
HS DxD: The Path of Kings

What does make a king? Is it about honor, bloodline, or conquest? We are about to see the true meaning of a person who becomes the true king. Birth in poverty. Hiding great power deep inside. Acquiring knowledge from the Great Sages. The Rise of the Strongest King follows as such..

Dark_Spider · Anime e quadrinhos
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18 Chs

Chapter 4 The Suns chariot

Although the curiosity of a child is dangerous, however, Parshurama and Surya Dev didn't get surprised by these words and with a regret on his face, Parsurama explained "If someone like Krishna becomes the helper and Hanuman takes the duty of protection why would Arjun need to worry about Karna's arrows and get injured from the attacks.

As you might have already know Hanuman is immune to every kind of attack from everyone and with Krishna's help even if Arjun was a child it was destined to end in his victory besides at that time Karna was also affected by my curse and lost his armor if not I am sure the result would not be the same even with Krishna helping Arjun."

Do you understand why Arjun won in the war child?" asks Surya Dev with a sigh feeling regret from the past events.

"So if Arjun and Karna were in the equal ground without receiving help from others it would have ended in Karna's victory.

But since Arjun received help from Krishna while Karna was alone it can only be said Karna's battle would have ended in a tie but with some major disadvantages he wasn't able to win and lost." concluded Aarush with an understanding nod as he didn't hesitate to tell the truth.

"Maybe but destiny can not be changed so easily and the end result would have been the same. " said Parsurama with a deep sigh as he looks at the horizon with a tired face.

"Anyway it's no use in remembering about the past and lament on it." said Surya dev with a wise tone as he looks at Aarush who is not afraid to say the truth and felt this kid might have the ability to become his successor but it's a regret the kid has already been chosen by Parsurama.

"Aarush go inside the house and gather your items cause today Surya Dev will take you to the Guru Kul." shifting his gaze from the Horizon Parsurama said with a deep tone as he instructed Aarush.

"I understand Grandfather." said Aarush before walking inside the but with a smile on his face.


After saying goodbye to his Grandfather Aarush followed behind Surya Dev and soon arrived at the bottom of the mountain where discovered Eight horses eating grass while a man is taking care of them and upon their arrival, the man asks "Surya Dev you are back and this child must be the one you have told me about a while ago if I am not mistaken"

"Yes you are not wrong and this is indeed Aarush the kid Lord Parsurama has accepted as his grandson." said Surya Dev with a smile.

"Uranus greets you my young friend." said Uranus with a smile as he looks at little Aarush.

"Aarush also greets Mr. Uranus." said Aarush with a nod as he looks at Uranus with curiosity.

"Ursinus prepare the Chariot it's time we take young Aarush to his new residence." commanded Surya Dev with a nod as looks at the horses.

"In a moment Surya Dev." said Uranus before extending his hand to summon a chariot that is spreading a golden light in all directions, and the moment he steps on it ropes made from light extended from his hands before getting conned to every horse before all the horse aligned in a formation when as he announced with a smile "The chariot is prepared Surya Dev."

"Get on the Chariot young Aarush since we will depart for home soon." said Surya Dev with a smile as he steps on the Chariot and so did Aarush when Uranus pulls the horse wipe and the white horses also started spreading Golden light all over the areas.

Not soon after Uranus pulls the wipes, the Chariot started acceleration at a moderate speed however, each moment the speed with becoming twice from the previous moment before long the horses started stepping on the void and so did the Chariot took a flight on the sky making Aarush explain in surprise "Surya Dev we are flying?"

"Yes Aarush you are not imagining things and we are truly flying." as if understanding the confusion from young Aarush said Surya Dev with a delighted smile.

"But the horse isn't able to fly so how can we fly when the chariot is being pulled by horses?" although the truth is already in front of his eyes however he is confused about the logic in the ability of the horse when it can fly.

Understanding the young Aarush has a lot of curiosity Surya Dev didn't get angry at him instead he is very delighted since his new student has the potential to learn a lot instead of ignoring something and accepting it without any kind of solid knowledge.

"You see young Aarush this horse and the Chariot we are on are not the ordinary horse or chariots but divine objects and animals.

While the enchanted Chariot creates a barrier to protect its rider from the harm from the high-speed wind or object while protecting the outside objects from getting destroyed, it also makes itself and us invisible to the outside world so they can't see us or gets surprised by our presence.

As for the Divine horses, they can move so fast that they can step on the wind after creating a stand ain't before they move, which is why we can fly, you see if the horse only moved at the steep of a regular horse forget about flying it would be hard to jump over a house roof.

On the other side, the ability granted by the chariot also helps the horses to not be obstructed by any kind of obstacles which is why they can move so freely." explained Surya Dev with a smile before pointing to the outside of the chariot to ask "Look at the bird that is coming towards us."

"It's so fast." not a moment after Surya Dev's suggestion the bird flew past them at a blinding speed making Aarush surprised before he said looking at Surya Dev then a realization hits him as he asks "It's not the bird that is moving fast but it's us, Right?"

"You are not mistaken Young Aarush this speed is very important for our ability to fly and me using this Chariot for my trouble to a different place." said Surya Dev to conclude the first lesson of Young Aarush from him.

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