All rights go to their respective owners, I own NOTHING, not even the aglets of my shoelaces. OK, so the premise of this story is that there is no real premise, no real plan. It's just for fun and wish fulfillment. World travel will happen whenever I want. And it's probably a harem, most likely, check the tags. Never NTR, don't even think about it A hot pot for my ideas if you will. It will be updated if I have inspiration and it might even have some small breaks, I'll try to keep them short. But I'll always come back. This is just something that came into my mind while listening to the song The Fifth Angel by the band Beast in Black. Check them out if you like Berserk. Anyway might continue this story, might not, probably will, don't have the best track record with my last story. I kinda ran out of ideas and then I had to change my job while thinking about how to write it. Have fun.