

"Eros, You're truly a demon...This is enough playtime."

Yule said after she took a few steps closer, with her ice crystal sword in her hand, with each movement, the sword seemed to come alive, as if it had will on its own. Yule swung the sword elegant but fiercely and pointed it to Eros who was lying on the ground helplessly.

She stood with an air of quiet confidence, her ice crystal sword glistening in the faint light. The hilt of the sword was crafted from a translucent ice-like material, adorned with intricate carvings that depicted delicate snowflakes and frost patterns. Its ethereal glow cast an otherworldly aura, drawing the eye and captivating the imagination. It was a weapon that promised both beauty and danger. 

Regardless of her damaged body. Her energy radiated throughout the battlefield. Her fiery blue eyes are fixed on Eros, gazing at him like a wild tigress that hunts prey, truly enticing yet dangerous. Eros is a Demon and He caused havoc in the kingdom, knights, soldiers, and innocent civilians were affected by the disaster brought by Eros and his underlings but due to Yule's attack, the demon cannot move, not even a flick of a finger.


"I guess it's in your nature to wreak havoc, and now your time has finally arrived," she said. Eros began to open his lips, quivering in pain.

In a voice that sent chills down the spine, Eros grabbed the tip of the sword and leaned toward her causing the tip of the blade to pierce on his chest slightly. His eyes gleamed with an unsettling mix of determination and malice, with a wicked grin, he whispered, his words laced with a foreboding promise that echoed through the air. 

(I…I shall return, return to you. But…But when I do, it will be in a tempest of darkness and chaos.)

The words spoken in the demonic language hold a certain power and influence, his words hung in the air like a lingering curse, leaving no doubt that his return would bring forth a danger and cataclysmic reckoning, capable of invoking fear and unease in those who hear them. It creates an aura of mystery and danger as if tapping into forces beyond human comprehension.

Yule understood what he said, she stared at the demon with a cold expression. The devil smirks, his crimson-red eyes filled with rage, devastation, anguish, and a hint of sadness that Yule sees. She pointed the tip of the blade into his chest, slowly piercing the blade, the demon's expression was nothing but indescribably agony.

But before she fully stabs his heart "Arrrrggghhhh!! You bitch!!" Suddenly emerged in front of her. Eris is the Chaos Princess. Eros' younger sister. He grabbed Eros from her left hand and was about to attack Yule

"Captain!!" Jack yelled to warn her of Eris's impending onslaught. As Eris prepares to attack her with her black crystal blade.

However, before the blade strikes her armor, she releases her immense aura and force to stop the blade, causing it to disperse all over the place. She took a sudden step and lunged forth.

She pierced the demon's heart with her ice crystal sword right away. This causes him to scream in agony, and coughs of blood. Causing him to die on the spot. but then Yule notices Eris touching her chest with her right hand. They made eye contact with one another. She can see Eris's rage and malice in her crimson eyes. But Yule's determination to preserve the Kingdom and its people is even greater.

(You were going to perish and never return. You murdered my brother and now paying the price with your life...) Eris speaks in a demonic language. stared at Yule, smirking while tears fell on her face. She then snatches his brother and vanishes, leaving Yule her ice crystal sword behind.

"Captain! We won!" Annah said full of tears. They were truly injured because of the berserker demon Eros.

"Captain. We shall celebrate our victory. You just saved the world!" Leo said and caused the other holy knights and mages to start shouting victory.

But Yule remained where she was, staring at the spot where she had pierced her sword to Eros. Even though she killed him, his sister was still alive. She's not certain if this war is over. She noticed that her sword was gradually fading. Her heart trembled as she stared at the sword intently and all of her squad members began to realize something was amiss.

Annah started to walk towards her, and worriedly asked, "Captain?"

The knights and her members widened their eyes and panicked as she fainted. Coughing up blood and suffers from severe internal injuries because of the fight with Eros and the demon ravage.

"Captain! Please hold on." Annah spoke forward a skilled healer rushed to Yule's side. with a determined look on her face, she extended her hands and began doing healing magic. Yule is now surrounded by healing magic circles that are working to repair her wounds and internal ailments. However, to her surprise, the wounds began to heal but the pain in Yule's face remained, as she coughs up blood.

"Aaaarrrghhhh!" Yule's scream is in excruciating pain, as she touches her chest.

"In her chest, hurry Annah!" Elijah shouted; Annah instantly opened her armor to inspect her chest.

It was then that they discovered the small black crystal strewn throughout her chest, dark tendrils of energy began to spread from the point of the wound, snaking their way across Yule's chest like malevolent veins. The blackness crept outward, staining her skin with an ominous bruise.

Annah instantly placed her palm on top of her chest and incanted a healing spell. However, it does not appear to have any impact. With every passing moment, the curse tightened its grip on Yule, draining her strength and clouding her thoughts. Each movement became a struggle as if the darkness itself was trying to suffocate her. Yet, despite the pain and despair, Yule refused to surrender.

Annah's hands trembled as she continued to cast a spell, worriedly and panicking. In a trembling voice, Annah said, "It doesn't seem to have an effect! her body is not responding to my magic!"

Elijah leaned forward holding Yule's hand, "Yule, don't die, please…I'm begging you," he said while tears began to fall from his eyes,

"Jack! Elijah! What shall we do?" Annah said

"Just keep trying, Damn it!" Jack shouted.


Yule's perception of time becomes distorted, minutes stretch into agonizing hours, while seconds slip by in the blink of an eye. The passage of time becomes a dizzying blur, leaving her disoriented and unsure of what is real. The curse affects Yule's emotions, amplifying her fears and anxieties. She becomes plagued by intrusive thoughts and memories, reliving past traumas and failures. It's as if the curse feeds on her darkest fears, using them to further torment her.

Despite the overwhelming darkness and distortion, Yule fights to maintain her sanity and clarity of thought. She clings to shreds of reality, searching for any semblance of normalcy amidst the chaos in her heart.



...I never knew that I could feel this kind of cold.

....Everyone is crying

... I can hear them.

...Is this the end?

... I haven't lived my life to the fullest.

... I saved the world from that Demon.

... I killed him.

... Yeah, I...I killed him.

But at the same time. I was going to die.

Not that I'm afraid. It's just that...

…I am happy that my life has its purpose. Its purpose is to serve with all of my heart, fully dedicated to my kingdom and its people. But… what about me?

... I can't fulfill my dreams for myself anymore.

...to be with my friends at the happiest moments.

...to build a family and settle down.

...I don't want to die just yet.

...Just give me a chance. A chance to find myself in a state of happiness.

...Just give me a chance to live and live a life that I don't regret until my very last breath.




"Captain!" They shouted. Yule died in front of the knights and mages who fought alongside her. Tears fell on their faces, while clutching their arms on their chest, giving respect to the fallen heroes. Everyone was mourning the loss of their captain.

They won the battle... But lost the war


In the aftermath of the battle with demons in the Kingdom of Solstice, the once vibrant and bustling city lies in ruins. The air is heavy with smoke and the scent of charred debris. The streets are littered with fallen structures, broken weapons, and remnants of the fierce battle that took place.

Surviving soldiers and citizens emerge from their hiding places, cautiously venturing out to assess the damage and tend to the wounded. They move with a mix of exhaustion, relief, and grief, their faces etched with the weight of the recent conflict.

Amidst the destruction, groups of people gather to mourn the fallen. They create impromptu memorials, adorned with flowers and candles, paying tribute to those who sacrificed their lives in the defense of the kingdom. Tears flow freely, and quiet sobs fill the air as loved ones grieve their losses.

 In the distance, healers and medics work tirelessly to tend to the wounded. They set up makeshift triage centers, offering medical aid to those in need. The wounded, both soldiers and civilians, are treated with care and compassion as the healers do their best to ease their pain and provide comfort.

 Despite the devastation, there is a sense of unity and resilience among the survivors. They come together to support one another, offering words of encouragement and lending helping hands. The spirit of community and determination pervades the atmosphere as they begin the arduous task of rebuilding their beloved kingdom.

 Amidst the rubble, signs of hope emerge. Volunteers and citizens start clearing debris, working together to restore their homes and the city. The sound of hammers and saws fills the air as they rebuild what was lost, determined to create a stronger and more fortified kingdom.

 As the sun sets on the horizon, casting a warm glow over the damaged city, a collective resolve takes hold. The people of the Kingdom of Solstice vow to rise from the ashes, to honor the fallen by rebuilding their kingdom and protecting it from future threats. They stand united, ready to face the challenges ahead with a newfound strength and determination.

The news spread inside and outside of the Kingdom. All people mourned the death of the hero. She will be remembered by the people who witness her courage and strength and her will to serve the kingdom at its lowest.

....Yule McGregor

A year later. The capital city of Tulip is slowly recovering from the damage that happened a year ago with the help of the neighboring kingdom which assisted them with needs such as construction, food relief, and manpower. All the people started to work together for the improvement of the city. All has gone back to normal since then.

"The city continues to prosper. The kingdom is more peaceful isn't it, Captain?" Annah said to the newly appointed Captain of the "Holy Archmage knight of Solstice"

"If Yule was here, it would be so much more peaceful." He sighed, smiled, and stared at the wind.

'And I wish that I got to say what I wanted to say...If there's a way to have you back. I want to do it... I'll do it just to see you smile again. whatever it causes, even my life.' he said it to himself

Elijah is the new Captain of the "Holy Archmage Knight of Solstice". He now takes the responsibilities of the former Captain.

"I'm sure, it is more peaceful where Yule is. I hope she's happy." Annah said. the feeling of loss has not yet disappeared. Since it's like, a part of them also died back then.

~~[GATHER.]~~ Eli said to command all of her squad using telepathy communication magic.

After he said that. One by one, the Holy Knights appear in front of him.

"Captain!" Said all of the members of Holy Archmage Knights.

The Holy Archmage Knights have 5 members including the captain. They're:

Elijah Chestre: Current Captain of HAK

He's known as 'The fire God'. He can compare to the former Captain at the mana and abilities. When Elijah channels his fire magic, it ignites with a captivating display. Flames dance at his fingertips, responding to his every command. With a simple gesture, he can conjure roaring infernos that engulf his enemies or create controlled flames that flicker and sway with elegant grace.

But Elijah's power is not solely focused on destruction. Beneath his fiery exterior, he possesses a passionate and compassionate heart. He uses his abilities to protect and guide those he cares for, offering warmth and inspiration in times of need. His flames can be a source of comfort and transformation, bringing light to the darkest corners of the world.

Annah Swindleheart: The Healer

Her magic can heal any injuries and diseases. She's necessary to every mission. Annah Swindleheart, a compassionate and skilled healer, possesses a gentle aura that radiates warmth and comfort. Her presence brings a sense of solace and hope to those in need, as she dedicates herself to the art of healing.


With a graceful and nurturing demeanor, Annah carries herself with a sense of serenity and empathy. Her eyes, a soft and caring hue, reflect her deep understanding of the pain and suffering of others. They hold a glimmer of kindness and wisdom that draws people towards her.

Jack Whitlock: The attacker

His magic is a combination of fire and wind. He's the most powerful when it comes to physical abilities. an audacious and skilled attacker of the group wields a unique blend of fire and wind magic that makes him a formidable force on the battlefield. His presence exudes an energy that is as dynamic and unpredictable as the elements he commands.

When Jack channels his magic, it's a spectacle to behold. Flames dance around him, fueled and directed by gusts of wind that respond to his every command. With a simple gesture, he can summon fiery tornadoes that engulf his enemies or create gusts of heated wind that can deflect attacks and control the battlefield.

Leo Wixx: The Marionette Master

Using earth, fire, wind, and water elements, he can make golems. The enigmatic Marionette Master possesses a rare and powerful gift that allows him to manipulate the elements of fire, earth, wind, and water with remarkable precision. With his abilities, he breathes life into his creations, fashioning golems that embody the very essence of these elements.

Yule McGregor: The former Captain of HAK

She is gifted with overflowing mana and controls her magic well. Yule McGregor, the majestic Ice Queen, wields her ice magic with an elegance and precision that is both captivating and awe-inspiring. Her presence radiates a cool serenity, reflecting the icy element she commands with such finesse.


With a graceful and regal demeanor, Yule carries herself with the poise of a queen. Her eyes, a striking icy blue, hold a depth of wisdom and determination that mirrors the resilience of the ice she controls. They sparkle with an inner light, reminiscent of sunlight refracting through a crystal-clear icicle.


On the 1st death anniversary of Yule McGregor. King Nicolas and Queen Dorothy the ruler of the kingdom of Solstice established and dedicated the University of Magic, to Honor the death of the former Captain of HAK.

Anyone who is gifted with skills or mana can go to this university. It is called 'The McGregor University of Magic" where the member of HAK is the one who manages the university.

They plan to teach all the people who have a gift of mana and to train the person who has the skills and abilities to fight and be one of the mages or become a Knight of the Kingdom.

*********10 years later**********


Another bustling day at the university, there are different buildings, facilities, and towers that have respectively built for the sole purpose of teaching all the students to nurture their gifts and abilities. There are hunting grounds, a library, training grounds, and all that is needed. McGregor University of Magic is more than just a place of learning; it is a sanctuary of wonder, where the pursuit of knowledge and the mastery of magic intertwine. It stands as a testament to the legacy of Yule and all those who have dedicated their lives to the mystical arts, forever inspiring future generations to embrace the extraordinary and embrace the magic within.

As the day draws to a close, the university takes on a different aura. The soft glow of magical lanterns illuminates the pathways, creating an ethereal ambiance. Students gather in the courtyard, their voices blending with the gentle melodies of enchanted instruments, as they celebrate the beauty and power of magic.

"It's a great opportunity to be here!" Said one of the students at the university

"Yes! It's been 10 years but the Masters including their captain doesn't seem to age."

"Hey! Don't you know? 11 years ago, they fought a demon, and the former Captain died in the fight. This university is dedicated to her. She's, our savior! She's my hero ooh! And FYI, the King gifted them with youth. I mean... that's why they appear so youthful despite their real age."

"Oh? I didn't know that."

"Spend a little time studying history and you'll know."

"Come on. Master Jack has summoned me!!!"

"That's because you didn't participate in the last lecture."

"I'm doomed!"



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