
hyun joo

Autor: Fati_Kook
Sci-fi Romance
Contínuo · 626 Modos de exibição
  • 1 Chs
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What is hyun joo

Leia o romance hyun joo escrito pelo autor Fati_Kook publicado no WebNovel. ...


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Consequences and Second

‼️If I HAVE A READERS PLEASE READ MY NOTES ON THE BOTTOM OF THE INTRODUCTION/Synopsis(There's also a red semicolon on my notes so you will found it easy on the bottom of the introduction or synopsis) Thank you‼️ "Investigate her and know her backgrounds." I said while looking at the woman I saw. "Sign the marriage contract and I will sign this contract for your school." I said trying hard to make her sign the contract. I already planned this, I will used her school to get her but it's looks like I blackmailing her but this is just the way and thanks to their Dean cause she is helping the teachers to their school. "Well,you will sign the contract and I will make sure that you will sign it and be the Mrs.Dominic." I said in my mind secretly looking at her. - Clyde Dominic "Did I just signed it?am I really a married woman?did I make a right decision??." I said to myself going back to our school. ‼️ Here's my notes ‼️ -This will have a Season 2 so it's mean the first story is Season 1 and after I published this here my schedule for updating this story got stopped but I edited it when I got a free time, I edited all the chapters and also the title name coz when I read it there's lots of mistakes and it's a little bit messy then about to the chapters that had some messing moments/parts just wait coz I will write a special chapters and a chapters for all about the edits or changes about the story(author's notes).And about the Season 2 of this story, I will just update all the info about the Season 1&2 if I'm already done, I will update it. I'm still new here so I hope you understand and like my story. Thank you(Sorry if I'm already missing coz I'm still a student so there's so many school works and emergency that's why I'm always not updating or missing but it's already our vacation but I still need to finish all of my works this month so maybe, before the month end or next month I will have an update).

MLyn_ · Adolescente
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"How dare you? Ariana, how dare you?" I could feel the anger from his heart radiate through his ears. the tears that kept rolling down my cheeks were unstoppable. I knew I just hurt him beyond imagination. "I'm sorry Nick truly am." "After everything between us, I loved you, I fuckin trusted you. I did everything I could to make you happy and you-" he cut himself off. He suddenly became extremely silent. Like he was thinking of forgiving me. Ha! Like that'll happen. "Leave," he said in a dangerously low voice I almost didn't hear it. "Leave!" he yelled and I heard it perfectly well this time. "Leave before I do something I'd regret for the rest of my life." He added as he banged his fist on his desk almost knocking off the almost empty bottle of Brandy he'd been obviously drinking all night. Then it hit me. It was crystal clear that not only had I seduced and tricked Mr. Perfect, but I'd also broken his precious heart beyond repair. ********* Meet Arianna Rodstein. A 23-year-old shy girl that would do anything to save her sister from a cruel businessman even if it means seducing one of the most successful business tycoons in the city. Did I mention he's devilishly handsome and sexy? Nick DeMorgane is just every girl's dream man. Rich, Handsome, Sexy, and the CEO of one of the biggest companies in the world. The guy is Perfection and aims for Perfection. So what happens when "Mr. Perfect" 's perfectly planned life is wrecked by a brunette out on a saving mission? Read and Find out! ^Thea

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Ray is a guy who did not believe in love. He used to be an artiste and Ray is an extrovert. He believed in love when he met her. It is not only love that Ray did not believe in, he did not believe in fate or destiny. A leak from the book She shifted on her seat to face him. " I wanted to learn how to make some dishes so I decided to go to Ashley because she is a very good cook. That's why I decided to sleep over. We were making dinner and at a point Ashley stopped me from doing anything because I'm not so good. She asked me to just watch her cook...", Ray cuts in. "Aren't you learning? She should have let you fo it!", He said trying to curry favour with Dorris. " You think so too. Then she asked me to take down a pot of soup from the stove. And I did......", Dorris paused. "Go on", Ray told her. She pouted then. "I did threw it down but that's because it is hot", Dorris said like a cute baby admitting a mistake. " You didn't use a glove or a rag?", he asked her. "I didn't know I'm suppose to use it", Dorris replied. Ray almost laughed. Like seriously? " I think I need to scold Ashley. Isn't she suppose to tell you?", he asked. "She tried to... But ot was too late. I spilled her soup", Dorris responded. . Will you leave me because of this?", she asked. " I won't leave you for any reason. I will be in charge of the kitchen. Just stick to the bedroom. Haven't you heard?", he asked. "What?", she asked him, using the back of her hand to clean her tears. " The way to a man's heart is no longer the stomach. It's three inches below the belly button.", Ray said and winked. Dorris blushed. "I will rather you learn how to handle my little long man down there than handling the kitchen", Ray added shamelessly. Dorris had turned pink. " What are you saying such vulgar words for?", she asked him. "Dorris, did you know?", he asked. " What?", she asked. "You're pretty when you are blushing and when acting cute, you usually turn me on. My little long man is fully awake now. You have to put him to sleep", he told her. Dorris swallowed and blushed. Ray added. " Since I will be handling the kitchen now, you have to be more pro- active in the bedroom now. Yes or yes?", he asked her.

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Shadows of a night

As the clock struck midnight, signaling the beginning of Josie's twentieth birthday, laughter and music filled the air. The room was alive with the energy of celebration, friends gathered around to wish her well. However, as the night progressed, the joyous occasion took an unexpected turn. In the midst of the festivities, Josie found herself indulging in a few too many drinks. The lines between revelry and excess began to blur, and as the night wore on, her inhibitions waned. It was at this vulnerable moment that she found herself entangled with Sebastian, the very person who had long held the title of the most despised in her life. Their encounter was a collision of emotions, a convergence of past grievances and present desires. The room, once filled with jubilation, became a silent witness to a connection neither of them could have foreseen. The consequences of that fateful night lingered in the air, casting a shadow over the once carefree celebration. As the dawn approached and the revelry subsided, Josie awoke to the harsh reality of the choices made in the haze of intoxication. Conflicted emotions swirled within her, a mixture of regret and uncertainty. The encounter with Sebastian had unfolded like an unexpected twist in the plot of her life, leaving her grappling with the consequences. In the days that followed, whispers and speculations circulated among friends, adding an undertone of tension to Josie's world. The aftermath of her indiscretion played out in the subtle glances and hushed conversations that followed her wherever she went. Sebastian, too, bore the weight of newfound scrutiny, his presence a constant reminder of a night that defied expectations. Navigating the aftermath required Josie to confront not only the repercussions within her social circle but also the internal turmoil of reconciling with the unexpected turn of events. The once clear lines between love and hate blurred as she grappled with the complex emotions that arose from an impulsive act. Friendships were tested, alliances shifted, and Josie found herself at a crossroads, forced to confront the consequences of her actions. The delicate balance of her life seemed to teeter on the edge, and she faced the challenge of rebuilding what was fractured. In the unfolding chapters of her story, Josie discovered the resilience of the human spirit. As the initial shock and judgment subsided, she embarked on a journey of self-discovery, learning to navigate the complexities of forgiveness, redemption, and the uncharted territories of her own heart. The one-night stand with Sebastian, born out of a momentary lapse in judgment, became a catalyst for growth and transformation. In the quiet aftermath of the storm, Josie emerged stronger, her twentieth birthday forever etched in her memory as a pivotal moment of reckoning and renewal.

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  • Atualizando a estabilidade
  • Desenvolvimento de Histórias
  • Design de Personagens
  • Antecedentes do mundo


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