
A fuzzy dream


I just woke up from a pretty weird dream it started like another me with my son in a mall exploring. When I saw two faces from my past. I was living with my mom it seemed but she got angry and left me and my son at the mall. Then I saw my roommate in the same bar/ arcade.it looked really cool inside neon was everywhere even in what they drank. But i couldn't be their I had to look for niece I had been searching for hours but no luck. Some how I ended up back at the bar and my son was gone I tried asking where he was all I was told was that he never existed. But they held up a baby not a new born but not a year old maybe a dew months after it had been born. They said that their was a cavern. A cavern the no body had ever survived, they said the if I can save the baby they'll let me live but if not. Well that was self explanation enough.

So their the baby went down the shoot with the mother screaming and crying for her baby. But as the baby fell and almost hit the water I quickly grabbed ahold of her as the water hit I held her above my head so she could breath. The water was so deep that we kept getting pulled under at least three times our heads came back up for air. Finally the water calmed and I was able to put the baby on a ledge I seen the a thing I can't remember what it goes to but it goes to his crew. So I passed in it. Just then they walk by and he sees me. I hold up the still breathing baby who is now sleeping and tell him I win. We go up to return the baby just after that he looses it. Just snapped. Accusing his crew that they'd leave or try to kill him and his brother they all had the same answer. No. He then turns to me and throws me out of the bar/arcade, I think the bar's name was Neon. He said since you wanna be one of us so badly we'll make you one of us then. They threw me under a strange house and drenched me in weird water.. that started the mutations my limbs got bigger and stronger he came out and looked at me softer for some reason. I smirked and told him of course I'm OK. I told him thank you for making me better. He looked at me puzzled. I showed him. He said he was Impressed I told him of course I knew that he liked big. He was please.

Some time later it was like I was part of the gang. But I wanted him. The leader. My friend end up trying to join but only for him. But they went on a date and I had tagged along. Over the past couple of months we had grown closer. I sat in front of her and he behind her. It was so pretty we pasted by so flowers she said the pinks ones were pretty. I head turned around drapted myself around her facing him tell him I loved the yellow ones he smiled and started picking yellow flowers and giving them to me. Some time passed and next thing I knew was that we were planning to kill and had to pretend to kill a trader. I was given that role the death was bad and violent but we both knew who it really was. So after I cleaned myself off with the water holes we were ready to put the plan in motion. By the time I was getting up and my charms as they called they looked more that specific tattoos that gave you specific powers well clovers started appearing which obviously ment luck then some turned into leaves that looked like they were from Christmas


. I don't remember what that ment it all kind of a haze, but I honestly missed that dream.