
Husband, let me go.

“Give me a son” Those four words have haunted Elizabeth for nearly 2 years. Feeling unloved and lonely in her marriage she decides it’s time to leave, only her husband,Anthony does not think so. “You can leave after you give me what I want” Suddenly Anthony changes after she becomes pregnant. “ I hope it’s a girl” he says lovingly But Elizabeth is 100% sure she will give him the son he asked for so that she can escape this loveless marriage. Anthony learns after almost two years of marriage that his wife is not who he thought she was. Realizing all of the mistakes he had made he is desperate to keep his wife but Elizabeth refuses to compromise. “I don’t care about the past,I will give you your son and you will give me my divorce”

All_Smilez09 · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
22 Chs

Chapter 2. No longer be a doormat!

Elizabeth threw on her silk robe and made her way to the kitchen to make a hot milk and honey drink. It was a mixture her mom used to make for her when she was a child and she trusted that the consoling refreshment would ease her battered nerves. The familiar task of preparing the drink significantly calmed her. She had just eased onto a bar stool and taken her first sip when she felt Anthony's presence behind her. Her hands began to tremble once more, and the hairs on the nape of her neck stood up.

"You must be cold in just that skimpy little thing you're wearing," he remarked indignantly as he headed to the refrigerator for an orange juice carton. His short, black hair, which he had towel-dried carelessly after his shower, was damp and standing up. He wore only some dark shorts. He looked as flawless as usual, and Elizabeth resented him like never before for that manly flawlessness.

"I'm fine," She got up suddenly and made a beeline for the sink to clean her mug, yet he snatched her elbow to stop her. Anthony never touched her outside of the bedroom, so his touch made her tense up. This was the first time she could remember him touching her without it being a sign of sex in the 22 months they had been married. He got closer to her and kissed her ear with his lips. Before he spoke, she felt his hot breath on the side of her face.

He said to her with a sickening air of finality.

"There'll be no more talk of divorce, Elizabeth...ever."

She bravely responded, "You can't stop me from divorcing you, Anthony."

"Darling, do you really want a divorce?" he inquired.

She gave a firm nod.

"Danielle loses her business if you get that divorce, and she can't afford that right now, not with a new baby on the way."

Elizabeth hadn't anticipated that in some way. She should have, but she did not. Danielle,her cousin, had received a loan for her coffee shops initial capital. Despite the fact that Elizabeth was unaware of the specifics of that loan, she had always assumed that it was given out of generosity. She couldn't believe how ignorant she was now as she looked up at him. That loan was just another tool Anthony could use against her, as he did nothing out of pure generosity.

"You wouldn't," she answered. " There is nothing Danielle has done to merit this"

"Sweetheart, I will take the necessary steps to get what I need from you."

"I can help her because I also have money.", She began desperately

"No, Elizabeth, you have a wealthy father, and he had the opportunity to help Danielle; however, he made his disdain for the idea abundantly clear to everyone at the time, and you know that he would never support you through a messy divorce."

"You still wouldn't do that!, You need to uphold your reputation. You're a honest business man and you wouldn't destroy a small business just to make a point. What sort of message could that send?" She inquired.

"That you shouldn't fuck with me." He shrugged.

"Elizabeth, do you really believe that I care what other people think of me? What you think of me? Do you think I care?…I never have, and I never will. You're nieve and entitled."

"I'm not..." She attempted to defend herself, but he scoffed at her halting the words she wanted to say.

"We will eventually get a divorce, but I need to get something from you first. Remember when you wanted this marriage? I'm sure you begged for it. So if you want to divorce now, it'll come with a few hefty consequences. Are you willing to risk the future of your cousin?"

Elizabeth wouldn't make it happen, and Anthony knew it. He had her precisely where he needed her. Divorce was not an option, not when so much was at stake. However, there would be adjustments—Elizabeth Ann Clark Lombardi would no longer be a doormat! She turned around and walked away without speaking. She could feel his eyes burning into her thin back as he watched her leave, but he did not call her back.