
I'm In The World Of Attack On Titan

Jiyu Tsukuru was chosen one night by the soul deliverer Truck-kun to be reborn in the world of Attack on Titans after he and his partner finished watching the last episode of its anime. In this familiar place, he was reborn as a child named Heishi of the Ryoshi family with his memories temporarily locked. An ancient family hidden from the rest of the world along with their many secrets. Join Heishi as he works on completing his mission along with his companions and serve as the light of hope and freedom in this dark cruel world. Expect a few moments or chapters where I try to add comedic and emotional scenes into the story. Attack on Titan and its pre-existing characters does not belong to me and this is only a work of fan-fiction.

A_Stag_On_The_Sun · Anime e quadrinhos
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23 Chs

Let The Monkey Inherit The Titan?!

Nasuko, a man who had extremely high concentration and could always focus on the task at hand got distracted and turned towards his grandson. No matter what, his grandson's life was very important to him, everyone in his family is. He could not lose one of them again...just like what happened 12 years ago. He sighed in relief when he found Heishi safely landing on a high tree branch only in a state of shock and breathing hard.


Three of the Abomination's fists collided with his body sending him reeling but he quickly got back on his feet while his foe turned towards Heishi's direction, "Oh? Is that your grandson? Did you lose focus for a moment because of him? You've changed Nasuko. You were never bothered by others' well-being in the past. Hehe Was it what happened to her that caused this?"

"SHUT UP!!!" Nasuko shouted with a dark look.

"Hahaha So I was right huh? You're still bothered by it. Does her death still hunt you to this day? Hahahaha!"

"I SAID SHUT UP!!!!" Nasuko loudly said as he closed both of his fists and bumped them together then splitting them apart once more, in between formed a crystal rod out of nowhere like magic which he further extended till it became a staff before letting go of one side and smashing that end at Gekido's titan. The Abomination, with its six arms, caught the staff with ease.

Nasuko thought of something and began taunting his foe as well, "What about you Gekido? How does it feel to lose her? Didn't she run off with another man after having an affair with him for a whole year? Guess who planned all that... hehe it was me."

Heishi who just came to his senses heard his grandfather's words and knew it was bs. It wasn't him who planned that but that cheeky old man named Jeff who after succeeding, immediately came over to brag about it to his grandfather as they drank throughout the night. He remembered that time well for even though they drank till they fell unconscious that night, his grandpa still woke up early in the morning just as the sun was about to rise from the horizon and began energetically exercising as usual with any signs of a hangover. Had his memory served him right, that playful elder with a very dark sense of humor, Jefferson Ryoshi, was the previous inheritor of the Predator titan and he was planning to pass it on to his grandnephew Davidson 2 weeks after his (Heishi's) own ceremony.

"YOU CAUSED THAT??!!!" Gekido became livid upon hearing who the "mastermind" of the pain he hid in his heart was and let go of the staff.

"You took her away from me so I took her away from you." Nasuko calmly said with mocking eyes as he held his palm beside one end of the staff and slid it in the air. By looking from underneath the titan's palm one could see a silver luminescent fog materializing out of nowhere and solidifying the air in the shape of a crescent moon-shaped blade, connected to the staff and turning it into a scythe. The furious abomination threw a barrage of fist towards Nasuko's titan but the latter had already regained his calmness and focus, blocking each fist with the scythe's body before cleaving off the hands from the arms.

"Graaaah!!! "


"We're a little caught up at the moment grandpa." The Leaping said as it defended itself and attack the approaching pure titans that have gone hostile and cadets. The Abomination had no choice but to dodge and run while waiting for its hands to recover. He looked towards Heishi once more who was busy cutting off the nape of the smaller titans while avoiding those that have reached 10 meters or taller. Heishi could fearlessly attack the small and medium height ones but for the tall ones, he had his reservations. No matter how much training he had or how many lives he had lived, his current one was still 11 years old and those giant hideous things would cause anyone without proper training to become apprehensive. He had yet to train in the use of the ODM gear and relied purely on memories from his previous life, with these factors considered, it was already commendable that a young child of such unripe age had not frozen on the spot and had even attacked a few.

"Take the boy!" Gekido instructed the predator as its arms regenerated and he hurriedly blocked the Crystal to give time for him to take action. The Predator did as he was told and quickly got rid of those around him before dashing at Heishi.

He leaped up and was just about to pounce him when a dashing figure ran out of the woods, sending trees knocking down and punched his titan squarely on the face, sending him flying. "DON'T YOU DARE TOUCH MY SON." The figure said as the surging energy surrounding her retracted and the steam coming out of her dissipated, revealing her beautiful slim figure that would leave most people bamboozled how she could exert such force, the only exemption would be the other Ryoshis.

"D*mn it! Do I have to do everything myself!? Graaah!!" The Abomination channeled all of its power to its arms and pushed away Nasuko before he himself dashed towards the mother and son. The Leaping and the Pressure got rid of their nuisance as well and hindered the Crystal together for as long as they could. In midair, a cable with a blade tied to it was shot out from within a group of decomposing titans and attached itself to his back. From the steam-covered pile, an ape came out holding unto the other end of the cable. 'Where did this monkey come from?!' Gekido's plan was disrupted as he was forced to defend against the creature that seemed to know where his weakness lied.

The Abomination was a powerful combat titan and its six arms allowed it to release 3 times the power, do various things simultaneously, and combat multiple titans at once but it had a big flaw, due to the high amount of required energy needed to use all six arms, it is inherently incapable of using the titans hardening ability and could not simply transfer the energy used to move all six arms towards its hardening ability.

Gekido was well aware of this fact therefore he diverted his focus on dealing with the strong but agile ape first. His six arms tried to squash the creature like playing whack-a-mole with six hammers but found it very difficult to land even one hit for it dodge all of his attacks at the crucial moment. He knew he could not waste even a single second and used a sweeping motion like the tides to knock the creature off of him. Guri this time could not avoid the sudden move and was sent flying towards the forest, his conditions unknown.

The abomination then continued on with its plan. Its three left arms outstretched as he prepared to smack them all down. This time it was not a cable that stopped him but two small (from his titan's perspective) red pillars of light. The red light was so hot it burned right through all 3 arms. He landed a distance from the mother and son and turned towards the source of the light. In that direction, the Combustion stood, it had already used up all of the destructive cylinders in the previous battlefield.

The titan's eyes were still regenerating and in its place were 2 large gaping holes. This was the power only those with their blood could release. A Ryoshi could concentrate the fire produced by their special organ to release from one of its ducts. The ducts were of course the holes in its shoulders and back, its mouth, and behind its eyes. The concentrated fire could not be prolonged and once used, the combustion would exhaust their energy reserves, temporarily preventing them from releasing fire and disabling its movements therefore the shifter would usually not use this unless they had no choice for using such a risky move in an open battlefield would turn them into a sitting duck waiting to be slaughtered and this could mean certain death.

Sparks crackled around Hoenn's titan form before it was fully covered in a sphere of electricity. The blinding sphere dissipated and from within the humongous combustion similarly vanished. What stood where it was were a man and a woman. The man had obvious titan marks on his body and was struggling to even stand while the woman wore an ODM gear while supporting the man beside her. Surrounding them were dozens of soldiers fully equipped in ODM and Boom Harpoons.

With three of the four titans, the main branch possessed present. Gekido knew the last one would soon be arriving and they had no choice but to retreat. They had lost this war. Their arrival meant the pure and abnormals they released here had all if not most been cleared out. Nasuko could already take them all by himself. Without an important hostage and the arrival of the other shifters on the island here, they stood no chance. Heishi was under the protection of the current possessor of the Life titan while Hoenn was surrounded by fully equipped battle-hardened soldiers.

"Retreat!!" He shouted as half of his body came out of the titan's nape, his right arm held a handgun with a very large barrel. He pulled the trigger and a smoking munition was released into the sky. It exploded into a bright red luminous smoke. From behind the mountain, a blimp appeared. Soldiers came out of the blimp but did not jump down as they aimed at Heishi's people and began shooting. Some shot out bullets while others shot-out the same munition Gekido used. Their actions were not meant to harm them (not as if they could) but instead to provide cover fire for their shifters to retreat.

Gekido's whole body submerged inside the Abomination once more as they ran away. He noticed that only the Leaping and the Pressure followed which led him to turn back. He was livid upon finding his grandson inside the Predator, trapped by Nasuko, and what remained of Terrence's team. Its torso was pierced by a crystal harpoon the size of a pillar, nailing it to the ground while Terrence and his team surrounded the nape. The Crystal titan protected them from the barrage of ammunition with a wide semi-circular wall that rose from the ground. The wall was quite large, encompassing a large area but was only as thick as a human's pinky finger. Nevertheless, it was made of titan crystal, something no bullet could dream of ever even leaving a scratch mark.

Gekido unwillingly recalled what happened 15 years ago when he had no choice but to leave behind his son. That day, the main branch acquired the combustion from them which was then passed on to Nasuko's own son Hoenn while his own son's fate was a mystery to him until now. Now, it was that son's offspring, his grandson that he must leave behind. 'D*mn you Nasuko! One day, I'll take revenge for them. I'LL SLAUGHTER EVERYONE OF YOUR DESCENDANTS! I'LL DESTROY EVERYTHING AND EVERYONE YOU LOVE AND I WILL FORCE YOU TO WATCH AS IT HAPPENS IN FRONT OF YOUR VERY EYES!' The furious man said.

He was taught by his parents and grandparents from a very young age that he should continue what they started to take the Crystal, Life, and Nature from the main branch. The thought that the Ryoshis should not hide in the shadow and reign supreme over everyone in the world was instilled upon him since then. He was told that the power of the titans the main branch have should belong to their branch for the foolish main branch only used them for a silly goose chase for something no one knew if it truly existed. He was unaware of the true mission of the main branch.

Unaware that hundreds of years ago, all the Ryoshis were united and worked together to fulfill the said mission until some ancestors got impatient and tired of it. They broke off from the main branch and declared independence. Other branches soon followed until every branch had set a different goal and purpose of its own.

The original ancestors Hakai and Heiwa did not stop them nor did they take the powers from them. They simply left them all alone to fend for themselves. No longer did they guide those descendants on anything and only the main branch was exempted and still receive guidance. The ancestors of those independent branches then had no choice but to leave their spirit behind in the coordinate to be the ones to guide their descendants.

Gekido and his two other grandsons then left the island along with their soldiers on their blimps that moved fast, faster than normal blimps while the third grandson was left behind like his father.


*Bzzzt* *Crackle*

A bright sphere of electricity enshrouded the Crystal titan before disappearing along with it. Nasuko walked out of where his titan stood seconds ago completely fine without titan marks on his face, unlike his son. "Alright, now that it's over. Let's settle the issue of who will inherit the Predator. What about you Colline? You don't have a titan power plus you're an agile combatant. You'd be a perfect inheritor for the Predator." Nasuko said.

"What? No way! I'd rather not inherit one than transform into something so hairy and hideous." She quickly rejected it while looking at it with a disgusted look.

"Grandfather...I'd like to give a suggestion...what if we pass it on to Guri?" Heishi nervously suggested.

"Who's Guri?" Nasuko asked as he tried to remember anyone with that name.

"My partner here." He replied as he pointed at the exhausted ape that was sitting on the ground while heavily panting.

"Eh?! You want to give it away to a monkey?!" Nasuko was naturally caught unprepared by such a suggestion.

I'm sure you guys are confused. Nasuko and Gekido are talking about 2 different people. Gekido is referring about his own wife and as for Nasuko...the next chapter will tell you.

As always, thanks for reading everyone. Leave a comment. Also, for the old readers, you might want to re-read again. I made some changes to match with the future chapters.

A_Stag_On_The_Suncreators' thoughts