
Chapter 13

Daniel was injured , he hadn't raptured any organs thankfully, or else it would have been sure death. He might be a genius at surgery but he couldn't perform deep operations on himself.

As Time continued to pass Daniel begun experimenting with the spark within him. At its birth , it has saved him from two causes of death instantly. He didn't know for sure if what was above him was heavenly tribulation that occured in xianxia novels. But he was certain he'd die if lightning struck him. And unlike in movies one can't see a lightnings path . Lightning was instantaneous . Unless one was close to the speed of light , one couldn't hope to dodge.

Luckily or unluckily Daniels spark couldn't shatter space.rather it acclimated him to space and gave him a deep sense of awareness of it just like his energy awareness. But more than his energy awareness it also gave him some form of control over the void!

It wasn't fine control though , he hypothesized that had anyone else got his spark , which was impossible/ an impossiblity. They would be stuck with using it on instinct with no controls. No they might not even realize they had it .

Daniel was truly a unique existence . He might not be the only one with the genius manifestation, but he might be the only one who used it the way he was doing.

Daniel put all his focus onto the spark . He called it "his impossiblity " his impossiblity was still mutating with the higher grade energy. It's initial scope of utilization was that of sudden spacial expansion and folding.

The higher grade energy tried and was succeeding at making this better. But Daniel upon realizing the potential that could possibly be wasted put his heart and mind into molding the impossiblity into a greater impossiblity!

Heavenly stikes from above ? That be damned . If he was going to be smite to death by lightning he needed no inhibitions into commiting more taboos .

It was then that Daniel saw how similar he was to some protagonists that he hated . It made him cringe , but he refocused on

What was before him .

Using his advantages . His awareness of being. His affinity for energy understanding. And his genius mind that found connections when it was almost impossible to find one,

Daniel came up with a framework.

His spark was an impossiblity. Impossiblities went against all rules of the natural world, there was no logical reasoning to their operation . His impossiblity had started consuming energy to solidify its position, and he'd supplied it high grade energy. The heavenly punishment clouds had formed , and as a last ditch effort to save himself, he was provoking it more by trying to turn his impossiblity into an even bigger impossiblity.

If he successfully mutated his impossiblity, he believed he'd gain access to a more versatile spacial energy manipulation. Then and only then he'd create a funnel above his head and feed his impossiblity lightening strikes!

Pure madness. None of this was logical! All of it was sudden and bizarre . Daniel didn't even know if it'd work. He had no working theory , and was only drawing inspiration from similar phenomena .

Daniel had made plans for his future progression, and this wasn't one of those plans. But this had just put something totally incredible in his hands. Even though it didn't achieve his goal, or perfectly line up with his martial arts and body enhancement plan it could be a trump card that could be used in case an opponent far past his tolerance level appeared.

But Daniels whole mind went to the process.

The dark ominous clouds saturated so densely nothing, not even light should be able to piece through. But the lightening dancing within still peered through occasionally.

Daniel felt it when the time came .

' it's going to strike me now !'

Daniel opened his mouth as wide as he could . He could have chosen not to , and try to absorb the energy to his spark through his body . He expected there to be benefits to approaching it that way.

But he did not do so . His body was thoroughly battered and beaten. His injuries were so bad he should have collapsed.

He couldn't risk any more than he already had.

He wasnt invincible. But he'd been acting like it. His character flaws were damning him , he was aware of it but had no will to change them. If anything, they are what let him emulate being human.

Had he had the will to be perfect, his genius would have made it possible. He'd more and more begin to resemble an AI system than a functional human with thoughts and feelings.

Though his character flaws also became worse as he now emulated an insane person. A brute whose entire purpose was to fight with his body.

Son the clouds rumbled and a sound of thunder shock the surrounding areas .

At this point all had been made aware of the events in occurrence.jay and Eric were too far back to make it in time , but other humans in the commercial district were close enough.

From afar they witnessed how thick dark heavy clouds spun right atop a single battered and beaten down human .they had gathered right after hearing the tallest buildings walls break , and the crash down of the single human .

Some witnessed the blue bug leap from the sixteenth floor aiming at the human only to turn tail and ran when the clouds formed.

And now they watched as Daniel opened his mouth wide up facing the ominous clouds.

What they couldn't precieve though was the spacial funnel that was atop his mouth , making sure to guide the lightening strikes

Daniel had suffered to make this spacial funnel . His impossiblity wasn't supposed to be this powerful !

It was relatively new and unused . But Daniel was utilizing his fast adaptability and learning with all his might and willfulness. As the seconds passed his control got more and more proficient.

If he had to compare difficulty in control, he'd saw it was one thousand times more difficult to do than learning how to shot projectiles with his bare hands. And now picture an Average human learning to shot leaves like bullets in a morning.

Something that struck Daniel in his core understanding of his impossiblity was that it really didn't rely on the continued supply of energy to maintain it's effect. Unlike in stories he'd read or posts like Jay's he'd seen whose effects depended on their focus and energy , the effects of his impossiblity was like a natural law of the world.

Its like the funnel atop his mouth. Novel dictates that once he made it , he had to continue focusing to maintain the effects.

Impossible dictates that the spacial funnel is a logical and natural effect of the surrounding environment! Once he let go of his control, the funnel would still remain , and unless he undid it, it would remain that way , until an external force disturbed it again.

This was ground breaking!

But the lightening strikes didn't let Daniel get carried away.


The clouds sounded after the bright white streak of lightning stuck Daniel from above.

Daniels eyes widened as he was shook. The lightning had almost breached the funnel ! That wasn't supposed to be possible !

From his own understanding , his funnel was like ... How to explain it .....

If a ball was thrown right now, it'd fall down . But if it was thrown down above the funnel, it would fall in the path directed by the funnel.

It wasn't a hard shield , but a bend in the void. A human looked upright, but if one walked through the path of the funnel , thed become wiggly looking.

So how the lightning almost evaded the path it was directed was a mystery, a dire and serious one.

But Daniel also saw the effect of the lightening stike . And he understood. The lightning was what the spark needed. There were a series of events occuring that were bizarre.

When his impossiblity was realized it would need energy , enough to push him into a comma. But Daniel rejected that death sentence and swallowed high grade energy.

It was a stable clean and potent energy that could support the functioning of a town , and he'd force feed his spark two! This caused the universe to retaliate. It sent down its judgement in the form of a lightening stike, but Daniel had utilized his impossiblity so well for such a newly formed spark that he not only survived, but feed his spark on the lightning punishment!

This punishment lightning not only helped his spark assimilate the higher grade energies faster , but tempered his spark , causing faster destruction and reconstruction.

This in turn decreased the thousand fold difficulty to versatily utilize his impossiblity to just a hundred fold.

The universe seemed to have understood this and became enraged at his disrespect.

The dark clouds expanded by two and another thundering roar resounded . An even larger strike had come, but Daniel had been prepared ten times more reinforcement went into the original spacial funnel, and ten more funnels were formed. Daniel was getting better and better at controlling the impossiblity he achieved at a thousand fold . When it's difficulty reduced he all of a sudden became even more adept !

At the beginning Daniel would have been scared that he was advancing too fast too soon . After all the Apocalypse just started.

But not now. So what if the apocalypse just started ? He was 100% sure now that there were more civilizations out there ! What technology or power did they have?.was he even sure that after this ordeal he might be stronger than them , no the immediate consequence was , was he sure he could live !

The lightning strike again almost breached the funnel! This showed that not only him , but the universe was also improving its self !

The lightning strike was absorbed by his spark , no , now it had become a fame . Not only did it double the speed of absorbsion, and provide more energy, it decreased difficulty of versatile manipulation from a hundred fold to ten fold .

And he was using learning projectile of leaves as his bench mark.

Daniel not only referenced multiple engineering knowledge he had accumulated from his many years of study , but also from many fields of study.

Layer upon layer of spacial folds were formed . Daniels attunement to space exceed that of energy at this point. Everything around him was in perception, a 1 mile radius of almost the same Omni presence as Eric . Though a lesser version as he came to understand.

The universe got even agrirer and called down ten times more power in its strike . And this wasn't on the first strike , but on the doubled second! That was around 20 times more power than the first strike!


The thunderous melody erupted after a bolt of lightning faster than before, approaching light speed and thicker than before , as big as a basket ball diameter bombarded Daniel

*Cough* Daniel coughed out black blood . His defenses had been breached! This time he experienced electrocution by lightning. Though miniscule as he'd long suspected the third strick to be more than the previous two.

His impossiblity finally devoured the high grade energy and lightning energy to completion. Not only that , but the difficulty in versatily went down by several tiers that it became second nature to Daniel. It even felt like if he didn't actively watch himself he might inexplicably do some spacial shenanigans without knowing when or how he did them. But he was a genius , it'd all come under control soon enough.

At this point the universe just gave up . Who knew if reality might end up creating a god when it tried killing a mortal !

But before the attention of reality left, it sent a small gift as congratulations for a mortal surviving it's wrath.

Daniel felt his injuries all heal , and physically a bit more stronger than before.

The events that transpired were too nonsensical. But life was like that . You made plans only for you to realize life had other plans for you. Daniel was satisfied with what he'd achieved today.

He undid all the spacial changes he'd made in the surrounding areas , and he found Jay and Eric watching from the distance through his spacial perseption.

Jay seemed worried , terribly worried .

Eric just had a deep frown on his face .not at disapproval, but at an incredulity at what exactly happened. It seemed he wasn't aware such things were possible.

Daniel actually thought that he was a unique occurrence. No one's spark was supposed to bring the burnt of reality. The possibility of having a flicker come pass you by was one in a thousand. The probability you caught on to it was one in a billion , the probability you formed a spark was one in a quintillion. Daniel was rating these based on how difficult he'd accessed each step.

Also probably having prior knowledge about impossiblities would remove some barriers.

Daniel still remembers that something is wrong with a certain captain Hudd , and his assailant still roamed free .

At this point killing it would hardly cost him anything. But Daniel was still going to defeat it with his body and martial arts if they ever crossed paths again. So before that time came he must strengthen his body . His martial arts already surpassed what was within the realms of normal , it was left with his body to catch up.

thank you all my readers for reading.

thank you Kqro

thank you fierce_tora_tigre

thank you kingGenovaGodfrey

see you all soon

DaoistNiicreators' thoughts
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