Raj Mahajan, an ordinary young man from India, suddenly finds himself reincarnated into the magical world of Harry Potter. Born with same name, he discovers he possesses the rare ability to speak Parseltongue. Determined to enjoy his new life to the fullest, Raj embraces his newfound abilities and the opportunity to explore a world filled with magic. After moving to England with his family, Raj receives an invitation to attend Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. From his first day at Hogwarts, Raj is determined to clear the misconceptions surrounding Parseltongue, a gift often associated with dark wizards. With his charming personality and a positive outlook on life, he quickly makes friends with students from all houses. Raj's unique approach to the magical world and his enthusiasm for learning new spells and magical creatures draw the attention of his professors, including Dumbledore. Throughout his time at Hogwarts, Raj faces various challenges, from overcoming prejudice to thwarting dark forces that seek to exploit his gift. With the help his newfound friends, Raj works tirelessly to change the perception of Parseltongue and prove that it can be a force for good. Support me on patreon.com/blaze98