
Hp The Ageless

Zander is sent to a new Harry Potter world as Eric a Nordic Vampire. Traveling the globe during 700 ad

BigSteve · Livros e literatura
Classificações insuficientes
35 Chs

15 Prep

The portal Tags soul went through was similar to the reapers but my guess is she will return to an egg and begin another life. Hopefully it won't be too long before I see her again. Moments later my mother and sister came back to the seating. Then shortly after an Ashwinder slithered its way to the patio. He began "Hello young Lord, my brethren have seen that the Lady has moved on. The Lady has ordered us to follow your command and show you the wardstone. This wardstone is controlled by blood and since you contain gold dragon blood it is yours to control. Once you touch the stone your magic will allow you to cast a gate (portal) from where ever you are."

Knowing that I had a personal home I could rent a room or just teleport back as I travel. I could go to Egypt and learn their Runes or Japan, I could venture the world to learn magic all before colonialism. I walked up to where the wardstone was only for a ring of white fire to appear around the stone. The ashwinder stepped into the fire saying this is a fire any dragon could withstand. Taking slow breaths I imagined my body becoming a human hybrid with only the scales om my skin. My horns still came out but my tail and wings weren't around. I walked up to the wardstone and as my hand was pushed against the stone a small needle stabbed my hand drawing blood. My hand started to heal the small cut immediately.

Once I was keyed in the fire stopped with my hand on the stone I could feel the whole realm. I had a feeling if I wanted to kick someone out I could by just a thought. With a thought my voice rang out across the realm like an intercom "If everyone could please step out of the realm into the snakes buffer please. I would like to make some changes safely." The Ashwinder who was connected with the other ashwinders told me when everyone was out of the realm. I began by flattening the island, I moved the patio near the ocean that was surround the previous island and using the water already here I kept the sea look but also added pools near where homes could be built. I could put fish in the water and let them grow I had plenty of farm land and I could also bring animals I want to protect. I told the snake to tell my family to meet me at the patio.

My family took a little longer to find the patio but they sat down looking for tag. I had to explain that Tag was an old dragon that had moved on. She gave me the realm and I would like to move my family into it. We can make it however we like. My brother was sitting next to my sister this time with a smile. From the look of him he survived but he was missing his arm. Mother began by explaining that my dad was dead and so was most of the village. Floki made it out but he is injured. The village is gone along with most of the werewolves. Using my mana I imagined the ring I had given Ranvi, using that ring as my destination I created a portal near it. Looking through the portal I could see Randvi and her mother walking down a pathway.

I yell through the portal "How you doing?" Causing her to fall as she was in a neighboring town with her sister and mother. She walked through the portal saying "We were told that the whole village was destroyed and Noone lived I thought the worse." As she cried running toward me and giving me a hug. She looked around not knowing the island that we were sitting on. I explained we were in a pocket realm the best I could to a medieval girl. She was fascinated asking if the water and ground was real to which I explained "It's like a box that can be expanded in any direction filled with water, dirt and other minerals. Then they are magically laid out allowing for land within the box. I'm going to be building houses inside of the realm and portals to exit. We have ashwinders which are flame snakes as door guards."

Coro landed on my right shoulder saying "We also get our own nests." Bran landed on my left shoulder saying "Yeah we get our nests on the tallest house." I laughed saying well my house has to be big as I need a library and a research lab." My family sitting next to me wondered what those were as they began to question me. I had to explain a library is where books or information is stored like the wooden tablets I was shown runes on. The research lab would let me build tools for us to use. Like I need a flying broom. It was already getting late so I returned to the village to see the damage.

Stepping into the village all I could see was rubble with wooden logs breaking the surface of the ground. I walked to where the bone dragon had died looking for any valuable parts. I found some bone ash that I had collected in a cup made of wood. I had found a severed wing of Tags, and all of the orange dragon bones that weren't powder. I lifted them with telekinesis as I dropped them in portals into my realm. I began by cutting down all the trees I could get near as my mana was more abundant. I cleared out most of the forest as I cam across Floki sitting on some of the rubble that was probably his home. As I dropped the last bit of logs into a portal I approached Floki.

I asked "Can you teach my family magic? I have an ability to grant them magic but I need someone to help them. I want to travel the world learning new magic, but it will take many lifetimes. When I give them this gift I offer it to you. You will never age and your magic will grow slightly. It will activate my families first core. They will be weak but with training they could grow to be very powerful." Floki replied "Okay I will take the offer, will Tag let us stay in her realm?" I replied "It's my realm now. Help me research the realm to learn how to make more. I know that it is a box filled with outside materials. I think the box is hidden in Midgards mana core, where the mana veins come from." Floki agreed to the offer as we made the pact mana seemed to swirl as if it was magically binding.

Over the next few days I had returned to my realm and began tranfiguring wood into a nice home. I had even taken stone through the portal and built a bunker around the ward stone. I had built basements into each house that connected via tunnels. I had created some modern amenities like water runes to make a shower. I could control the temperature using my mana as the wardstone supplied the mana. I had running water in the kitchen as the hydrogen and oxygen were pulled from the air to make real water. I was planning to grow multiple plants including the magical kinds. Which is what Floki was tasked to collect. I had decided to start my travel but I would pull a statue from my realm to mark where I was like a map marker. With my wings I thought if I traveled by night no one would mind.

So the night came and I took off from my village heading south. It was quite easy to transform but my wings were rather hard to get used to moving. I was in Finland so I would have to cross the Baltic sea and then travel through Poland to Hungary then to either Italy or Greece. This would be a multiple day trip as my wings needed rest after a few hours. I used some wind magic to glide further but I still need a ton of energy to fly. I thought I could use my telekinesis to catapult me through the air but it is rather difficult to control so I only used it for take off and will probably use it for landing. I had flown for 5 hours low on mana landing on an island near Latvia. I never learned the name but there was a village on the island. I placed to statue on the edge of the island opening a portal to my home. If only I could portal somewhere I haven't been yet.