
Bonding (3)

"It seems like some Guests are already here for the fundraiser," I muttered.

Min Ho glanced behind us and noticed a few shadowed figures peeping through the windows of the guest building we had just passed, he agreed, "It seems so."

His lazy response made me frown.

"What is the problem?" I asked as he sat me down in a nearby golf cart and began adjusting my seat belt.

"There's a problem?" he asked awkwardly.

That reply made me frown deeper, perhaps my experiment was failing. I had been so careful with Min Ho but that carefulness was the issue. I should have made him a rapid dog and controlled him through his bloodlust and anger but instead, I chose the route that maintained more of his sanity so that he could work as my hands and feet. I made my innocent facade the focal point of his obsession and protectiveness with me... perhaps the event in Austria had made him see through my tactics and peer into a sliver of my truth.

My mind raced with doubts and I wondered how I would dispose of Min Ho and if I even should do that, considering how much I needed him currently.

"Clearly you have a problem with me." I said slowly, "We haven't spoken properly since we left Austria, and you've been avoiding eye contact for some time now."

Min Ho visibly squirmed in his seat, as he started to drive and turned the wheel his eyes shifted with panic...he didn't answer immediately but then he spoke, quietly, with his eyes still turned towards the winding big roads. "I feel bad because I have failed you."

"Failed me, how?"

"I didn't protect your innocence and left you and the Young Lady in danger. You both could have been that Paedophile's next victims, all because I didn't look after you properly."

Oh, so that was it.

"That's not your fault, you were only following my orders, Anastasia and I were fine."

"Just because you ended up fine doesn't mean I didn't fail as your protector." The car rolled to a halt and he turned to me, "You got your hands dirty when it's my job to get my hands dirty for you." I noticed an obsessive and strained look in his brown eyes, "You're the only family I have, the only person that treats me like a person, and I swore to protect you yet I can't do my job. Every day I see you falling deeper into depravity. These days I hear your twisted words. Words that only I should be saying..."

He held my shoulders with shaking hands, "I have failed to protect your innocence."

I almost gagged due to his sincerity. I wanted to tell him that I had always been 'depraved' and there was no innocence to protect, but that would shatter his illusion.

I put on the most pitiful expression I could muster, my bottom lip quivered, as my eyes became slightly red and watery, "Truthfully, I was scared when that man came after me and Anastasia... and...every day it gets harder because I do bad things and I'm becoming more like Grandpa and I hurt people." My shoulders trembled "And the worst part is I like doing those bad things...I can't stop myself."

Min Ho sighed, "I wish I could take on all your sins. I wish you were my real son and I could protect you properly from your awful Grandfather and the disturbing company he keeps."

"I wish that too..." I mumbled and then stared him straight in the eye as I gripped the hands that held my shoulders, "But you can't protect me. Since I am the current heir, I will continue to walk down the grey and dark path that my Grandfather has set for me. Since you can't be my protector. You must be my sword. We should paint our hands red together, we should bear the same sins, and you should help me as I get rid of all those who disturb my path. If you can be my sword we will both be happy."

Min Ho winced at my words and I could see the conflict of his mind on his face, but soon he looked at me resolutely, "I have failed as your protector but I promise to do better as your sword. I am another limb belonging to you and I will help you slaughter those that need to be slaughtered, Young Master."

The corners of my lips twitched upwards, and I hugged Min Ho, "No need to call me Young Master, just call me Ho, even if you're not my biological father you're the only Dad I've ever had."

"Y...young...I mean Ho...you're the only son I've ever had as well."

I hid my wide and ugly grin in his shirt as we continued to hug, this mutt was so pathetic. I thought he had seen through me but instead, he had fallen further. Is this what you call 'bonding'.



Expensive luxury cars rolled into the Estate, reporters flashed their cameras at the entrance as they tried to get pictures of those who had been invited to the exclusive Kang Family Fundraiser.

The entire grounds had transformed for the Fundraiser, a long winding red carpet was laid across the paths, travelling from the Entrance all the way to the Diamond Hall where the event was being held. Lanterns hung from terraces of each building illuminating the carpet, gorgeous floral arrangements and art that were displayed at every turn.

All the working servants were dressed in traditional hanbok uniforms, wearing the Kang family colours; Green, White, Red and Yellow. Since the Nam Faction was in control, Green was the main colour of their outfits.

I stood near the entrance of The Diamond Hall with Seung. We greeted the guests together; engaging in small talk and strengthening our relationships before letting them enter.

"Hello Kang Ho, it's been a while, do you remember me?" A tall and pretty girl with black-green eyes and dyed red hair stood before us, she looked about 15 to 16 years old and she had a very calm demeanour. I quickly realised that she was Mung Bae [1], the granddaughter of the current head of the Mung family. To confirm my thoughts, I noticed her Grandfather, Mung Do-Hyun and the heir of the Mung family, Mung Bae's father, Mung Byeong-Ho, approaching us from the red carpet.

Since I was home tutored and I had been on many trips with Kang Seung, and due to the age gap between myself and Mung Bae, I hadn't seen her since my Doljabi. Immediately I greeted her with a practised grin, "It has been a long time. You came to my Doljabi, didn't you? It's lovely to see you again."

Mung Bae stared at me with wide eyes and Mung Do-Hyun let out a loud laugh, "Honestly Seung how do you get used to being around such a genius. I guess it's true that he never forgets anything he sees, he really can remember a person he met at barely a year old, how intriguing."

Kang Seung joined in with Mung Do-Hyun's laughter, "It's really great, I don't forget anything with him by my side and he really keeps me on my toes."

The men chatted briefly about business and the date of the next Group meeting, all the while Mung Bae awkwardly stared in my direction, not really knowing what to say. I simply smiled at her but I didn't initiate any conversation, I wasn't going to engage in annoying small talk if I didn't have to.

The next series of guests were a mixture of big business moguls, politicians, important Kang and Mung family members and even 'A' list Korean celebrities.

One woman, I had never met before appeared just as Seung and I were about to leave the guest-greeting to the servants.

She had long wavy black hair that reached her waist. She wore a gorgeous body-fitting dress that exposed her slender back and clung to her curves, leaving a lot and yet so little to the imagination. She had cat-like eyes, and was, by all means, an extremely stunning woman. By her side was an equally handsome man, he was in fact a celebrity. I had seen him on film posters and billboards, and he was a known heartthrob, if I remembered correctly his name was Park Do Hum[2].

The moment Kang Seung saw her he frowned, "You've been staying in the Guest House since yesterday, yet you're only arriving at the event at this time, Hye-Kyo?"

She laughed, "Sorry Dad" she shrugged, "you should be grateful I'm here at all, all your other kids didn't bother."

As she said that I heard a voice say, "What do you mean no one else bothered, aren't I here?"

Kang Joon-ki popped up behind Kang Hye-Kyo with a cheesy grin, "Hi Noona."

She rolled her eyes.

[1] Reminder, I introduced Mung Bae and her grandfather, Mung Do-Hyun in chapter 14

[2] Park Do Hum is referring to actor Park Bo Gum.

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