
The Heaven's Wrath

Up on the hot air balloons, a certain Captain smirked playfully. 

"Operation: Hell commencing! All units lock on targeted regions!! What is our goal? To create diversions!"

The air force units began locking on their targeted zones scattered about the massive palace. 

And those below were stunned the moment they got a glimpse of the skies. 


A man with a bloodied sword stabbed and pushed his opponent aside after getting a glimpse of the strange phenomena above. 

"What are those? Round birds floating above?" He couldn't help murmuring to himself. 

But he wasn't the only one. 

Many went into vigilance mode, seeing the strange round birds high up in the air, flying at the same spot, no longer moving from where they stood. 

This... This... Wasn't this already too bizarre?

4 other T.O.E.P members were also keeping a wary watch amidst the vast crowds outdoors... Though they didn't overthink it. 

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