
I'm just a disciple of the outer gate

Autor: LY_WQ
Contínuo · 3K Modos de exibição
  • 15 Chs
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What is I'm just a disciple of the outer gate

Leia o romance I'm just a disciple of the outer gate escrito pelo autor LY_WQ publicado no WebNovel. How about a promotion to inner disciple? No, I'd better stay a disciple of the outer gate. A true disciple can do it, right? It is better to be an outer disciple. Did they just make you chief elder? N...


How about a promotion to inner disciple? No, I'd better stay a disciple of the outer gate. A true disciple can do it, right? It is better to be an outer disciple. Did they just make you chief elder? No, no, I will be my outer brother...

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  • Antecedentes do mundo


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