
I'm in Middle Earth: Going to Kill a Dragon at the Beginning

When he woke up, Carl found that he had traveled to Middle-earth. There are not only elves, humans, dwarves, and hobbits with unique civilizations and tribes. There are also Orcs, Wargs, Mammoths, Undead, Ice Dragons, Smaug, Balrogs, Demon Lord Sauron, and even the supreme gods. Just when Carl was about to cry without tears for the wars and battles to come in this dangerous Middle-earth world, he found that he had… So, in this Middle-earth continent, the reputation of a ranger began to spread… Middle-earth people: “That person is a legend…” Gandalf: “The legend of the fart, the most greedy and shameless person this old man has ever seen is Carl.” Elf Queen: “Well…it’s hard to say…” Elrond: “That beast kidnapped my daughter!” Nine Nazgul: “Carl, he’s a devil.” Sauron: “I shouldn’t mess with him!…” This is a translation of the fanfic: I’m In Middle-Earth: Going To Slay A Dragon At The Start Subscribe to my patreon.com/SolarisVitally to read advanced chapters.

Solaris_Vitally · Filmes
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206 Chs

Chapter 94 Announcement from Rohan Kingdom

"King Elon, I know your concerns.

Gandalf pondered, and said slowly,

"But since Sauron disappeared from Dol Guldur, he has never appeared again. It is a little difficult to find him from the vast mountains and ancient ruins."

Of course Gandalf also knew how powerful Sauron was.

As the most powerful deputy of the Demon God in history, Sauron has been recognized by everyone for his strength, and even the gods are afraid of him.

But, even so, what can he do?

If Sauron wanted to hide, no one could pull him out of the hidden darkness.

Unless, the goddess of luck was on their side and let him get away with finding the One Ring.

Or, wait for Sauron to come forward willingly

Otherwise, they can only wait helplessly.

Gandalf talked with Elrond for a while on the topic of Sauron, and finally he could only settle on a plan-send a notice to all the surrounding lords and kingdoms, telling them to be careful of the recovery of darkness.

It's the only thing they can do.

After the discussion, Gandalf glanced at Yamei again, sighed, and turned away slowly.

He always felt that he killed Carl, and if he hadn't invited Carl, maybe he wouldn't have had an accident.

The Shire, home to the Hobbits, is a picturesque place of tranquillity.

Here, you can't see any battles, and you can't see any wars. Like Brie, it's like a paradise, and people enjoy the natural farming life in peace.

At this moment, on the avenue outside Xia'er Village, a dilapidated old carriage slowly entered the entrance of the village.

On the carriage that drove in slowly, there were fireworks and an old man in a tall hat, blowing smoke and fog.

The carriage slowly stopped beside a pumpkin-shaped log cabin under a mound, and the white-bearded old man also put away his cigarette stick and jumped out of the car.

"Crack cack!

The door rang, Bilbo opened the door, and when he saw that it was Gandalf, his confused eyes lit up, and then he jumped directly into his arms in excitement, and kept shouting:

"Great, great, Gandalf, you have come to see me, I miss you so much~.

"Haha, Bilbo, I miss you too!" Gandalf brushed his beard and smiled kindly.

But when he finished, he paused. Why do you always feel something weird and something wrong?

The two chatted for a while, and Gandalf was relieved when he saw that Bilbo was doing well.

Since helping the dwarves to regain the city under the mountain, Bilbo has rejected Thorin's desire to retain, and also rejected part of the treasure that originally belonged to his city under the mountain, but returned to his hometown Shire with a bag of gold coins. , and then lived a life of his own with peace of mind.

For Bilbo, gold coins were indeed less important than the other things that came along the way.

The adventures along the way allowed him to see the gorgeous scenery all over the Middle-earth continent, as well as various disputes and disputes between races, and it also gave him a deeper understanding of life.

Although the price to be paid for these gains, sometimes it does make people jump up and down, jump up and down, and feel uneasy.

But looking back, thinking of the companions who have experienced together and the brilliance that we have had together, I am still more moved in my heart.

"Bilbo, I'm relieved to see you doing so well,

Gandalf smiled kindly,

"I'm here to see you this time, to pay homage to Carl, do you want to come with me?

"Of course I do!" Bilbo responded directly.

The words fell, and he felt a little lost after reacting.

Speaking of which, Carl took good care of him along the way, unfortunately…

The two talked for a while, stayed for a dinner, then took the carriage and headed towards Brie Town.

In Brie Town, Carl is packing his bags and getting ready to go out.

Brother Carl, "What are you going to do? When will you be back?" The little girl looked at the handsome young man reluctantly and asked.

Of course "to maintain world peace!" Carl laughed.

The voice just fell.

"Liar, brother Carl is obviously for women."

Betty said with an uncertain face, and then her face was full of grievances, and she pouted,

"Betty is also fine. Brother Carl, you don't want to go. The big deal is that in a few years, I will grow up and marry you."

"Betty, don't talk nonsense, okay?" Carl said with a vertical line, "What is for a woman?"

"Am I that kind of superficial person? Also, do you want to marry me? Well, it's beautiful to think so!

"I learned at a young age that Yan Toad wants to eat swan meat? I'm not afraid that I will choke if I can't eat it."

Betty was unhappy: "Brother Carl, it is you who want to eat swan meat and tell me.

"I just want to eat it." Carl said.

"You still say no, the king of Rohan sent a notice saying that all healers who think they are skilled in medicine are invited to Edoras (the capital of Rohan) to help the king cure some terrible disease, and if successful, they will be able to make any conditions, including,

Betty cast a glance at Carl,

"Including the opportunity to marry the princess of Rohan and become the son-in-law of the king of Rohan."

"In this case, how dare you say that you are not going to Rohan Kingdom for the sake of women?" Betty's face was full of displeasure.

She thought Carl was being seduced by the princess, yes, absolutely.

"Betty, I said, you think too much, I said no, I don't know what the princess looks like, how could I want to marry her?" Carl smiled and pinched Pinch Betty's cheek.

"Disgusting," Betty blushed and knocked off Carl's mischievous hand, then looked hopefully at Carl, brother Carl, "Are you sure you're not doing it for the princess?"

"What about a princess? You're my little princess!" Carl smiled, "I went out to make money and make money back, not to buy you food, so don't complain anymore."


"I send four."

"Yeah!" Betty finally smiled, "I knew that Brother Carl liked me the most, and he would definitely not be kidnapped by other women!"

Seeing the little girl so happy, Carl shook his head with a smile.

Of course, he went to Rohan, not for (the king's) so-called princess, but for the reward promised by the king of Rohan – those who successfully retreated from the disease will receive a fief.

Although Carl's current strength has been greatly improved, it is still not enough to make up for his shortcomings, that is, he is only one person.

A person.. Sometimes no matter how powerful, the power is limited after all.

If the Orc army came back from wreaking havoc again, but it didn't gather into a bunch and let him kill like this time, how should he deal with it alone?

He can only help one side?

So, will other places suffer such a disaster?

Is it necessary to watch the other territories, regions, and even the town of Brie on the Middle-earth Continent, let it be attacked by war?

Carl didn't want to see that happen.

So after some thought, he felt he had to start doing something.

The world is so beautiful that it should not be destroyed by anyone but him.