
I'm Spider-Man (MCU)

As Peter Parker of Earth-199999(MCU) dies shortly after being bitten by a radioactive spider, another soul takes his place. A teenager who committed suicide due to his tragic life gets a second chance in the body of everyone’s favorite neighborhood Spider-Man. Male Lead: Peter Parker or Spider-Man (Tom Holland) Female Lead: Michelle Jones or MJ (Zendaya) Ps- I’ve changed the timeline a little. Peter (15y/o) will get his powers in 2010. A few months before Ironman 1 takes place on his first day of high school, which is when the story starts. Also, Peter is 6 feet tall instead of Tom Holland’s 5’8. (A/N: I came back to writing recently and was fairly rusty (I didn’t write for almost a year) and lazy. I was doing short chapters and dragging things out far to long in my last story. This is my redemption story, so to speak. I’ve learned from it and hopefully this one will be better. Also, the romance will start earlier since I’m not writing about 11 year old kids going to magical schools anymore. Lol) No Harem BTW If you like my writing, check out the Patreon! Advanced chapters are available there. VVV Https://www.patreon.com/AlienWarlord

AlienWarlord · Filmes
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714 Chs

C152 Trap

Want to read ahead of what I've posted so far? Go to my patreòn and get early access chapters.

As of tomorrow night, the patreòn will be 3 chapters ahead. No chapters tonight.


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As Ronan the Accuser stared out of the observation deck, a nearby alarm went off, which caused the Kree grunts at their stations to start busily working.

"What is it?" Ronan asks in annoyance.

"Umm, there seem to be intruders on two of our ships, sir." Someone explains as another alarm starts going off. "They're on our ship as well!"

"How did they get in?" Ronan asks with a deep frown. "The scans should have picked up any ships in the area. Especially boarding ships."

Ronan's tone was accusatory as he wondered if his followers were growing lazy and incompetent. After all, his ships are the latest and greatest of Kree technology. Their scanners could detect the slightest movement for thousands of miles.

Even stealth ships stood no chance against Kree technology, so in his mind, they had to have been slacking off.

As the pressure surmounted on them, the Kree soldiers got to work trying to figure out how this happened. After all, the displeased face of their leader was not something that any Kree soldier wanted to see.

Many Kree have been executed after seeing that face...

"Sir, the ships life signs show them appearing on sector 5." Someone informs as an image of a hallway blueprint appears on the screen for all to see. "One second the hallway was empty, and the next..."

Five red dots appeared, being picked up by the motion scanner in the hall.

"How... odd." Ronan mutters as he looks over at the armed guards at the door. "Sound the alarms and retrieve the intruders. Kill them if you have to, but leave at least one alive for questioning. Do the same for the other ships as well."

""Yes, sir!""


"...let the war begin." Peter says over their encrypted comms before turning to his team. "Alright, should we split up or?"

Just as Peter was talking, a loud alarm filled the hall.

"Well, I think they know we're here..." Peter mutters as the door in front of them opens and some lasers bolts come flying out.

Jumping in front of Fury, Steve held up his shield, which deflected a few of the lasers off to the side. Everyone else dodged except for Tony, who fires a thick energy beam from his chest.

The larger energy beam seemed to swallow the rest of the red blaster bolts, countering the attack and pushing forward toward the blue Kree soldier on the other side of the door.

Not expecting the sudden counterattack, the Kree stood shocked as the energy beam tore through their ranks, drilling a gruesome hole through one after another. As the chest beam died down, the limp bodies of the first responding Kree soldiers toppled over, dead.

"Damn, is that new?" Peter asked in awe.

Tony would usually attack with his thrusters, but his chest didn't have a thruster, so that was most likely the pure energy of his arc reactor.

"Yeah, the badassium made that possible with a few tweaks of course." Tony explains.

"Cool..." Peter muttered as they ignored the dead bodies and pushed onward through the ship.

As they continued, the slaughter of blue aliens continued.

With their firepower, clearing the hallways of the ship was easy work. The only one in the group that needed a bit of looking after was Fury, though he could handle himself for the most part.

Especially after he looted the Kree for their weaponry.

Peter felt no guilt for the deaths of these Kree. He knew from the movies that Ronan was a bloodthirsty warmonger, who would slaughter planets of innocent people if they stood in his way.

Those that chose to follow this sort of leader deserved zero pity.

Though the same couldn't be said for Steve, who knew nothing of these aliens. As more and more blue humanoids were killed mercilessly, the good-hearted Captain would look away from their bodies and push forward.

The only thing keeping him from cracking was the fact that these were aliens, not humans.

Killing fellow humans had a sort of dirty feeling about it, but aliens weren't as bad for some reason.

As for Tony, Fury, and Peggy, they seemed to not care one bit. Two of them are old hardened soldiers, while the other grew used to killing in his own personal war in Afghanistan.


Ronan watched on the screens, as his men, which were represented by blue dots, rushed to their inevitable deaths over and over. Each time they would engage the red-marked intruders, they would disappear from the scanner, as their life signal would end.

Ronan began to grow angry as he watched in silence.

How could he not? Almost two hundred of his soldiers died already. For nothing.

"Useless..." He muttered loud enough for his surrounding grunts to flinch. 'If you want something done right, you have to do it yourself.'

Taking a breath to dissipate his anger, Ronan turned to his subordinates and ordered.

"Change of plans. Order those useless idiots to retreat to my position." Ronan commands as he grabs his war hammer and walks to the door. "Use the hallway doors to lead the intruders to the arena."

"Uh... yes sir!" One responds as they jump quickly to comply with his orders.

Leaving the room with his hammer over his shoulder, Ronan makes his way to the arena with ten fully armed Kree soldiers at his back.

That number would continue to grow as he maneuvered through the halls unimpeded.


"Hmm..." Peter hummed as they hadn't run into any Kree for a few minutes.

"It's quiet..." Tony says as he looks toward Peter. "Too quiet."

"You had to say that, didn't you?" Peter sighs at his friend's sh*tty sense of humor.

"What? It's a good movie line." Tony argues as the door to their right suddenly swishes open.

"!" Instantly, the group was ready for another battle.

Sadly, they were met with nothing but an empty metal hallway.

"This definitely isn't a trap..." Peter says with a healthy chunk of sarcasm.

"I would say otherwise." Steve says, not understanding.

"Do they not have sarcasm back in your day?" Peter asks over his shoulder.

"Oh..." Steve grunts in realization.

"Well, into the obvious trap we go!" Tony exclaims as he walks down the hall.

"Meh, whatever." Peter says as he follows after him.

"Uh, shouldn't we..." Steve wanted to speak up against this, but Peggy and Fury already walked past him and into the trap as well.

With no other option, the Captain follows behind Peggy, alert to his surroundings and ready for anything.

As they followed the obvious enemy plan, countless doors opened for them over and over, leading the group through the ship and down a large elevator.

When the elevator opened, a giant stadium-shaped room came into view. It was a circular stadium with countless seats surrounding what appeared to be a combat area, based on the blood stains and weapons lining the walls.

The elevator opened on the wall of the arena, where they could see a tall blue man with a war hammer in hand, waiting at the center for their arrival.

The seats in the crowd were filled with Kree soldiers, each aiming their various alien weaponry at the open elevator.

"You've finally arrived!" Ronan says irritably.

"Well, it takes time to follow a badly thought-out trap." Peter comments as he walks out of the elevator fearlessly, followed by Tony, Steve, and Peggy.

Fury stood behind and leaned into cover at the corner of the elevator with his new alien blaster rifle in hand. He couldn't dodge lasers like the rest of them, so he would provide cover from the safety of the elevator.

Ronan seems to notice this and tilts his head to the side to peak at Fury.

"Oh, don't mind him." Peter says as he knew what Ronan was thinking. "Fury's just a bit shy."

As Peter says this, he shoots a few webs around the open elevator doors, lodging them in place. He didn't need to deal with a kidnapped Nick Fury after all.

"What was that?" Ronan asked curiously as the doors to the elevator tried to close, as Peter thought, but sadly for them, the web held it back.

"Sorry, whenever I see a handsome blue man like yourself, I just start shooting web." Peter says jokingly.

"Premature ejaculation." Tony says with a sympathetic nod.

"Men are disgusting..." Peggy scoffs at their little joke.

"Enough!" Ronan roars in anger. "You will dutifully answer my questions or else."

Instantly, the crowd of soldiers readied their weapons. In close quarters, the intruders may have had the advantage, but not anymore.

"Oh, is it starting?" Peter says excitedly.

"I think it is..." Tony answers.

"Is what starting?" Ronan asks in confusion.

"The badass fight scene." Peter says like it was the most obvious thing in the world. "You know, the bad guy leads the heroes into a trap, the trap is sprung but the heroes fight back. Hence the badass fight scene."

"I'm really disappointed with this villains service." Tony says as he puts on his best Karen impression. "Where's your manager?"

Meanwhile, the whole crowd of aliens stared dumbly at the odd intruders. They didn't understand a single thing they were saying.

"Enough of this nonsense!" Ronan lost his cool and points at the intruders. "Fire!"

A/N: 1561 words :)



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