
World Law Pagoda

After the great war, both races retreated far away from each other. It is unknown where the Magiahs went, however with such casualties, they will not come back for a long period of time.

The remaining humans went back to the Crown, the biggest planet under their rule and also the last to remain intact after the war. They did not want this war, even now they still don't know why they were attacked. The humans have tried negotiating on many occasions but they were met with hostility every time.

The losses in this war were too big. They lost almost all of their territory with more than 99,9% of the population dead. The numbers of humans alive dropped to only a few millions. They lost most of their technology, even though they still have most of the blueprints, it is almost impossible to build everything again in a short period of time.

However, there was one thing that they gained from this war. And that is the knowledge of laws and how to manipulate them. The few war prisoners that the humans managed to capture were tortured until they could no longer bear it and taught humans the way of laws. Strangely, no matter what horrible tortures they went through, none of them said the reason they went to war with humanity. In the end, due to the intense hatred the human race had for the Magiahs, after an unanimous vote, all the prisoners were executed.

Humans started rebuilding their society. Most of it was the same as before the war with only one exception, and that is the appearance of the World Law Pagoda. This was an organization built in order to train humans in the way of the laws. According to what the war prisoners told humans, before starting to train in the laws one must first undergo their first mental awakening. This was a huge setback as humans had no way of completing this kind of awakening, even in the Magiah race only somebody who had already undergone 3 mental awakenings can help another Magiah undergo their first awakening, otherwise even for them it is very difficult to awake their mental potential on their own. For the human race, it's impossible.

This made humans nearly give up on learning laws. However, a brilliant scientist found the answer. And that is the blood of the Magiahs. After countless experiments, he found out that the components of Magiah blood can stimulate the human brain. This left other scientists perplexed. Let alone the fact that they couldn't find out the reason behind this mechanism, the problem was that they were in possession of only 7 Magiah corpses which had limited blood, so they could not awake many people's potential, not to mention future generations.

However, human imagination knows no boundaries. Years later, after lots of experiments on animals, another scientist used genetic engineering in order to create the first animal-Magiah hybrid. He called it a mental beast.

These beasts were truly marvelous. After being born they already were able to manipulate a certain law and be very powerful using it or more laws with slightly weaker control in each. After letting this beasts in the wild, they multiplied at astonishing rates and lots of mutations appeared giving birth to even more powerful beasts. By drinking this kind of beast blood, humans were not only able to undergo their first mental awakening, but they also gained a small part of the law affinity of the beast.

After this, humans were finally able to train in manipulating laws. Their training was very different from the Magiahs which only needed to undergo mental awakenings in order to become more powerful. Humans could only undergo one mental awakening in their entire life with very rare cases of 2 awakenings, those could be called world-class geniuses. Their training path became slightly different, as to gain more power, humans had to use the laws they had affinities with to temper their body and minds. They found a way to do this, similar to the cultivation in Chinese mythology . As such the training path consisted of 3 great realms each divided in 3 stages , the first realm being Mortal, which was composed of :Mental Awakening, Law Awakening and Body-Law Tempering.

The second realm, Spirit, is divided into Law Seed, Soul Fusion and Law Severing and the third and the last realm, Divine, is divided into Resonance, Child Of Law, World Law King. As people were reaching higher realms, their lifespans were also greatly enhanced reaching hundreds and in rare cases could exceed a thousand years. Until the present, the highest stage a human reached was Child Of Law.

However, based on the recordings from the great war, humans were able to deduce the fact that there is 1 more stage. This stage was the reason that humanity was unable to win the war back then. According to history records, there were 3 Magiahs who reached World Law King. Just to defeat them, half of the human armies were annihilated, so their power was without question. If humanity could train such individuals then they would have nothing to be afraid of anymore.

As such, academies for students talented in laws were created, all of them being governed by the World Law Pagoda which does not have a leader, but a council with 9 members, corresponding with the 9 existing laws: chaos, space-time, life, death, water, fire, earth, wind and lightning. Usually the most powerful person in a certain law occupies the spot prepared for that law in the council.

The whole process of applying to an academy is very clear and simple. You need to undergo 2 tests, mental expanse and law affinity, and if you are found to possess enough talent you will be accepted in a corresponding academy where you will be starting your training. These two tests can be taken in any branch of the World Law Pagoda. The tests are usually coordinated by 9 teachers.

Every year, people from the whole world are coming to be tested at the Pagoda, but many go back home disappointed. It was indeed very rare to find humans with enough qualifications to be accepted into an academy. But, even with that, the academies are still bustling with activity. As the number of academies is not very big, they are able to find enough young talents to fill their quotas.

However there are some academies which are not sought after by people, because their accumulations are not enough to be able to nurture geniuses or their location is very remote. Such type of academy is the Northern Dead Ice Academy. Situated in the far north, where temperatures are not suitable for human life, this academy has a pitiful number of students. Even though the academy is highly suited for training in water and death laws,most people are unwilling to come to such a remote place due to the temperatures and the massive hordes of mental beasts which are fairly close to this academy.

Even though life is hard for them, the students are giving their best to advance in their training and the teachers go all out to help them. However, there are still weak students who know they may not have any future in the law training and are just there to make a living as every student is provided with food and shelter. Such student is Alaister Dennel.