
I'm a prisoner of love for an indefinite period of time

I had been imprisoned by my childhood friend when I I woke up from bed.  my wrists was tied in thin iron chains and all my communication tools were took away. Seeing me wake up, his deep eyes stared at me, and his voice said in a deep voice: "From now on, you will live here, and you are not allowed to step out of the house again. I have resigned for you, and you are not allowed to date with your colleagues and customers , I will give you three meals a day, what you want, I will also meet you ...". Is there such a good thing? I know that there is no such thing as a free lunch in the world, so I forcefully suppressed my inner ecstasy and cautiously asked, "Why?" His long and slender fingers that fell on my shoulder trembled slightly, and there was a little more pain in his eyes, "Faye, I can't tolerate other men talking to you, touching you, kissing you like that ..." I quickly grasped the point of the matter, "You like me?" His eyelashes fluttered, he gently closed his eyes and nodded. I slapped the bed, said: "Louis , why didn't you say it earlier?" If I had knew it earlier, I wouldn't still be a f*cking corporate slave!

cocoliu · Urbano
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13 Chs

I've been imprisoned by my childhood friend.-2

Actually, Louis and I are not childhood friends in the conventional sense.

I first met him when I was four and a half years old, and Louis went to the same kindergarten as me and unknowingly stole my toys as soon as I started school.

At that time he was emaciated and small,and looked very malnourished; I never thought he would be so bold.

So I pinned him down and fatly beat him.

Louis stared at me with big watery eyes, crying and sniffling with pity.

Unfortunately, I'm so cold and heartless that after I give him a beating, I point my finger at his nose and warn him, "Next time you rob me, I'll take off one of your arms."

I learned that line from TV.

But the TV didn't tell me that Louis would bring me candy the next day and offer to be my follower , after being beaten and threatened by me.

I took Louis with me for three whole months, and in those days he obeyed me, gave me a lot of things, and didn't spare me the slightest indignity.

The prettiest little girl in the class wore a pink head flower and he urged me to snatch it .

The chubby guy at the next table was sneaking beef jerky in class, and he talked me into threatening the chubby guy and ordering him to bring me a whole bag tomorrow.

At that time I was tactless, do not know Louis set a trap for me, but also really think that he is for my benefit. 

As a result, three months later, I became a well-known bully all over the kindergarten, and no one wanted to play with me except Louis.

In front of the(children's) sliding board, everyone had been happy, seeing me come ,instantly smile disappeared, swarmed and scattered, leaving me standing alone in the lonely cold wind.

I turned to Louis and asked, "Why don't they all like to play with me?"

Still smiling gently and innocently, Louis told me, "Faye, because they're jealous of you, you're too perfect. You should let them know your strength before they isolate you."

I believed it and grabbed the slowest running kid and was about to do it, just then the director appeared with the visiting parents and stopped me with a chorus of, "Stop!

I didn't even know it was the kindergarten's annual open day, but Louis knew it.

At the tender age of four, like a spider ,he also spent three months patiently and bit by bit weaving a web for me.I was so unconscious that let the web entangle me so tightly in it that I could not break free.

That day, the ceremony was suspended halfway.And the kindergarten children lined up, wiping tears from their eyes, and one by one, they accusation of my crimes in front of their teachers and parents.

In the crowd my mom's face increasingly darkened with each additional accusation , and by the penultimate one, it was as black as she'd taken a carbon pen to it.

The last one, was Louis.

I looked at him hopefully.

He swept me away and looked at the teacher and my mom, "I'm Faye's best friend."

I just breathed a sigh of relief.

At the end, he added tearfully, "If only Faye would give me back the toy kitten, stuffed dog, and Adventure Tigers that Fay take from me ..."

That day, when I got home, my mom took all the toys from my room and canceled her plans to take me to see the dolphins at the oceanarium for the weekend.

Not only that, but I had to stay home and couldn't go to school.

The next afternoon, just as I was sitting around in the backyard dazing

At this time, Louis, appeared who was home from school.

He beckons me over.

glaring at him,huffing and puffing, I walked over

He handed me the snacks and toys in his hand and whispered, "Faye, here"

I glared at him, "I don't want your gift, scheming man!"

I felt so humiliated that I grumbled and turned my face away from him. 

He stubbornly shoved the gift into my hand, then turned and ran away

The sun was setting, and the golden-red light poured in through the window, shining on the body and flooding it with warmth.

And I picked up the bear and snacks he'd given me, cradled them in my arms, leaned back in the hanging chair, and fell asleep without realizing it.

The next week, I went to kindergarten class.

Louis came over and gave me a big bag of snacks, I smiled and took his snacks and that's how I made up with him.

On Saturday he said he was going to take me somewhere fun, and then we got a cab and took we all the way to the most expensive castle on the outskirts of the city.

I was awestruck by the gardens of blossoming flowers and beautifully sculptures and majestic architecture, and when I entered and saw the room full of opulent decorations, I almost thought I was in the dream.

Louis dragged me to a cold looking man and told him, "This is my best friend, her name is Faye."

And then I felt the man's eyes fell on me, cold, and for some reason it creeped me out a little.

At this time a richly dressed woman came over, glanced at me and smiled, "It seems that our Louis has really made a friend , it's not just a lie made up to reassure dad and auntie., now I'm really relieved."

Her smile looked very hypocritical, exactly like the villain in the TV show.

Although I was only five years old at that time, I had already realized from the name calling that Louis's relationship with his family didn't seem too ordinary.

In the evening, Louis's aunt insisted on keeping me for dinner, and the hospitality was so great that I went to the table and saw a whole roasted chicken, and my eyes lit up.

Louis initiatively detach the chicken leg and put it in my bowl, "Have it"

Louis's father immediately became upset and slapped the table, "Rude"

That aunty persuade: "Well, they are just children, it doesn't matter that I can't eat "

But,unmoved, Louis's father continues to stare at Louis.

Louis calmly removed the second chicken leg and ... still put it into my bowl.

Louis's father immediately exploded into a rage, jerking the fork in his hand into Louis's hand.

After a very crisp thud, a bloodstain appeared on Louis's hand, but he didn't say a word, only faintly dropping his eyes.

I don't know where I got the courage, but I smashed the chicken bone in my hand into the face of Louis's father , and then held Louis's hand and ran out the door, not forgetting to grab his school bag on the couch.

I took Louis on a wild ride and then brought him straight back to my house.

Facing the blood seeping wound on louis's face, my mom shed tears and instantly agreed to my request that let louis stay in my house.

That's how louis stayed at my place for two weeks.

One day, half a month later, a Mercedes Benz parked downstairs in my house, and came out a grandmother with elegant demeanor, and a handsome young man with a long figure, who wrapped his arms around Louis and cried, and then took him away.

I never saw Louis in kindergarten after that. Elementary school is the same situation.

The situation changed until I studied hard for a summer and finally passed the entrance exam for the city's elite junior high school.

On the first day of school, I saw Louis's name and photo in the list of scholarships on the school bulletin board.

The photos are awesome, at a glance.

Sure enough,I was greeted by a teenager in a black t-shirt with long, over-the-ear hair standing in the hallwayas soon as I walked into the school building.

The sun didn't shine there, so most of his face was in shadow, but you could still make out a clean-cut profile.

Originally he had a gloomy, expressionless face, but the moment he saw me, a little smile actually hung on his lips.

Then he idly walked up to me and bowed his head slightly, "Faye, long time no see."

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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