
Hunter x Hunter: Gen's Adventure! [ HxH ]

Gen is a smart boy that always liked novels.Gen's dream is to become the strongest with his brother Gon. It only means that great adventure is coming. Gen will get an amazing gold finger. Prepare for the upcoming chapters! Op Gen/ All the Respect For Yoshihiro Togashi For Writing This Awesome Story. Everything expect Gen and couple others is owned by Yoshihiro Togashi. Anime name Hunter x Hunter Normal 2-4 Chapters a week. If not I may Be sick Or something. I will try hit Fanfic N.1, so please support me during this journey. There will be improvised arc's.

chefs4 · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
25 Chs


Everyone followed chairman Netero to his airship.

After everyone else went to continue the second exam, chairman Netero asked some questions from the five people.

"So, why do you guys want to become hunter." Netero asked.

"To find our dad and become the strongest." Gon said.

"Same here." Gen said.

"I want to become rich." Leorio said.

"I want to take revenge on the Phantom Troupe. Kurapika said.

"Good.." Netero mumbled.

"Do you want guys want to have a challenge." Netero said.

"What kind of challenge?" Gen asked.

"I will be fighting one versus one matches with everyone and if you manage to impress, hit or make me suffer any kind of injury you win." Netero said.

"If you manage to do it I will do something that will help you grow a lot stronger." Netero said.

"Everyone of you have ten minutes. Blond hair come first." Netero said.

"Okay." Kurapika said.

After ten minutes.

"Too bad I didn't manage to impress him." Kurapika said.

"Next the middle aged man." Netero said.

"What do you mean." Leorio grumbled.

"I'm not even 20 yet." Leorio grumbled.

"Oh..." Netero said.

"Looks can be deceiving." Netero said while putting his tongue out.

"This old man." Leorio said angrily.

After ten minutes.

"Too bad I didn't manage to do it. The old man is fast." Leorio grumbled.

"You black haired kid in green." Netero said.

"Yes." Gon said.

After ten minutes.

"Aah. I was so close." Gon said. while poking the floor.

"Next the white haired kid." Netero said.

"You did great, but not enough." Netero said.

"Hmhp." Killua said little bit pissed.

"Last the kid in black clothes." Netero said.

"Hm." Gen said.

Gen walked into a room that was black and white colored.

The room was full of fighting marks.

"Is weapons allowed?" Gen asked.

"Hm?" Netero said.

"Sure." He said.

'Activate [The sight of violet]' Gen thought.

Gen manifested ten needles to each of his pockets.

Gen trowed a needle towards Netero's head.

'Hmm. Throwing needle accurately is really hard.' Netero thought.

'This kid has potential.' Netero thought.

Gen rushed towards Netero.

Gen saw with his [The Sight of violet] ability where Netero was about to move and punched towards the place.

'What?' Netero thought as he stopped the movement he was about to make.

Gen jumped to the air and kicked towards Netero's head.

Netero jumped backwards, but Gen didn't let him leave just like that.

Gen threw three more needles toward Netero's vital spots.

'Argh.' Gen thought.

'This isn't gonna work.' Gen thought.

'What should I do?' Gen thought.

'Hmm maybe something out..' Gen thought.

Gen threw another two needles towards the ears of Netero.

Netero squatted and dodged them.

Gen went in for a punch, but this time he did something no one expected.

He started to create illusion punches that went towards Netero.

[New Ability Learned: Illusion Punch]

'What? Who taught him something like this? I have never seen it." Netero thought.

'Yes!' Gen thought.

Netero dodged all the illusions and the real one.

'This would have worked if it wasn't me or anyone else powerful.' Netero thought.

¤Ring Ring Ring Ring¤

"Time is up." Netero said.

"Aww. I did not make it in time." Gen said.

"Yes you didn't manage to punch me or hurt me, but you certainly impressed me." Netero said.

"Really?" Gen asked.

"Yes." Netero said.


"So what was the thing that will benefit me?" Gen asked.

"If you pass the Hunter exams, I will train you couple of months." Netero said.

"Thank you!" Gen said.

"But what about my friends?" Gen asked.

"They will have another hunter train them, if they pass." Netero whispered to Gen.

"But don't tell this to your friends because it is supposed to be a secret." Netero said and put his tongue out playfully.

"You sure are a childish old man." Gen said.

Netero grinned.


"Aww. I didn't win it." Gen said.

"Ah. Okay." Gon said.

"Maybe someone of you will win next time." Netero came out and said.

"Maybe." Gen said.

"The others who passed are coming back right on time." Netero said.

"Yeah." Everyone said.

'Analyze.' Gen thought.

[Name Gen]

[Power level]

[450/ Unlimited] (With everything)





[The sight of violet.]

[Illusion Punch]


[180 IQ]

[Points- 0 ] [Unlocks when host learns Nen]

[Shop] [Unlocks when Host learns Nen.]

'So cool.' Gen thought.


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