

I am too strong is there anything fun? I am bored but what is this, Dying is not even possible! and now I am a helpless baby, I hope i am weak now, but what is this power again. I can kill my enemy or even God with a snap of my finger, treasures and Rare Weapons are all in my hands, Women and Kings are all under my control now. But I will live a leisure life not showing off. But do not provoke me as I might accidentally destroy you with your surroundings without bits to see anymore. special tag:no ntr, always over kill, poor Acting weak skill, A mix of pure eastern and Western culture

Vena_Ralte · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
40 Chs

Chapter 29.Personal revenge

Hmm..the city sure was full of buzzing people like a bunch of bees a minute ago.

Now It is completely destroyed, I don't put myself as the good giy this time because , I killed a lot of people who does nothing to me.

But a great king's spirit who has slaughtered a city more than his own number of age remains.

Smiling like a beast, I look towards them.

The city lord who has lost everything was in deep thought and is going through a heavy stress at the same time.

Seeing that no words is goin to be fun with him, I killed him instantly.

But the guard who stabbed me, seeing what I did took the initiative to run.

With a loud rumble he was flatten to the ground, with his heavy training made him withstand the power.

But It was not enought to deal with me and my precious, yet, cruel method of torture.

Healing him everytime he was close to death from the 50 dagger which was stabbing him, as the wound on his flesh healed another batch of dagger penetrate his body again.

His arduous scream was terrifying for a normal folk, but was somewhat a music to my cruel ears.

And lastly the Prince, "You are the prince of the kingdom from the north side right, even your father dare not to butt in when I killed his SS ranker, yet you dare to put me in your little plan, hoe brave of you,

remember this, If you dare to stand in my way again, I will kill your whole nation, understand".

The Prince shocked in fear was anxious yet, was relieved because I spared his life.

The scream from the man who stab me has ended and died, I could not torture him anymore because, I only do healing but not reviving.

The Prince fled the place quickly, although he has no choice but to walk in the monster habitate of the forest to get to this kingdom Castle or any of his palace.

While the air was filled with silent, I remembered that there was still a huge man besides me.

Quickly apologizing for the fact that, I might have killed off all his parents who resides in the city.

But he was only a slave, to be sold off in the merchant maket as a portar or any of his master wishes.

Him being a slave was rid of his name so, I named him Portar to remember easily just by looking at him.

He is a giant from an extinct giant family high in the mountains, but they were massacred after they revealed their location after saving a human soldier.

The soldier they save was a general and is also the one who led the army to massacre the giant as they were a threat to the Kingdom's peace.

After the massacre was done, three young ones were able to fled the village just to be caught again by some slave dealer.

Potar even request me to find his other siblings so that they could be useful for me because they have their own strength not just in their physical form but in magic too.

Considering the fact, this type of Giant were no in my soldier nor in my slave in the past, maybe they got massacred and sold as slave as it goes bit this time they fell into muly hands so even though their strength is not what I need.

I need their extraordinary species for a collection.

After considering his words, I called upon the dragon girl, and ordered her to aid in finding the Giant siblings.

And now everything is done, I need to go to other city to take a task in the adventurer guilds.

Such a drag this has become, I accidentally destroyed a city, I need to keepy power in checked sometime or else a worse outcome than now is possible.

What if out of anger I destroyed the continent , how will I spend my life?

Being too strong is really scary, having this in mind, I set off towards another city.

The city was not named except for the fact that It was called the city of adventurer.

Which might also be why it was not given a proper name.

The city unlike other city was brooming with full of illeterate people wearing thick and fade clothing made of sheep and wolf skin.

Nearly everyone was wearing weapon either in their waist or their back, Houses were build using mud and rough rugged stones, while some are build using raw log from exterior to interior.

But the most interesting thing about this city is that no purchased was not done using gold, insted it used the barter system of exchange, where the two group has to offer what they have to take what another group have offer.

It does not have to equal in value, It just have to suite the taste of either one of the two side.

Treasure to buy treasure, this sure is a strange city, where not much of a government influence was seen.

Because the government dare not to change it existing way, to a whole new system but to do it slowly and unnoticeably as possible.

As I walks through the crowed city where they bet their treasure for another treasure I could not find where rhe adventurer guild was located.

While standing profuciously, I saw this little girl with a very broad sword at her back.

If I am not wrong she was surely a wolf kin due to her ears,

I ask her the direction of the adventurer guild but this little girl held her hands out looking at my eyes.

She seems to want a compensation first for guiding me towards the guild station.

Smiling awkwardly at the girl, "I will give you alot of food and treasures If you guides me towards the guild",I exclaimed, while I handed her a piece of meat.

After I gave her the food, her face brightens up and smiled,'oh that smile was very cute, this little girl wearing a cheap and ragged cloths witha broad sword at her back, with her dirty face and fluffy years smiling at me'.

What a cute and pitiful girl.

As she guides me towards the guild, she wrapped the food I gave her although I know she was hungry just from the looks.

But it was not something I should mind, As we reach the guild, I gave her a huge barbecued Boar meat and a shiny little earing in her ears.

She left happily after saying her thanks and rushed away immediately.

As I entered the Guild It was big and also the most well build house in the entire city.

Although it was still made of smooth and paved stone and are imbued together using magic.

Taking the only task which require a herbs for a medicine, I left immediately.

sorry for the inconvenience while you read,

Thanks for reading the chapter

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