
Prologue II

(This chapter will be third-person)

In a normal bedroom, a 17-year-old male was with blonde hair and a fairly handsome face.

As an alarm suddenly rings.

He tries to wake up, only to fall asleep yet again. And another alarm rings.

This time, he wakes up and sighs to himself "Huu, the final day of high school."

He gets ready and goes downstairs to meet his family.

"Oscar! Congratulations on passing school" A young girl who looks 8 years old hugs him, shouting praises.

'Cute' He thinks to himself.

"Okay now, I need to eat I don't have much time left, can you let go now?" He asks still being hugged.

"Mmmm...? No. never!" She laughs as she tightens her grip on me, which is already weak.

Not wanting to hurt her, he decides to bribe her with candy.

"I'll give you a chocolate piece if you let go" he tries bribing the girl.

"Mmmm? okay, but you have to give me two!" the girl said with sparkling eyes and let go of him.

Unable to decline, he gives her two chocolate pieces, eats up, talks to his parents, and leaves for the bus.

Getting on the bus he sits down, takes out his earbuds, and starts listening to music.


Life Is Beautiful


0:20 —⦁——————————— 2:18

⤮ ⤺ | | ⤻ ⥁


Listening to music, he recalls some history lessons.

72 years ago when the dungeons appeared the world went into chaos, most countries were destroyed except the big or powerful ones, and Africa and almost half of the eastern side of Russia is now monster territories and hunters are assigned these monster territories or dungeons to stop the spread of monster, but long ago hunters were rampant with many crimes committed and even some countries were overthrown because they believed they were 'Gods' but recently with the International Hunter Police Organization which specializes in crimes committed by hunters, the hunter crime rate dropped by more than 70%.

These days scientists discovered that awakening has to do with the mana we absorb naturally and it's suspected that in the next 10 years more than 15% of the world's population will become awakened, but only about 50% will have systems.

Whilst yes, systems do exist most people have basic information systems, systems where one is just given basic information about themselves, they still have their perks like increased talent or instantaneous learning of skills or similar.

Whilst some systems give the ability to customize your reality like adding your own 'textures', removing pain, or similar, things.

One of the most sought systems begins with the level-up systems where one can increase their rank faster than people with weaker systems, or even without them, but they start very weakly, sometimes in rare cases they may be F-rank, but usually, they start as an average person.

There are quest systems that are quite self-explanatory they give rewards for tasks that you do, they are the most sought systems because there was a case of a quest that gave a pill named 'Panacea', that cured all diseases and all wounds, even regrow limbs. Sadly that pill was later on stolen.

Then the rarest of all systems is shop systems where you can trade with other worlds for items, there are currently 3 known people with them, and they are the leading figures of the political world.

Right then Oscar receives a notification and checked his phone.

"The class teacher said that after the whole main event come to class 233 to have a class party, yes food, drinks, pizza will be ordered." As he faintly smiles he starts looking for a suitable meme to send.

"Meme.gif" (I'm giving creative freedom, show me what you guys got)

He laughs to himself as he slowly arrives near the school and checks the time.


Surprised as to how early he is, he exclaims. "God damn it, I could have slept for 30 more minutes!"

Signing to himself, he decides to go to a store to buy more snacks and drinks knowing full well that those that the teacher bought will last only 20 minutes. Although it pains him to waste money on classmates he decides that for the final day of school to spend a bit of money. As he buys a couple of bags of chips, coke, and snacks, his heart starts to pain. '20 fucking dollars, Jesus Christ my classmates better become angels and don't annoy me.' knowing full well that won't happen he chuckles to himself.

Walking back to school, he slowly enters and reminisces the last couple of years that he's been here. He remembers the first year that he came here, there were recently appeared 3 S-rank dungeons and monsters roamed around, and sadly he was unable to move because of money problems.

There were about 10 students in each class, 10 total teachers, and the administrative team only consisted of the principal, the mathematics teacher, and the physics teacher.

The first year was quite scary, they had to evacuate at least 3 times a month because of monsters outbreaks, but after things started to calm down and new teachers started being hired, unlike 10 students in each class, there are now about 30 students in each class.

Coming into the classroom with a bag full of snacks he meets the class teacher.

"Heyo teacher, I brought some more snacks." he smiled as he put them on a table.

"Oscar you shouldn't have you should save money, especially for college." The teacher sighed, but his actions didn't he took the bag and started unpacking.

"We both know that the snacks you bought were going to last 20 minutes, before being devoured," he said his already prepared excuse.

"Yeah... but still you should save money when possible" Knowing full well how he will refute those words, he exclaimed.

"Yeah, but it may be my final time meeting some of the classmates, so wasting a bit of money for more fun is worth it." Trying to stay humble he refutes.


"Anyway, I'm going to the auditorium to meet the others, see you later," he says his goodbyes as he makes his way to the auditorium.

He sits down at his assigned seat and starts waiting, slowly classmates started showing up one by one, he talked with a few of them right before the event began.

The principal shows up and gives a speech.

"I am glad to see the final Classes, of Disaster graduating..." As the principal speaks, Oscar starts to daydream. (Disaster? I wonder why)

'Man would I like to awaken with unique abilities.' He thinks as he daydreams about being awakened, and having a unique ability.

Unique abilities are both genetic, personal, and environmental abilities combined, sometimes even skills, but not to be confused with combination abilities.

Genetic, Personal, and Environmental abilities are quite self-explanatory, genetic like the name implies, its abilities gained from a bloodline, like some people have improved metabolism which improves regeneration, but you have to eat more, that kind of ability would be called [Minor Regeneration], Environmental abilities are similar, but the change is that it's environmental, instead of genetic, environmental abilities stem from how you grow up or in what environment you live in, an example of this is when you live in a cold environment you gain somewhat resistance to cold, [Minor Cold Resistance]. Personal abilities are things that you learned, like mana circulation or swordsmanship, [Swordmanship LV1], unlike genetic or physique abilities, personal abilities could be upgraded, not all, but most.

Skills are abilities hunters can gain from killing monsters, there are thousands of recorded skills and a couple of categories, some of the more important categories are random, upgrade, active, and passive. Active, and passive are quite self-explanatory, random is just a skill book that can positively or negatively upgrade the body or skills, whilst the upgrade skill books only positively upgrade existing skills, but the upgrades are quite narrow.

Combination skills are abilities or skills that have a synergy that improves the existing abilities to another level, like [Energy Metabolism] and [Automatic Mana Absorption] (C-Rank or above) which when combined gives the skill [Intermediate Regeneration]. Although the abilities are combined the skills are not lost.

Unique abilities are not known much about, all that is known is that they are usually gained when awakening, but in some cases, can be combined with many abilities to make a unique skill. Although not much is known about them, they are highly sought out for being overpowered.

As the event comes to the end, Oscar snaps out of his daydream. and heads to the class to celebrate graduating with his classmates.

'Awakening huh? Although I would like being awakened it would be quite messy...' thinking to himself he spots a group of classmates talking about games and goes to talk to them.

As he's talking to some classmates he pales.

[Awakening initiating...]

[System activating...]

"What... The... Fuck..."


Sorry for the huge information dump quite new to this writing, thing. Please do let me know if I make any mistakes so I could increase the reading quality.

[Energy Metabolism] - A skill that allows one to use mana for the regeneration of cells.

[Automatic Mana Absorption] - A needed skill for all mana users, that allows the automatic absorption of mana.

-A Certain Nobody

Writing is harder than I thought. :c

IGNS_STcreators' thoughts
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