Disclaimer All copyrighted content is the property of its respective owner(s) A weeb that lost his name with his memories of his previous life has been transmigrated into none other than Buggy the Clown from One Piece. Already stuck with the Bara Bara no Mi how does his MC stand against the Emperors, Navy, Pirates, Revolutionaries, and Im. "By getting flashy dangerous!"
~Buggy? POV~
Good morning world here I… am…
This is not my bed?
And these memories of mine certainly don't belong to me!!!
Quickly looking around myself I found myself looking at a wooden hotel and quickly going through the mirror…
Why god!!
Why do I have to be Buggy the Clown!!
At least I'm younger now from what I have obtained from my I guess our memory now it seems to me that Shanks already left to start his crew as I denied him…
And to make things worse I don't even get the choice to eat one of the OP Devil Fruits either no [Goro Goro no Mi], [Yami Yami no Mi], or even a Mythical Devil Fruit.
I had to be stuck what most people would consider as one of the very bad fruits with little to no combat power in the whole series to the comedic relief…
The [Bara Bara no Mi].
No use arguing about this now since I have lost my name but not my future and past knowledge of my past life.
Although I have no name in the past now at least the knowledge of my previous life will be helpful in the future ahead of me.
Currently, a day has passed since the execution of Roger of September of 1500 that means according to my canon knowledge is that I only have 22 years before everything goes down…
Checking my cheek I see that tears were coming down…
Then I saw flashes of memories of the original Buggy and his time on Roger's crew and all the fun he had with them.
Looking closely at the mirror with his face I then turned my frown to a grin as I began to motivate myself, "Come on! Here I am in the One Piece world as Buggy the Clown I have great charisma and fought alongside the strongest pirates that ever lived I won't be the known weakling!!"
That is right I'm now Buggy the Pirate the one that fought alongside the Roger Pirates and fought against the other powerhouses in this world!
I can win!
I can do this!
Grinning my mouth to the most I can express I got over the despair of my current predicament since I have 22 years before canon starts I can use this time to get myself strong and form my own crew in the process.
As a previous fan of the One Piece world and other anime as a former weeb, there is only one thing left to do…
Aim to beat Im and be King of the World bitches!
Being the King of the Pirates won't get me any peace of mind but being a King of the World on the other hand sounds more satisfying than truly defeating the big bad boss of this world!
Nothing but the very best for the likes of me!
Now that I have a goal in mind the next issue is how to progress my Devil Fruit powers as I go back on my bed sitting down as I speak out loud, "But still the main issue is my Devil Fruit power of the [Bara Bara no Mi] with the ability to currently chop my own body anyway I see fit and defy gravity for each part detached from me?"
Seeing that my hand pop off from my body I see it fly around to my control as I send it around the room but I get curious seeing my hand location from where it separated from.
It was cut off, but no showcase of bones or blood is seen how very curious?
Maybe there is more to this Devil Fruit than it meets to the eye here because if it's like this then it should be something similar to Law Devil Fruit of the [Ope Ope no Mi] move separating a piece of the body under its spatial power…
Wait a minute here…
Thinking about everything I have from my previous past life knowledge so far Buggy has been able to use this method every single time by commanding his body to simply "chop" his body but never how?
Observing my hand floating around in place I try to remember exactly what does the knowledge of the [Bara Bara no Mi] gave me when I ate it.
The [Bara Bara no Mi] is a Paramecia-type Devil Fruit that allows the user to split their own body into pieces and control said pieces however they wish, as well as making the user immune to slashing attacks, making the user a Splitting Human.
The fruit's major strength, as demonstrated by Buggy, is that the user becomes permanently immune to damage from being cut or pierced, regardless in what manner, be it vertical, horizontal, or otherwise.
Instead of being wounded or even killed from such attacks, the user's body simply becomes sliced into pieces in this state, the user is still alive and can control his sliced-up body.
They can then manipulate the sliced-up pieces to either reattach themselves back together or execute unique attacks.
In the anime, Buggy has even demonstrated being able to reconstitute himself in a Logia-like manner after literally getting reduced to fine strips by Dracule Mihawk I guess it will be more useful once I learn [Observation Haki].
If I ever fight against the likes of sword users, they are so screwed when they face me especially Wano with their samurai got to meet them.
As part of the Devil Fruit's powers, the user can also split their body apart by themselves without the need of being chopped up by others in the first place.
He is also still able to be alive without being connected to major parts and organs of his body for long periods of time.
Additionally, the levitation effect seems to be able to extend to things in contact with the user, allowing them to bypass gravity by lifting objects regardless of how heavy they actually are for as long as Buggy has a firm grip on them.
With this aspect of the Fruit's power, Buggy has shown to be able to easily lift individuals much larger than himself from the anime.
But I do have my weakness as well I have a limit of the range of how far I can go, and I can't keep my levitation forever unless I keep my feet on the ground.
What I only got from my fruit ability is that it has the power to chop my body up anyway I see fit but I can clearly see it's using some kind of spatial ability to "chop" my body and keeping them together by some kind of invisible force.
Narrowing my eyes at my chop hand I could only come with a few theories on how I could use this to my advantage.
Commanding my power I saw my hand started to get the chop at a very fast rate as it's becoming smaller, and smaller as it soon becomes so small at the size of atoms as a grin soon appeared on my face, "Good this is very good I can feel my hand is still there as long as it's with me although it's a lot I can feel each and small atom from my hand was made of still under my command."
That is a very good idea to learn that my [Bara Bara no Mi] can reach the limit of chopping down so small that it practically becomes atoms can certainly be handy and near-invincible for me to land a hit on me.
I can imagine now how I can turn myself so small by chopping myself to that point only for them to never hit me even with Haki!
And the best part about this I can manipulate these atoms as I can reform them inside my enemy body like reform in their brain killing them immediately, or the heart as I crush it when it reforms his chest area.
Wait a god damn second!!
If I can control my body parts to become atoms and with my fruit ability to and specifically say that I can control them as I wish…
Using my body atoms I used their vibration to my advantage since atoms always vibrate never stopping so chopping the necessary atoms, I soon see my fist began to cover something in a familiar bubble…
A familiar Emperor kind of power…
And commanding the atoms from my body to vibrate more till I get what I wanted…
Tremor Bubble…
Created using my atoms to vibrate after they were "chop" off from my body and given to my command I can feel each of these atoms vibrate to see the results of my fruit.
Even I have a face of disbelief as I grin like a crazy loon as I say to myself, "If I remember this correctly from Buggy memory he got this fruit somewhere in the New World then I know for sure this fruit is surely powerful then."
Oh man, I can just think how busted my [Bara Bara no Mi] truly is once a person has the literal power to control their atoms.
I can make myself intangible using my atoms to vibrate at a high enough speed frequency to avoid any if not all kinds of attacks.
And this Tremor Bubble in my hand is something I can do since I control the atoms of my body to produce this power I clearly just broke the power scaling now baby!
Just thinking of these ideas coming off from my head is simply awesome sauce right here?!!
But wait another minute!
Wow, I have been going on about the basic idea of how to use this fruit that I haven't considered this beautiful weak fruit badass power!
This is only the base power of this fruit and if I truly awakened it…
Would my weak and poorly portrayed [Bara Bara no Mi] in the anime have the power to "chop" anything in its wake like say chop time, space, or possibly even this planet once I reach that level?
But would that work on people is the question?
Even if it doesn't just the idea to chop time and space are powerful enough since these kinds of Paramecia Fruits awakened are really reality breaking.
And since my body seems to be affected by space maybe I can "chop" my body flow of time to get a different result since it seems that my body getting "chop" spatially works?
The more I think about it the more it sounds like my [Bara Bara no Mi] awakened sounds like the concept of separation of practically anything like Yamato from that Devil May Cry game.
Well whatever it looks like I have some experimenting with my [Bara Bara no Mi] left to do and I wonder from my knowledge as a former weeb can I use Ichiryu ability of [Minority World] solely on myself?
The technique [Minority World] takes the strange minority of micro-scale particles observed to behave in 'deviant' ways (sometimes in apparent defiance of physical law) and amplifies and imposes their behavior or properties on a maximum of 50% (anymore and they become a majority and the new minority particles take over reversing the effects desired) of the particles in a structure or organism.
This can generate a variety of effects, Ichiryu's ability to fly, for example, stems from his manipulation of the minority of his body's atoms which do not straightforwardly respond to gravity as he imposes their gravity-defying behavior on the rest of his body's atoms, and thus can fly.
Maybe there is a similarity to it when I use my Devil Fruit ability to float with one of my hands as it was detached apart from myself…
Then again I only focused myself to "chop" down to an atom level not micro-particle level but I can test this later when I have time.
Well whatever I have enough time to figure out the rest later the next thing I need to do is find a way out of Lougetown and train my fruit abilities at a later date.
Now be careful world because it's time for Buggy the Clown to get flashy dangerous!