He was reaped,he expected this to happen , he knew, so he trained to be the most dominant victor of the Hunger games years passed by till it finally happened. Follow Bjorn on his journey of dominance and rebellion. Discord link: https://discord.gg/bsM3sqMDsc
"Remember Bjorn Warrior blood is running through your veins. We are superior to all other tributes one day son you will either be reaped or volunteer this is our way. Bring glory to our family once again".
These words rang once again in Bjorn's mind. Words spoken by his now-dead father. He had been a stern man nonetheless he taught him everything he knew about surviving and fighting it was a very stoic relationship with neither side showing much affection.
'In two days will be the reaping for the 72nd Hunger games if I don't get drawn I will volunteer, I want to live in the Victor's village again I was able to live there for most of my life because of my father but now that he's dead I had to move out into this cabin I built myself years ago for a lesson he taught me. Hm, I should go get some firewood, it's getting cold in here'.
-The next day in the butcher shop
"Clarence" Bjorn greeted the older man behind the counter "Oh Hello there if it isn't the bear." The butcher said with a smirk "jokes aside what can I help you with today my friend". "I need some meat a lot to be honest, I need to put on some fat so give me more fatty cuts" Bjorn replied without emotion. "Alright we just got some fresh meat so you came at a good time, but may I ask why you need to put on weight Bjorn
you look great and from the rumors about you you're stronger than ever, which is impressive but not too surprising considering who your father is"
the butcher asked the tall man standing across the counter.
"I plan on participating in the next Hunger Games Clarence. I have a feeling I won't be able to eat much while being in that arena. Whatever It might be I heard rumors it will be filled with snow, I have also heard it could be a destroyed city but you know how can you trust people these days" Bjorn answered him "The hunger games ah kiddo, like father like son huh? well I'm gonna do my best to help you just like I did when your father said the same thing he saved my ass a couple of times prior so the meat's on the house today and if you ever need anything I'm here" Clarence said melancholically "Thank you, Clarence, it means a lot" Bjorn said with a smile on his usually stoic face, Clarence nodded.
After Clarence had brought the meat wrapped in some paper and Bjorn stuffed it in his bag he brought with him he left the butchery.
'That went better than expected I guess now it's time to do some work chop some wood and drag it back to the storage after I will cook and have a feast'. With that in mind, he walked the streets meeting and greeting a lot of towns folk many treated him with respect some even with fear soon he reached his little cabin in the woods and started working.
-The next day
'Every year this is too crowded they should draw 50 tributes instead of one so I can have some peace' Bjorn thought to himself while towering over every other person standing in the crowd before the platform that was specifically made for reaping.
"Hello, people of district seven I hope you had a good year since we now come to this tradition where we will take 2 brave inhabitants of every district with us to tribute for the annual hunger games. As always Ladies first, then I would say let's not beat around the bush and start drawing shall we" a loud excited women's voice sounded out from the speakers placed everywhere around them. She began shuffling in the box containing all the female participants
"Rowan Evergreen" she said with a beaming smile, quickly cries erupted in
the crowd the girl selected was well known and liked in the district 17 years of age, athletic build yet petite 'Hm could be worse at least one participant less I have to worry about, pains me I have to kill a girl so young out of my own district but you know solving problems doesn't always feel good' Bjorn thought.
"Please calm down so I can continue I know it's hard but please remember this woman will come back bringing glory money and prestige for this District if she survives that is of course" the announcer told the crowd somewhat calming them down with the first half but only making them angrier with the second half 'I could swear I saw her smirking while saying that these people are truly disgusting let's get this over with as quickly as possible so I can get these snakes out of my view' Bjorn thought with disgust a scowl covering his face.
The woman covered in make-up started to stick her hand into the container containing the male tributes after she had decided on one and pulled it out she started speaking "Aspen Larrat" gasps sounded within the crowd Bjorn looked into their Direction and he could understand why an older woman was crying and hugging her what seemed to be an around 13-year-old son
"Well it's good I'm here can't stand it when kids get drawn into this shit" Bjorn murmured under his breath "I VOLUNTEER" he said loudly suddenly everyone went silent they just looked at him with awe and confusion. He started walking towards the platform where the girl who was reaped earlier stood "t-thank you Bjorn your so much like your father in his younger days " the woman who he saw earlier crying and hugging her child now thanked him while crying even more for saving her son "Look Woman I don't know you or how you know my father but children shouldn't be in this sick game and any man who wouldn't stand up for your son should be ashamed" and with that sentence, he walked onto the platform leaving nodding and men with red faces of shame and anger in the crowd.
"What's your name dear" the woman covered in Make-up asked him now close up Bjorn could finally notice how much she was actually covered in Make-up completely altering her looks and facial structure due to the sheer mass she had put on her face.
"Bjorn Hannesson" he said coldly and for a second her mask broke a frown covered her face but quickly disappeared and was replaced with another fake smile. She spoke into the microphone again " All right People of District 7 here are your Tributes, Bjorn Hannesson and Rowan Evergreen I hope you all have a nice day and we will see you after the Hunger games".