

*tang tang*

The sound of rattling steel stair echoed.

In the darkness of the night illuminated by the soft light of the moon, I forced myself to climb the stair toward my house on second floor. In these whole apartment, the only tenant was me. Inserting the key and opening the door, I'm assaulted by stuffy smell like the smell of dirty wet cloth along with damp warm air.

at least it's better than the freezing cold air outside, thinking that I went inside. I rid the snow on my coat and head then threw my bag and coat to the old sofa, I went to bathroom and washed my face.

I saw my own face reflected by the mirror. A dull face with messy long hair, long fringe covered the right side of my face. I used my hand to set aside the fringe, hidden behind the fringe was burn marks that covered my right half of face.

"Damn, it really is hard to look at." I said that as I let down my fringe again. I went to the kitchen and took out a can of beer from the fridge. I sat on the sofa and drank the beer. The cold beer travelled from my throat to my stomach, leaving good taste in it's trail. One can was not enough so I grabbed another one.

First was one can, then it became two, three, four, and the number kept increasing. I stopped for a moment at my eighth cans, maybe because of the alcohol I began to reminisced.

Abandoned at the orphanage as a three years old child with burn marks.

Looking at the other child being adopted while I alone remained.

The struggle I did after leaving the orphanage.

My mood worsen the more I recalled my past, so I stopped and finished my eight can of beer. I went to grab another beer, but it was the last can. Driven by my desire for beer, I wore my coat and went outside to buy more beer. In the dark night snow fall from the sky slowly. Shoving my hands to my pocket, I walked down the stairs.

But because of the snow, I slipped.

Loosing my footing, I rolled down the stairs and hit my head.

Ah, I haven't had enough of drinking. That was all I could think of.

I lied on the cold floor but I could feel warm blood was leaking out of my head. My eyesight darkened, I wonder if this was how dying feels like. I closed my eyes for eternity.


"... I."


".... Oi."

.... is someone calling me?

"Oi, wake up. I know you can hear me."

I opened my eyes, and a shadow in the shape of a person with no facial features other than mouth was the first thing I saw.

"What the hell!?" I screamed and tried to run away but I couldn't feel my legs. I couldn't feel my arms and body either. I looked downward and saw nothing but white ground. Eh? Why can't I see my body? Am I floating? While I was confused, the shadow grinned.

"If you're looking for your body, just give up. You left your body when you died."

Eh, I died? Oh yeah, I remember falling from the stair and hit my head pretty bad. Then is this heaven? I looked around, the place was huge without anything. Both the sky and ground was white stretching with no end. In this whole space there was only me and the shadow.

"No, this is not heaven. This is my private space."

Wha? Did he just read my mind?

"Yes, I did."

....... Could you not? It's rude, you know.

"Sorry, but it is something I do unconsciously. And restraining myself would be too troublesome."

No, please do it.

"Well, just put it aside, I have something to say."

Don't put it aside.

"First, some introduction, I am a god. And I called you here when you died back at your world."

I see, I wonder why you called me, are you going to reincarnate me to a different world like in fantasy story?

"It's good that you're quick on the uptake. Yes, I'm going to do that."

...... Really? I was just joking. Can I ask for a reason?

"A reason, is it. Well, more like it was just on a whim."


"Yep, I accidentally saw you died and thought it would be interesting to see you reincarnate to a different world, like those novel in your world."

Wow, so brazen.

"What? Then you don't want a second life? You might have a harem in the different world, you know?"

Thank you so much, benevolent god, for your gift of second life. Yes, I want a second life. Not like I was aiming for a harem or anything. Yes, what I want is a second life!

"Who are you making excuses to?"

Waa! Please stop reading my mind!

"Never mind that, so let's start the transfer."


"Calm down, I know you want a harem but let's take care of something first."

Wha?! W-what are you talking about? I-its's not like I want a harem or anything!

"..... Your tsundere act is disgusting, you know that?"

.... Uuh.

"No more nonsense, before you transfer I want to let you know that other than you there are other that were summoned to another world. And you will eventually fight some of them."

Really? Can't I just avoid them?

"Whether you want fight them or not is your choice, but some of them will fight and try to kill you regardless what you do. So I will give you some ability to defend yourself."

You mean a cheat?


Really?! Can I become OP?

"If you use the cheat well, you can."


"Don't be too happy. The ability I will give you won't make you OP from the start."


"You can and will become OP but with time and effort."

Can't you just give me something that will make me OP from the start?

"Sorry, if I do that I won't have any fun looking at you struggling."

You just want to see me struggling, damn it!

"Well well, just calm down. Beside I can't give you any overwhelming cheat even if I have one. It's the rule."

Is there really a rule like that?

"There is."

Then what cheat will you give me?

"First is the staple of fantasy story [appraise] and [language comprehension]. I'm sure you know what [appraise] is, so I will skip the explanation. Be grateful, my [language comprehension] is unique and a lot more powerful than others. The [language comprehension] will translate all languages you hear or see into something you know, even if it were the language of animals, ancients or even divine languages."

That's awesome! Isn't this a really strong cheat already?

"Now, for the cheat that will make you OP."

I have been waiting for this!

"Your cheat is called [Dominate], it is an ability that allow you to assign points you get every time you level up to your stats, rather than automatically added."

What, that's it? That's my cheat?

"It may sound simple but it doesn't just do that. As for it's other functions you need to discover it yourself. I have said what I need to say, let's start the transfer. "

W-wait, I still have something to ask.

"Oh, by the way, you will forget about your name but don't name yourself, okay. Well, off you go. "


Just like that, my sight was blinded by light as I was transferred to another world.

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