods in the sky and the advanced demons under the nine deep, no creature can compete with the dragon. A young boy who has just come out of the gate and wants to kill a dragon is more dangerous than stripping naked and jumping into a pool of sulfuric acid.

Huh? Wait... There is nothing wrong with the dragon whip, but in this way, isn't it equivalent to Laozi and I sucking cock for the water fire demon dumpling? So, when I eat the bull whip, it is equivalent to...)

A horrible thought flashed through my mind, and I froze for a moment, looking at the meat in my hand, feeling very strange.

When I was full, I remembered that there might be some gold and silver in the pockets of the dead bodies nearby, and I was just about to get up when a sharp pain came from my lower abdomen. At first it was just like a mosquito bite, but the pain grew and spread like a ripple made by a stone falling into the water, and soon it spread all over my body. It felt like hell.

The story of the legend flashed through my mind, and one thought came to me.

Aargh! Don't... Am I going to be a dragon knight? But I didn't eat the spirit of the dragon?

This doubt soon after the answer, I held the stomach, ran to the corner of the cave, vomited on the leak also with farting, fully made nearly half an hour, the body water was almost clean, the whole person did not collapse dizzy.

(Original... Turns out it's not to become a dragon knight, it's to eat bad food to diarrhea, so unfair...)

Later I learned that although many parts of the dragon's body can be eaten, they are highly toxic and must be treated in special ways. This is why in some mythical dragon meat dishes, the ingredients must be boiled and sun-dried in advance, or buried in the ground for the second half of the year to remove the toxins. As I did, it was good luck to cook the meat without being killed by poison.

(This lesson proves one thing, gay people will be punished by God, I just suck two bites and become this end... Ouch! That ass really hurts...)

Under the final revenge of the water-fire demon dumpling, I pulled in the cave for half an hour, and finally got up feebly, with physical and mental consumption almost equal to that of being raped by a hundred pounds of fat woman ten times in a row, only panting my eyes straight, my ass aching, dragging bags of booty, and rolling along the way to the shore.

Fortunately, the pirates had not found the ships that had come here before, so I unhitched a small boat from above and sailed away in it.

Returning to the harbour, I chose a quiet spot to land, and then set the boat free. The chief goddess of the Cihang Sanskrit had disappeared, and I did not want to cause myself any trouble if I could be sure that no one would find out.

I took some fine pieces of gold and silver from Jessie's attendants and hurried back, remembering that Cuicalyx had left the whore in the inn.

'What? People are missing. What's this about? ' When I heard that Cuicalyx was gone, I was surprised. I grabbed the innkeeper by the collar and shouted urgently. The owner of the inn hurriedly explained that when the news came back that I had led five hundred soldiers to sea and all had been destroyed at the hands of the "Red Flame" thieves, the two soldiers who had been ordered to stay here and guard Cuicalyx had a different heart. They did not even pay for their meals and ran away furiously.

What a bastard, in a critical moment to sell Lao Zi down worth worth, even the old shoes of Lao Zi also took away, this is not clearly want me to look good? Fuck, don't leave them in my hands in the future, or your whole family will be damned.

There was nothing to be done. We had to get out of here, of course, but there was a little trouble.

"You can't leave like that, waiter, your companion hasn't paid yet."

"What is the use of asking my companion if he has not yet paid?" I sneer: "Have not seen my face a pus a scar, believe it or not I infect some strange disease to you." Since ancient times, these strange diseases are the most intimidating to male animals, and sure enough, my words just finished, he let the way, it is really good!

Though he was not cornered... In fact, it is! After His Majesty's orders, and without finding the treasure, to have all his men dead and wounded is a vexing thing to pursue. In that case, I could not stay here. I had to find a place to stay until I had cleared up my poisons.

Go to the abnormal father is of course an idea, but he is responsible for the garrison of the "third new Tokyo" fortress, it is not a good place, to there all day to see cold-blooded dad and his logistics chief aunt Luoko ogling, weird feeling is really let me fed up... Don't ask me why the fortress on the western border is called "Third New Tokyo". When I was a child, I asked my father's old friend the same question, and the answer was "You have a father named Gendo."

In any case, it was not easy to find a place where I could eat and drink for free, so I had to go north to Nalivia, the largest port in the Kingdom of Alibuda, and seek refuge with my good friend Aru.

Back then, I, Ba closed, a witch, three righteousness knot Jinlan, in the size of the king's prostitute house played numerous fierce campaigns, called yellow three stars, when it is really eight faces, and then a witch home to find a relationship, he was transferred to Nalivia to be a small officer, heard that it is good, go to see him should be no problem.

With my gold and silver to buy the ferry ticket, I went to the port of Nalivia by sea, according to the prescription of the dragon girl sister before departure, bought all the materials in the herb shop, decocted and took it along the way, in just a few days, the toxins in the body had been removed, and the bruises on the skin had disappeared. When I opened the bandage, although it was impossible to be more handsome than before, my skin was whiter. I was whiter than I had ever been.

The loot from the cramp and skin of the water-fire demon Jiao is not only valuable, but if it is properly combined with some magic, it can create a powerful weapon that is rare in the world, but I did not think of what to do for a moment, so I had to put it in the cabin.