
Chapter 2

TAEHYUNG'S POV. (Before at station after calling Jimin)

Hehe my Jimin is really cute when he is shy. "Your girlfriend?" a voice asked me and I turned towards him and shook my head "No. My boyfriend" he looked surprised "I didn't know that you are gay" he said smiling slightly "Actually I am bi Hobi" "Oh BTW what's his name?" "Huh?" I asked in confusion. "Your boyfriend. What's his name?" he asked again while rolling his eyes. "Oh.. Jimin. Jeon Jimin" I replied. A smile appeared on my face while thinking about that cutie. "Oh nice. You better introduce him to me soon. If I approve of him only then you can date him." he said in a deep tone. Adjusting his invisible glasses. I laughed at his silliness. "Fine bro I will and trust me you will like him too but don't even dare to think of trying a move on him. He is mine." I said playfully but serious about my words. "Of course bro and remember I have a girlfriend. I don't need someone else." he said lifting his both hands. I smiled satisfied. "Let's go I have to go to meet Jennie too." with that he picked up one of my bag and kept in the back of the car. I did the same with others.


We both were silent and were enjoying the music playing in the car. He was humming lightly with the music while I was looking through window. It's a long time since I last came here in Seoul. Last time was when I was like 4 or 5? It really changed a lot since then. After few minutes he broke the silence between us. "Remember my roommate I told you about?" I turned towards him. "Yes how can I forget him. Min Yunki right? You almost spent 2 hours telling me about him on call. If you didn't have a girlfriend I would have really thought that you are deeply in love with him." I told him while laughing. "Yah! I can't love him he is not my type nor I am his. He doesn't like to talk to people much. Will prefer sleep more than going to parties and love silent environment. Most of the time he is serious on the other hand I can't live without parties and love to joke around and make new friends. Even if we were together, we surely wouldn't last much." he said chuckling slightly. "Yeah he is opposite of you even of me too. I like parties and making new friends too. People call me a social butterfly for a reason. I even love to hangout with people with bright and outgoing personality. Just like my Jimin he is really a social person. Noone can resist his charm. He is really kind and caring too. He always stays happy and is a shy person but when he gets angry you better run away for your life. But he seems adorable to me even then. He loves animals specially cat and dog. You know he is also scared of horror movies just like you? One day I suggested him to watch a movie and we ended up watching a horror one. He kept jumping every second and after movie he was so scared to even go to kitchen or anywhere so I carried him to his room and ended up sleeping together. He is really a fluff ball." I said "You surely are deeply in love bro" Hobi said. I even forget about him at one moment while talking about my love. "Of course I love him he is my everything. You know I even have planned everything where would we live, where will we go for our honeymoon, our children's name, everything" I said smiling. "Woah Woah bro... not to be rude but I want to give an advice that.. don't get too attached with him. You both are young and there is a whole life ahead of you. Anything can happen in future. Maybe you both will get someone better so just enjoy what is today at the present and stop worrying about the future" he said. I frowened not liking the idea of Jimin leaving me. "Hey, I didn't mean like you will really get apart or you both shouldn't love each other. You should love and take care of each other but I just mean that you should enjoy the little moments of today without worrying about future so that you can create happy memories for tomorrow. Future is not guaranteed Tae and not everything can happen as we planned so we should stop expecting and enjoy the beautiful things life is giving us today" "You are right." I said still feeling uneasy. "BTW we are here." he said happily. I turned and woah! His apartment is really nice and big and why not? Hobi came from a very rich family. "Let's go!!" he said and went out of the car to carry my bags. I did the same and took 2 begs from him while he carried the third. "Your apartment is cool." I said looking around. "Thanks" he replied smiling. "Hoseok is that you?" A deep voice came. When I turned in the direction of voice I froze for a moment. With his gaze and expressionless face I knew he is 'The Min Yunki.' Hobi was right this person really looks like someone I should stay careful with or he will really kill me. Despite his expressionless face he looks really handsome. He has a beautiful pale white skin, black hairs and is slightly shorter than me maybe an inch taller than Jimin. He is really attractive. "Hey Suga. I thought you would be at the studio with Namjoon" Hobi said carrying my bag and putting them beside couch. "Yeah I was, but Jin called him and he had to go so I came back too. And our song was almost complete so I thought it's no use of staying there" he said while shrugging and sitting on the couch. Hobi just nodded in return. "BTW this is my cousin Kim Taehyung I was talking about." he said while putting an arm around my shoulder. "H-hey I am Kim Taehyung as you already know but you can call me Tae." I introduced myself while extending my hand. "Yunki" he just said and closed his eyes while sleeping on the couch not minding to shake my hand back. Hobi was right he is really rude and I am sure we won't get along much. "Don't mind him Tae, he is like that only. Come I will show you your room" Hobi said while taking my 2 bags with him and I followed with other.

"This is your room. I hope it is enough. You can decorate him as whatever you like." "Wow it's more than enough hyung and thanks." "No problem bro well I have to go to Jennie now so take rest and if you want anything ask Suga and also I have left food for you in fridge better eat that before going to sleep." he said waving. "Bye Hobi and thanks for the food" he just smiled and left. After that I took bath and went downstairs to eat. Yunki was still sleeping on the couch but in a very uncomfortable position with his head hanging on his shoulder. He will surely get strain like this so I just went to him and tried to make him lay properly. But suddenly he grabbed my hands making me flinched "What are you doing?" he asked in a deep scary voice while glaring at me. My eyes widened and my heart beat became faster. Oh ! it's so embarrassing what should I do now? "Umm.. I.. You were looking uncomfortable so I thought to make you l-lay properly" I mentally facepalmed myself for stuttering. He stared into my eyes for few seconds while I was praying internally to not get killed right now. Then he just hummed and went to sleep back but this time in a comfortable position. He is really weird. I was about to turn when he spoke with his eyes still closed "Never touch me again." What? It's not like I like to touch him I was just helping him. I rolled my eyes and went to kitchen. After eating I decided to call Jimin. So I went to my room and called him. We were talking happily but then I heard his brother shouting at him he seemed really angry I wonder what would have happened. Then Jimin told me that he started behaving like that after my call. I felt hurt. I mean he hates me but I don't even know why. I don't even remember if I ever hurt Jimin or made him cry then why he hates me? I really wanted to impress Jimin's whole family but I think Jeongguk will never like me. But now I won't care as long as Jimin is with me. After that we talked a lot then went to sleep.


I am making breakfast for Ggukie so when he will wake up he will forget all of his anger. After that I have planned to go and meet Tae. It has just been few days but I am craving to see him. As I was lost in my thoughts I felt a pair of arms around my waist and a head in the crook of my neck. I smiled knowing who it was. "Good morning Jeonggukie." he just hummed and hugged me tighter. I chukled at his cuteness. "Move aside sleepy head I am trying to cook here your fav. Chocolate pancakes." I said but didn't pushed him off me. "Woah you are great hyung" he said fully awake this time. "Well someone was being a last night so I thought I should be the mature one and solve this matter like an adult" I said while glaring at him "f-for that I am really sorry Jimin hyung" he said while scratching his nape "Mind to tell what really happened to you last night? Did I do something wrong?" I asked while crossing my arms. "Umm.. I... I don't know Hyung" he whispered. I raised my eyebrow. "What? You never behaved this rudely with me and you are telling me you don't even know why? Are you kidding me?" I asked this time feeling really angry. "If something has happened don't you think you should talk to me rather than disrespecting your hyung?" "I am really sorry Jimin hyung it's nothing important and I promise this will never happen again." he said while biting his lips and looking down. I sighed trying to calm myself down. "Fine but you better keep that promise." "Yes hyung thank you. I... I love you." he said smiling slightly "I love you too My cute little dongsaeng" I said while pinching his cheeks "Now go sit outside and let me cook." I said while shooing him away.


Dongsaeng? I am starting to hate this word so much. Only if you knew hyung only if you knew.


"Hyung, let's go for shopping after this." I said excitedly. He stopped eating and looked at me. "Umm.. Ggukie.. I have already planned to visit Tae. I am sorry" he said apologetically. My happy mood immediately dropped. He is again ignoring me for him. "Hyung!! It's our last day of enjoying and from tomorrow college will start. I really want to spend this day with you and only you. You can see him tomorrow at college anyway." "I am really sorry Ggukie but I really want to meet him I am missing him." he said with begging eyes. Missing him? Well I know you will never miss me this much even if we will be away for so many years. Why am I so helpless? "But Hyung..." "Please Ggukie try to understand." I clenched my fist trying to control my anger. I took a deep breath trying to calm myself down as I don't want to repeat last night's fight. "Fine. But I will come with you." I said. "What? I thought you don't like him" he said raising an eyebrow. "Well I am not going for him but for you I want to spend my whole day with you and I will no matter what." I said sternly. "Aww baby Ggukie loves his hyung this much. So cute" he cooed. "Stop it hyung I am not a baby." I said laughing. "Well you are still a baby to me my cute little dongsaeng" he said while pinching my cheeks and I just rolled my eyes. After that we got ready and head to visit Tae. I don't like him but I can't let him stay alone with hyung so I am going. As we reached their, hyung rang the bell. After few minutes a very pale boy with messy hair and irritated expression opened the door. He was looking like he just woke up. "Umm hello I am Jimin and this is Jeongguk we came here for Kim Taehyung." the guy just pointed his finger towards a room and went to sleep on a couch. I staired at him weirdly. I felt a small hand on my wrist. "Let's go Ggukie." with that he dragged me inside to the room the pale guy has just pointed before he knocked on it few times and more sleepy looking boy opened the door. "Jimin? Jimin!! YAH! JIMIN! YOU CAME!" He screamed long forgotten his sleep and lifted my hyung and kissed him. I was about to kill him but held back. How dare he touch My Jimin in front of me like this? Only I can do that. "YAH!! IF YOU DON'T WANT TO DIE THEN SHUT UP!!" a voice came and then I realised it was from the same pale guy from before. He is looking more pissed now. Tae immediately put Jimin down. "Sorry Yunki hyung" he replied then he turned towards me and his eyes widened. "Jeongguk? You came?" I rolled my eyes mentally but didn't reply "He wanted to spend his day with me but I have already planned to visit you so he tagged along." Jimin hyung answered for me. "Wow that's great he really loves you." he said smiling at my Jimin "Yes I love my Jimin hyung much much more than you" I said while glaring at him. "Ggukie stop!" Jimin hyung said while hitting me on the shoulder. "It's OK Jimin your brother just adores you so much" he said caressing Jimin's cheek and I wanted to punch him for reminding me as Jimin's brother and touching him. "Come in guys we shouldn't make noises here or Yunki hyung will really kill us" he said whispering. I turned towards to this Yunki hyung. "Is he always like this?" I asked "Well my cousin told me that he really loves to sleep more than anything." replied Tae while shrugging. "He is really weired." I said. "I HEARD THAT!" came his scary voice. My eyes widened in fear and I quickly went inside Tae's room. Hyung and Tae came after laughing at me. I just ignored them. Tae closed his door while me and hyung sat on his bed. His room is really big and tidy. While I was looking around I noticed his luggage still packed. "It's good you came Jimin or I was planning to visit you." He said while sitting beside Jimin hyung. "I was missing you Tae." Hyung replied while pouting. Not even few minutes have passed and they are already being like this. "Yah! I am here too I didn't come here to watch this." I said while rolling my eyes. They both blushed. "Yeah right why not we play vedio games?" asked Tae looking at both of us. "Tae you know I don't like vedio games that much" Jimin hyung said while pouting cutely. I want to kiss him NOW! No Jeongguk control yourself. "What you say Jeongguk? let's have a match together." Tae asked me while raising an eyebrow. "Fine if you want to loose that badly." I said while smirking. "We will see about that." he said smirking back. "You guys should choose a winning prize too." said Jimin hyung. "Not bad honey. What should we choose? Mmmm.. Yes! I have an idea. Whoever will win will get to spend rest of the day with Jimin." he said while winking at Jimin hyung.

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