
I'm In Love With Your Sister

When tragedy strikes, there seems to be no where to go and everything seems like a dead end. Angel Barclay experiences the worst day of her life when she finds out that her sister works as a prostitute, her mother falls ill so suddenly and dies, and Angel herself gets into an accident that almost ends her life. But all is not lost when a close friend of Angel's mother, Mr McDonell, decides to take Angel and her sister, Carly to live with his family in a luxurious home. Things seem to go wrong when the sisters arrive and a war emerges between Angel and Mr McDonell's son, Leo. Leo, who was the main cause of Angel's accident, experiences a twist of fate when his wedding gets cancelled due to the accident and soon he and Carly become lovers. When the two decide to get married, most of the family members don't agree to it. When a crisis falls upon the McDonell family that leads to blackmail and deceit, Angel and Leo must make a sacrifice that might just ruin both their lives.

Mbita_Namwinga · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
52 Chs

Chapter 16

Carly walked in through the front door, exhausted. She had too many bags in her hands and her feet were already giving her hell since she wore high heels.

One of the helpers, a female, came just in time to help her with her bags. Carly couldn't help but feel relieved.

"Please take them up to my room," said Carly after handing them over. The helper made her way up the stairs.

"I see you're back from shopping," said Amanda as she appeared in the foyer in her wheelchair.

Carly smiled. "Yes, I am," she said. "How have you been?"

"Never better, dear. Where is Diana? I thought she was with you."

"She had something to do at the salon and told me to come here."

"Have you already eaten lunch?"

"Yes, we ate at a restaurant."

"Looks like the shopping did you good."

"Yes, well, a lot has happened these past few days that I really needed this."

"Mmm," Amanda gave Carly a smile. "I can tell. Nice heels by the way."

"Thanks," Carly smiled at her.

"If you need Angel, she's in the study."

"In the study?"

"The study downstairs. She was a little bored and didn't want to watch TV, so she decided to spend her time with a book."

"She's like that. Always a bookworm." Carly turned around to close the door behind her.

"You should also be on your books, don't you think?"

Carly looked at Amanda and wondered what to say. She could even feel her cheeks blush.

"I know you're supposed to be at college," said Amanda as she chuckled when she noticed Carly blush. "But it's okay. It's Friday anyway and considering what's been going on, it was good you went out to get yourself distracted."

Carly felt herself relax. Amanda was only pulling her leg. She didn't like anyone telling her that she had to go for lectures. She knew that already. And she wasn't going to be comfortable if someone who was not her sister told her that.

"I better go and see Angel," said Carly.

"You go do that," said Amanda, "I think I'll go and entertain myself with some soap opera on TV."

Just before the two could part ways, Mrs McDonell came down the stairs, talking and laughing loudly on her iPhone. When she reached the bottom, she cut the call.

"I see you're back," said Mrs McDonell as she looked at Carly.

"Yes, I am," Carly answered.

"Nice heels," Mrs McDonell raised an eyebrow towards Carly's pink heels. "Did Diana chose them for you?"

"Oh, no, I picked them myself."

"Nice. You've good taste. I hope your sister does too."

"Oh, she does. You have seen nothing yet. Wait until she gets better."

"Can't wait." Mrs McDonell tried to smile but it came out dry.

"I better go and check on Angel," said Carly.

Carly went on her way taking the left side of the foyer and into the hall where Angel and Amanda's room were. It also led to the study she just found out about from Amanda.

She was within earshot of the two ladies who remained in the foyer when she heard Mrs McDonell saying:

"Kim will be coming for dinner today. I invited her."

"You really want Leo to be mad at you, don't you?"

Carly couldn't hear their conversation any more when she turned round the corner after bypassing the two bedrooms and found a huge large mahogany door at the end of the hall. She guessed that it might be the study.

Before she could get to the door, she wondered what the two women were talking about. It intrigued her in some way because it concerned Leo.

She opened the door to the study and was greeted by the sight of shelves filled with books. The room looked cosy though. The brown coffee carpet and the empty fireplace with cosy brown couches next to the fireplace gave a warm feeling. There was a huge glass window overlooking the garden outside and just in front of the window was Angel in her wheelchair. She sat facing the windows but her face was on the book in her hand. She looked taken away with what she was reading because she hadn't heard the door to the study open nor Carly approaching her from behind.

"Hey, sis," said Carly when she reached out to Angel slowly and placed her hand on Angel's shoulder.

Angel looked up from the book she was reading and at her sister. She didn't seem startled.

"You're back," said Angel. She sounded blunt. "How was the mall?"

"It was great," Carly answered with glee like a little child.

Angel tried to give a slight smile but failed. "Glad you had fun."

"How has been your day?" Carly asked as she went over to an office desk at the corner of the room next to the huge glass window and took a chair, came back and sat facing her sister.

"It was okay, I guess," Angel shrugged her shoulders.

"You didn't have another fight with Leo, did you?"

Angel furrowed her eyebrows as she looked at Carly. "And why do I want to pick a fight with him?"

"You look irritated. That's why I asked."

Angel faced the glass window. "You know he and I can't fight each other within the four walls of this house. We were with Amanda almost the whole time."

"You were?" Carly sounded surprised. "How did the two of you handle each other with her around?"

"We didn't. Immediately she left we had a chat. And it wasn't a good one."

"Okay, I am not ready to hear what you two had to say since I know it concerns me."

Angel rolled her eyes. She didn't say a word more as she went back to her book.

"I heard these two women, Amanda and Mrs McDonell talking just now," said Carly changing the topic.

"You know I'm not in the mood to gossip," Angel answered, her eyes still on the book.

Carly didn't listen to her sister as she continued, "I heard them talking about Leo. And someone called Kim."

"Kim happens to be the woman Leo was supposed to marry."

Carly's mouth fell open as she had a surprised look on her face. She looked at Angel, who happened to be still looking at her book and not at her sister.

"Are you serious? You must be joking," said Carly as she shook her head and tried to laugh like it was funny.

"Do you think I would lie to you?" This time, Angel turned to look at Carly. "If you hadn't gone out to the mall, maybe you would have heard it for yourself."

"You sound like going to the mall is a bad thing."

"For you, yes because you were just from mourning. I know we have to try and distract ourselves from our mother's passing, but did you seriously have to go to the mall?"

"Sorry, I couldn't help myself. It was fun though. Look at the amazing heels I got."

Carly gestured towards her feet with a grin on her face. Angel looked down at the heels. She sighed and shook her head.

"Are you really not listening to me or what?" Angel asked. "You should be worried."

"Worried about what?" Carly instantly stopped smiling.

"About Kim. I feel she is really going to cause trouble for us if we ever get to meet her in person."

"Well, she's coming over so, I guess you'll be worried."

"She's coming here?" Angel couldn't believe what she was hearing.

"I heard Mrs McDonell say that she invited her here for dinner. Amanda didn't sound too pleased."

"The way I see it, she thought Kim wasn't good enough for Leo."

"I wouldn't worry about Kim though." Carly leaned further back on the chair to relax. "For one reason only. She doesn't know the truth about Leo and I."

"When a lady's fiancé dumps her on her wedding day, the lady has no other option but to think that there might be another woman."

Carly looked at Angel. "An accident happened that day."

Angel felt like squeezing the life out of Carly but she looked the other way instead. "Stop using the accident as a scapegoat. It's irritating."

"Then what should I say? That Leo fell for me?"

"Well, what do you think?" Angel faced her sister again. "If the accident happened and delayed the wedding, Leo would have still gotten married another day. But instead, Leo falls for you, the accident happens and then he dumps Kim for good."

"Okay, okay, I get it," said Carly as she sat upright. She couldn't take anymore of her sister reminding her about everything.

Angel placed the book she was reading closed on her lap and turned the wheelchair around. She started to wheel herself out of the room.

"Where are you going?" Carly asked as she looked at her sister.

"Reminding you about what you've done is getting on my nerves," Angel answered as she continued on her way.

Carly got up from her chair and quickly rushed over to her sister, grabbing the handlebars from behind to stop her from going.

"Why can't you learn to move on from all this, Angel?" Carly asked.

"You want me to move on after what you've done?" Angel asked without turning to look at her sister. "You not only betrayed me, but mum as well. She was right when she said something was up with you the moment you came home in the early hours of the morning and found a stash of money in your bag."


Carly felt powerless as she slowly let go of the handlebars. Angel shifted a little to the side on her chair so as to look at Carly.

"You heard right," said Angel. "Mum had a feeling about you long before I even knew anything."

Carly went pale and she felt her mouth go dry. "When did she tell you this?"

Angel hesitated before she answered, "the day she died."

Carly felt her knees lose their strength and she felt like she could drop to the floor any moment. She took a few steps back away from the wheelchair. She felt lost and confused.

"At least you now know that mum knew something was up with you," Angel continued. "She just wasn't sure what it was. I'm glad she didn't know what you were truly up to or else that would've killed her instead."

"Don't say that, Angel," said Carly. She felt like tears were about to drop down her cheeks.

"But it's the truth." Angel fully turned her wheelchair around so as to look at Carly straight in the face. "You know mum wasn't feeling too well at times and finding out what you did would've killed her. I'm glad the good Lord took her away instead because if you did you would have felt my wrath."

Carly flinched at her sister's words. Angel was upset for sure and Carly knew better not to say a word.

Angel looked on at Carly. She was one person who in the past never liked to see her sister cry. Whenever she did, Angel was always there to comfort her. But this time, everything was different. She didn't even feel like hugging her sister anymore.

"I'm tired," said Angel as she looked away. "I think we've talked enough for today."

"Is anything the matter in here?" Amanda's voice came at the door. "I thought I heard someone shouting."

Angel flinched by the sound of Amanda's voice and she silently winced. She prayed that Amanda hadn't heard their whole conversation.

Angel turned the wheelchair around and saw Amanda by the door. She looked on at the two sisters with a worried look on her face.

"It's nothing, Amanda," said Angel. "I was just scolding Carly for going to the mall. That's it."

Amanda continued to look at Angel, then went on to look at Carly. For a moment, Angel was praying for Amanda to believe her. But with each dying second that passed, it looked like that was far from happening.

"Well, you should have talked to her properly, don't you think?" Amanda asked with a smile on her face. "Look, you almost made her cry."

"Angel could be a bully when she wants to be," said Carly, trying to hide the hurt in her eyes.

"I can let this go for now. But Monday, you should be getting back to school, young lady. It's important."

"Of course."

"Angel only wants what's best for you. You should be considered lucky to have a sister like her."

Carly smiled at Amanda and said nothing more.

"Well, I better go and try to relax myself," said Amanda as she started to turn around in her wheelchair to leave the room. "Before the evening comes, I better be on my best behaviour."

"Why do you say that?" Angel asked.

Amanda looked at Angel. "Because my very loving daughter in law invited a guest over."

"You sound really sarcastic," said Carly. "And not in anyway happy."

"You're right, dear. I'm not."

"Could it be that you don't like who is coming?" Angel asked when she already knew the answer.

"It's not that I like the person. I'm just worried about Leo because it's his ex fiance coming over."

Carly went pale behind Angel and Angel was as still as a statue.

"Why don't you tell Leo about this?" Angel asked.

"I want to but if Leo doesn't show up, his mother will know I had something to do with it," said Amanda.

Carly looked at Angel who was busy contemplating over the issue. Amanda wasn't the only one who didn't want Kim around here tonight. And if any one of them called Leo, he probably wouldn't show up.

"So, you're saying that you would rather let this happen?" Carly asked.

"What should I do?" Amanda asked as she shrugged her shoulders. "My hands are tied and my son wouldn't like it if his wife and I argue over Leo not showing up for dinner."

"What if I inform Leo instead?" Carly asked.

"Are you serious?" Angel asked as she looked at Carly. "You heard Amanda. Even if anyone were to inform Leo, Amanda will still get blamed if he doesn't show up."

"Looks like someone knows Bertha more than I do," said Amanda with a sarcastic smile on her face.

"I wouldn't like to know her, trust me," said Angel as she looked at Amanda. "But I would rather know her now so that I won't be surprised by her temper tantrums in the future."

"I like your thinking," said Amanda. "Just don't get into any trouble with her."

"Trust me, I wouldn't," said Carly. "So, are we really going to let this slide? I mean, not tell Leo."

"We shouldn't," said Angel. "Because Leo's problem doesn't concern us. We only just moved in to this house."

"But Angel..." Carly started but Amanda interfered.

"She's right, Carly," said Amanda. "It's best you don't get involved."

Carly almost gave a frowning look at her sister but controlled herself. She really didn't want Leo to get here and find Kim waiting for him at the dinner table. How she wished she could tell him what's going on, but like Amanda, she couldn't. She didn't want Amanda to get in trouble with Leo's mother and Angel would only get more upset with her than she already is.

"I'll be going now," said Amanda. "You two take care."

Amanda turned her wheelchair around and left the room. The two sisters waited for a good few minutes to make sure Amanda wasn't within earshot.

"We've to do something, Angel," said Carly.

"With what?" Angel asked.

"You know what I'm talking about. Somehow we need to let Leo know that Kim is coming here."

"Carly, you aren't going to call Leo. You heard Amanda. Leo's mum is like a pain in her backside. You don't want to make it worse."

"But aren't you scared?"

Angel raised her eyebrow at her sister. "Oh, now you're taking my words seriously when I said we should be cautious of Kim, aren't you?"

Carly didn't say anything as she continued to look at her sister.

"I'm glad you've changed your mind," said Angel with a slight smile on her face. "Maybe you'll realise that all this isn't a joke and I was serious when I said Kim would be a problem."

"You seriously aren't going to do anything?" Carly asked.

"It's none of my business, Carly. Our hands are all tied here. If Kim is coming for dinner, she's coming and we can't do anything about it."

Angel made her way to the door, then she stopped.

"If you dare even try to warn Leo about Kim, I'm serious, Carly, you will see the worst of me."

Angel's voice was stern and she didn't look at her sister as she spoke. Carly felt herself shiver to the bone.

When Angel left the room, Carly felt helpless. There was nothing she could do about dinner tonight and she had no other choice but to go with the flow.