
human transformation gagit

This is a story about a wording soul who was given a second chance at life by a mysterious entity. Let's follow his journey and watch him cause chaos in the multiverse and beyond

the_gamer_8106 · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
15 Chs

End of The Examination

As the battle starts Leo casts [Mana arrow] and three mana arrows manifest behind him, and head towards the examiner.

"You are using pure mana instead of using a spell, that's rare" saying that he dashed toward Leo while thinking 'He must have very good mana control to do something like that even second years will find it difficult.

As the mana arrows reach him he simply takes them head-on and comes out unscathed "If you want to damage me you will have to do a lot better than that" saying this he continues to charge toward Leo and punches him.

Seeing the incoming fist Leo activated [Thought accleration] and the world around him slows down along with the fist, then he casts a flame circle on this previous spot and jumps back to avoid the incoming punch.

As his perception returned to normal Leo could see a surprised look appear on the examiner's face but before he could say anything it turned into a look of shock he suddenly stops and jumps back the next second a fire pillar erupts from his previous position.

Seeing this every one was shocked, they thought he would get punched but not only did he dodge the punch but also cast a spell to block the examiner then they realized that there was no sign of activation of a spell.

"Your strong huh, so l will take it a bit more seriously" saying this he charges at Leo, this time instead of dodging Leo also charges at him, seeing this the examiner replies "So your coming for close combat"

Then the examiner punches in his direction seeing this Leo covers his hands in aura and fire and uses [Death blow], as the fists make contact the aura and the fire present in Leo's fist explode at one point and a huge explosion is heard throughout the training ground.

As the dust clears you could see two figures, both standing completely still but if you look closer you could see one of them had a little bit of blood coming out of their mouth while the other was a bit out of breath.

The former being Leo and the latter the examiner but the result of the exchange was on Leo's side because you could see that Leo was unmoved from his position but the examiner was pushed back by a bit.

Again there was a look of absolute shock on the examiner's face, 'The second before our fists collide the young man's power suddenly increased, and also that punch was not normal as it concentrated all the energy into a single point, that must be a high-level art.'

Leo looked at his fist and thought 'Even when I unsealed my strength oi still could not beat him, as expected of a teacher at one of the most famous institutes',

As they both read themselves for another round the bell rang indicating the end of the minute, the examiner comes near Leo "You are strong for your age so keep doing what you are and you might be a powerhouse in the near future" saying his he pats Leo's shoulder.

I nod at the examiner and head back to join Souta and Brayan, coming near then Brayan has a huge grin on his face and says "Wow your strong you even managed to push the examiner back no wonder you were confident in passing the exam."

"He was holding back a lot, if that was a real battle he could have beaten me easily" I reply

"Still that was impressive" souta chimes in, while we were conversing the next battle begins it was Alice who was fighting next.

The battle went the same as in the novel but Alice was fighting with more of her strength this was probably because she observed the battle between Leo and the examiner, after concluding the match she walked back like nothing happened, then the exam contained for another hour.

Not every examinee displayed the same skills as souta and Alice, but some were close and in close combat, there were beat men who even surpassed them both, but none came close to the battle between Leo and the examiner.

As the fights concluded john who was the examiner of the first test came with the result of the examination and displayed it in front of the examinees, as expected Leo along with Alice, Souta, Brayan and twenty-eight others passed.

Then john instructed those who passed to follow him as they followed him the came to the stadium of the institute and on the stage in front of them were people wearing black coats along with black pants.

John instructed us to select our major course, after selecting the course, our teacher who was in fact bargan introduced himself and toured us around the institute while explaining the history of this place, after completing the tour he guided us to a room.

The room was huge and in the middle were neatly piled spellbooks, then bargan instructed us to pick three books, I went near the pile and picked [Light heal], [Agility boost], and [Earth wall] I picked light heal because I did not have a healing spell, agility boost because of the same reason and earth wall because it was the only one left.

After picking up the books, bargan guides us to another room in which our uniforms will be made to take our measurements, on our way we introduced ourselves to each other since Souta and Brayan knew me I introduced myself to the others.

After reaching the room everyone gets their size measured after that they ask which type of uniform we want I choose a uniform that boosts my mana pool because I didn't need the one that boosts my defense.

Before I left Brayan invited me to join him for lunch but I politely declined him because I had to register in the adventures guild today.


That was my first elaborated fight scene, hope you liked it if not then please recommend me a novel with good fight scenes I will refer to them and improve mine.

Guys thanks for reading this novel.

Plz leave your comment and if you have some ideas regarding the powers the mc should also comment and I will implement it, do tell me if I missed anything.

Thank you...