
I accidentally married a seductress

"I love you" Selena uttered the words like she had been holding them back for a while now. "And I'm not saying this because I can't live without you" Selena added as she matched his gaze, tears roling down her cheek. "I can, but I don't want to".

Felicity_Uhomonye · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
62 Chs


While the man had a grin on his face, Damien just stared at him with a blank expression, he knew this man too well to fall for his tricks. 

"The girl is in the next building, although we suspect that there's someone with her since we saw another car parked at the side" The man said as he walked away from Damien and then pointed to the building.

"You didn't check inside?" Damien asked. 

"Well I didn't know what we were up against, besides I thought you might want this one to yourself" The man said as he leaned on his car and brought out a cigarette. 

"You want some?" He asked as he looked at Dylan. 

Dylan looked behind to check if there was someone else but no, it was just him which meant that this Russian man was talking to him. 

"No I don't smoke" Dylan answered with a smile. 

"Vlad, Viktor, Gregor, follow him" The man commanded as he leaned on Damien's car. 

"This should be fun" Dylan said as he watched Damien and the other men move closer to the building the man pointed earlier. 

Damien moved closer to the building , he noticed the car that was parked at the side and then he asked the men to stop. He made a signal to the car and the men understood him. 

Damien could tell someone was inside that car and it was no other than Diana he had to catch her this time. The men moved closer to the car, one stayed behind with Damien while the other two walked towards the car. 

Damien looked at the building again and he felt something inside of him hurt, this building was close to the church and if he had been more reasonable then he would have checked it the first time he drove here, but he was already filled with anger and he let his emotions control him. 

Damien walked closer and placed his hands on the door, it was locked, Damien pulled again but he still couldn't open. 

"She drove off" One of the men said as e camto join them. 

"She?" Damien asked. 

"We managed to get a glimpse of her face, it was a lady" The man answered. 

Damien just gave a nod as he moved away from the door.

"Bang bang" 

Damien turned back when he heard the gun shots, he retreated his steps back to the ground to check what happened. 

"This one tried to get away" The man said as he walked closer and opens the car door, he had his gun pointed to whoever was inspire the car. "Get out slowly" The man ordered.

Dylan could only wash and then momentarily he would make eyes contact with Damien asking for an explanation. 

The lady got down from the car with her hands held up, one of the men quickly rushed towards them and searched the lady us she had any weapons, they found a gun in her pocket and so the pulled it out. 

"Hit and run?" The man asked as he pointed the gun to her head. 

"Oh I didn't hit anyone, not yet" Diana spoke as she looked at everyone then her eyes met Damien. "You are still here?" Diana asked and then an evil grin appeared on her lips as she looked at him. 

"She's got less than fifteen minutes, if you want to save her then you better get going" Diana said and the she laughed a little.

"What are you talking about?" Damien asked.

"There's a bomb in the building, well my plan was for you to step on it and then trap the both of you inside, but Selena was just too clever, my fault of course, I should have trained her less" Diana said slowly. 

Damien's eyes burned darker when he heard her mention a bomb, he quickly grabbed on of the guns from the men and then he walked away. 

"Ha ha ha" Diana laughed, this as exactly what she was aiming for, although in her plan she was not suppose to get caught but oh well, plan change. 

The man called his men to apprehend her and so they put he run cuffs and kept her inside one of their cars. 

"Selena!!!" Damien called out as he banged on the door.

"Bang bang bang bang bang bang" 

Damien continued to waste bullets on the door trying to break the lock but still the bullets didn't do a thing. The lock was still intact, Damien continued shooting again and again but still his efforts were fruitless.

"Try this" The man said as he tossed a small metal ball to Damien. 

"It's a bomb, it will cause an explosion z one that could break the locks but if there's anyone three meters behind the door then that person goes boom" The man explained. 

"She might be behind that door " Damien said as he looked at the bomb, he couldn't, the chances were high. It was very possible that Selena was standing behind that door. She could get hit and then....no Damien couldn't think about it, he had to find another way. 

Damien grabbed a gun again and then he continued shooting, this went on for five minutes and then finally he stopped but now be the had give up, he stopped because he ran out of bullets. 

"Damien the doors are bulletproof and you would know that if you were paying attention to details, you're acting irrational and I do not know you to be like this" The man said as he looked at Damien with raised brows, he had his hands folded behind him as he watched Damien. 

"Who is this lady?" the man asked, he had never seen Damien Parker like this, the man was always known for being composed but now if looked like he had lost every ounce of composure he had. 

Damien didn't say anything, he dropped the gun and then he looked at the bomb, Damien wasn't the kind of man to hope but right now that was all he could do, he had tk hope that she wasn't standing behind the door. 

"Move back" Damien said as he set the timer and then he tyre the bomb close to the door. 


The explosion was loud, loud enough to have Dylan running in with a scared look on his face but then he saw Damien standing by the side and he was relieved. 

Damien walked into the building as he uses his hands to clear the dust. 

"Selena!" Damien called again and then he saw her. 

Selena looked up and she couldn't help but smile when she saw him, her eyes were filled with tears as she looked at him.

Selena looked at the bomb again, she only had less than two minutes left because it explodes.

"I can't disarm it.... I'm trying to...but .....I don't know which wire to cut.....if I cut the wrong one then it's going to explode" Selena said as more tears rolled down her cheeks, she had been stuck here for a while now, contemplating on which wore to cut, one wrong move from her and everything blows up. 

"Hold on" Damien said as he walked closer. "It's a C4" Damien said as he looked at her and he could see the terrified look on her face. "Stay put" Damien said as he collected the knife from her and then he looked at the two wires, he knew which one he was to cut and so without wasting much time he reached his hand to cut it. 

Selena closed her eyes as she waited to hear the sound of explosion.