
HP: Dark Lord Potter

Harry Potter comes to Hogwarts, Dumbledore expects a heroic Gryffindor, he get a Slytherin instead. Multi-Harry, harem, select Weasley bashing, Hermione bashing. OP Harry, dark Harry. I don't own Harry Potter. This story does not belong to me. The original can be found by name in the search engine

0DarkWolf0 · Livros e literatura
Classificações insuficientes
17 Chs

Chapter 6

[[Hello Ginny

How are you? I must confess I am glad that you decided to continue writing to me, I hope you're having a fun time. I really look forward to seeing you in school next year.

My lessons have been good so far, really enjoyable. I've made more friends as well, I think I might make some more in the future. Everything's looking great so far.

Though I have had a meeting with your brother, it was less than enjoyable. Your brother basically strutted up to me and my friends and insulted them for being Slytherin's while trying to convince me to transfer into Gryffindor. He argued that I should be in Gryffindor because I am the 'Boy-who-lived'. It's rather annoying having people decide how you are going to live your life and what you should act like.

I hope you like Mercury, I named him after the Roman messenger god. I have no doubt that he likes you. How are your family? How are you? I'd like to know more about you, what's your favourite colour? What do you like to do for fun? What do you want to do when you grow up?

Looking forward to hearing from you.

Love from Harry]]

Ginny was in her room smiling as she read her letter. Mercury was on her shoulder, chirping happily, in a mood to match his owner. Ginny read the letter again, it seemed like Harry was really enjoying Hogwarts, she couldn't wait to go to Hogwarts, it sounded so fun. She also couldn't wait to see Harry again, she really needed to thank him for giving her Mercury. The small bird had easily become her best friend and her best kept secret, Ginny was amazed the first time her mother walked into her room and Mercury turned invisible.

Ginny knew he was still there because she could feel him on her shoulders, she was able to see him again right after her mother left. She loved having him with her, he was like her secret best friend. She continued reading, she was embarrassed and furious because of Ron. The idiot never had any tact at all, how could he think that he would be friends with Harry by insulting his friends and his house? What did it matter if Harry was in Slytherin? Ginny had never really met much, or any, Slytherins but she didn't think they could all be bad people. She also saw how Harry was annoyed at Ron for bringing up him being the 'boy-who-lived', she needed to remember not to bring that up the next time she saw him.

The next thing he wrote was what really grabbed her attention 'It's rather annoying having people decide how you are going to live your life and what you should act like', she totally understood what he was saying. Her mother had always told her to prepare to be a housewife, no matter the fact that Ginny didn't want to be a housewife. Ginny also couldn't act like herself, when she wanted to play quidditch her mother and brothers would say no because she was a girl. When she wanted to play outside, she was told to come back or she'd get her clothes dirty, never mind the fact that Ron and the twins were playing outside. She also couldn't help as much because they always asked Ron, even though it was clear he didn't want to do it and it was clear that he wasn't the best person for the job.

She continued on to the bit where he wrote about the origins of Mercury's name, she liked it and yes she did think that Mercury liked her.

"You like me, don't you boy?" She asked as she gently stroked him, Mercury chirped happily and nuzzled his head into Ginny's hands. The bird was often on Ginny's shoulder and rarely left her side, luckily for Ginny he didn't eat much so she could sneak some owl treats for him from the old owl that Percy used seeing as he didn't eat much either, though he didn't eat as much because he was old. The only time that Mercury left her side was when he went hunting, though he didn't hunt often as Ginny usually provided him with all the food he needed. She read the rest of Harry's questions.

Her family was alright, her mother was currently cooking and her father was doing Merlin knows what in the shed, though she had to guess that he was probably experimenting with muggle things. Ginny had no problem with muggles, liked them even, but even she thought that her father was more than a little obsessed. Ginny was also fine, but she was glad that Harry asked.

Her favourite colour? At the moment she would probably chose either green or blue. Blue because she liked looking at the sky, and she had a lot of blue clothes. But she was currently leaning more on green, for three reasons. The first would be because Harry's in Slytherin, the green house, but also because it was the colour of the grass outside. The third reason would be because it's the colour of the Holyhead harpies symbol, her favourite quidditch team.

What does she like to do for fun? Hmm, Ginny always liked flying and running and playing in the garden. She also liked drawing things, but that was just something to stop her from getting bored.

What does she want to do when she grows up? Hmm, nobody's ever asked her that. Well...nobody's ever asked her that and actually valued her answer, if it wasn't housewife then her mother wouldn't want to hear it. The others just assumed a ministry job, apart from Ron because he was in the same boat as her mum. She wanted to play quidditch, her dream job was to play in the Holyhead harpies as a chaser.

'Love from Harry', he said 'love', did he like her? Or maybe she was just other thinking it? He probably meant it in a friendly way, but what if he didn't?


Isabella Malfoy sighed happily as she sat in the common room with her friends, they had taken a sofa for themselves. Tracy sat at one end, Daphne sat at the middle and Harry sat at the other end. Isabella meanwhile had placed herself on Harry's lap, her back resting against the arm rest while her head rested on his shoulder and her right hand drew patterns on his chest when it wasn't playing with his tie. When she first sat down she looked up at Harry, wanting to see if it bothered him, he just smiled at her and began reading a book. She took that as permission and continued.

Daphne looked at the two with a smile, their relationship was...'interesting'. Isabella was brought out of her shell like a spell out of a wand thanks to Harry, she was totally different from before, different in a good way. She was happy, cheerful and much less shy and scared. Harry was also brilliant, smart and good looking. She wasn't quite sure how she somehow ended up in a three way relationship with the two but...she liked it.

Tracy, meanwhile, was unsure what to think. Yes she was glad that Isabella was happy, but the girl was entirely different. She hoped she stayed happy, because Tracy really didn't want to see what would happen if her heart was broken. Tracy also noticed that Daphne was beginning to take an interest in Harry Potter as well, not that she could blame her. Harry was smart, handsome, kind, well dressed and he really...it was probably better that she stop thinking now.

"What are you doing?" A voice demanded, the trio of girls looked up to see Draco Malfoy strutting towards them. Meanwhile Harry sat still, one hand wrapped around Isabella's waist and the other holding the book that he was reading. "Get off of him" Malfoy ordered Isabella.

"Why should I?" She sneered at him.

"Because I am your brother and I am ordeering you to get off of him!" Malfoy shouted.

"I don't want to" Isabella said with a sweet smile as moved more into Harry "I'm comfortable".

"I don't care, you're not contracted to Potter so unless he wants to sign a marriage contract you will stay away from him!" Malfoy said, furious at the fact that his sister wasn't listening to him, especially in front of the other Slytherins who were now looking at him.

"Harry" Isabella looked at Harry with wide eyes "do you want me to stay away from you?"

"We both know I don't" Harry said with an amused smile as he stopped looking at his book and looked at her "you're mine, and we both know it."

"She is not yours Potter" Draco spat "you know what I am sick and tired of you acting like you're better than all of us."

"Who is acting?" Harry smirked.

"We've all had enough of it" A seventh year stood up, so did many of the seventh years and many of the other upper years. Tracy and Daphne began looking nervous, sure Harry was powerful but most of Slytherin house was standing against him.

"You've had enough?" Harry asked with an amused expression "very well, Isabella dear, would you mind getting up?"

"But I'm comfortable" She whined.

"It'll only take me a minute dear" Harry smiled as he lifted her up as he stood up and placed her on the sofa.

"What are you going to do Potter?" Draco sneered as Harry walked up to him, his steps almost as confident as his face. "You think we're scared of you? You little..." Draco was cut off by Harry causally striking him in the throat with his book, he coughed violently as his hands went to his neck. Harry then slapped him across the back of the head with the book and Draco fell to the floor, his head landing right under Isabella's feet. She giggled and clapped while Harry walked up to the centre of the room.

"You see guys" Harry said as he stopped and looked around "I...I was going to be patient, but there's a slight flaw with that plan. I lack the patience necessary to stick to the plan. I was going to casually introduce you to the pecking order but...it appears that you guys need to learn now. And here is the pecking order, it goes you, the dirt, the worms inside of the dirt, my shit, the people I like then me. Any questions?"

"Who do you..." One fourth year started talking only to find himself thrown against a wall, he slid down and fell unconscious.

"Good" Harry smiled "Let's get to teaching" Several tentacles that appeared to be made of magic shot out from Harry's back and grabbed the seventh year student's by the neck and pulled them into the air, one tentacle shot all the way to the entrance and touched the door, it glowed briefly before it became locked and unable to open. All the Slytherin's turned to Harry who's emerald green eyes glowed brightly, reminding many of them of the killing curse.


"Let's get started on the first years" Dumbledore said at the regular staff meeting at the start of the year, the meeting's purpose was to discuss the students progress. They had just spent around about an hour discussing the students from seventh year to second year, from oldest to youngest and now it was time to discuss the first years, Dumbledore was really anxious to discuss the first years. He really wanted to know how Harry Potter was doing, if all was well then young Harry would be a meek, quiet and polite young boy who Dumbledore could mould into a saviour.

Dumbledore was originally betting on Harry Potter becoming a Gryffindor, when he first saw him at the sorting feast he was surprised. He was expecting a skinny and messy haired, green eyed boy who wore glasses. Mr Potter currently looked very healthy, a decent height, he did have the messy hair of his father and green eyes of his mother but he didn't possess the glasses. While the boy had his fathers looks, there was something added in that made him look more impressive than James Potter did at that age. He was really hoping to learn more about the boy.

"I'd like to go first if you don't mind headmaster" Professor Sprout said, Dumbledore smiled and nodded, he had to be patient. He couldn't show too much of an interest in the boy. He listened for several minutes as she discussed several other children and only really paid attention when she got to Harry Potter. "Neville Longbottom is currently my second best student, Mr Potter is definitely my best." She smiled "The boy is so smart and kind"

"Really?" Dumbledore asked.

"Oh yes" Sprout nodded "you see he always knows the answers and politely puts up his hand every time. It's much more preferred to Granger's method of thrusting her hand up every time she knows the answer, I fully support encouraging answers but the girl seems to take it as a competition and glares at Mr Potter and anyone who dares to answer before her. In fact, last lesson Mr Potter didn't put his hand up for a single question while Miss Granger put her hand up for every one. I notice she looked very smug at the end, I asked Mr Potter about it and he said that he was just trying to give others a chance to answer. So thoughtful."

"Hmm" Dumbledore stroked his beard as he thought about what he learnt, that meant the boy was smart and a quick learner. He was also a thinker, he managed to show off his intelligence without getting any of the problems that Miss Granger earned by doing the same.

"My turn now" Filius smiled, he too spent several minutes discussing various students before he got to Mr Potter "and that boy is so brilliant" he said when he got to Harry's name "his mother would be so proud. Lily was always a natural, if I had to guess then I'd say Mr Potter could be much better if he keeps going the way he is going. Every time I give him a new charm to learn, he helps his friends first then he does it himself on the first try! Amazing young lad!" The process then repeated with Professor McGonagall, she discussed several students before reaching Mr Potter.

"The boy is even more impressive than his father" McGonagall said without a hint of doubt, surprising many people. Even Snape, whose hatred of Harry's father went past obsessive, could admit that James Potter was incredibly brilliant at transfigurations. "On his first class the boy transformed his matchstick into a needle on the first go and spent the rest of the lesson changing into various colours, I have it right now" McGonagall said as she removed the needle and handed it out so each teacher could take a turn looking at it "he turned it blue, red and yellow before he settled with green, something I believe was an intentional nod to the school houses."

"Impressive" Flitwick said before he handed it back to Professor McGonagall.

"The boy also spent the lesson helping his friends" Professor McGonagall smiled "he may look like his father but he is so much like Lily."

"Severus, what do you think of the boy?" Dumbledore asked Snape.

"The boy is a talentless and spoilt brat!" Snape snarled "Just like his father, it's a miracle he can lift his big head off the ground"

"How dare you?!" Professor McGonagall exclaimed "If the boy was anything like what he was in the rest of our classes then I am sure that he was not a 'talentless and spoilt brat'!"

"Just because you all favour the boy" Snape sneered at them.

"Are you going to act like you don't favour your own Slytherin's?" Flitwick countered "I know that I gave Draco Malfoy a detention and you took it over in what I do not doubt was an attempt to help the boy. Mr Potter on the other hand has been nothing but polite and kind to the rest of us."

"Just because you're all ensnared by his fame" Snape glared at them "I'm the only one who sees the strutting little demon for what he is, a..."

"That will be enough Severus" Dumbledore said firmly.

Snape, who appeared to be resisting an urge to continue ranting about all things Potter, had gave a stiff nod. Snape was also debating if he should inform them about his magic not working and losing his potions knowledge. He was positive that the Potter brat was responsible, after all it only happened after he had tried to read the boy's mind. Eventually he decided not to say anything.

If he did then he may end up admitting to reading the boy's mind, he would also end up losing value if he couldn't do magic or lost his potions knowledge, he didn't even know if the loss was permanent. Plus, if he did blame the boy then that was basically admitting that the boy was smarter and more powerful than him and Snape would never admit to that, not even if with his dying breath.


"Well that was fun" Harry said casually as he looked around the room. Daphne and Tracy were sitting on the sofa with wide eyes filled with awe, disbelief and a little bit of fear, meanwhile Isabella looked at him like he was the key to life. The other's in the house were either on their knees, looking at him with fear and awe or on the floor in agony while looking at him like he was the living form of evil. "You" Harry pointed at a black skinned first year who was hiding in the corner of the room "come here" The boy was obviously scared but reluctantly made his way over to Harry.

"So" Harry said as he put his hand on the boy's shoulder, ignoring his flinch "your name is Blaise Zabini, correct?" The boy nodded quickly. "And you weren't part of this little movement against me?"

"N...no!" Blaise shook his head quickly.

"Relax" Harry smiled "if I suspected you were then you'd be on the floor with the rest of them, you chose to stay out of the way and that makes you smarter than the rest of your year mates who didn't. That's something that should be rewarded, would you like a reward?"

"Uh..." Blaise thought about it, on one hand the question could be a trap but on the other hand he could end up offending him by refusing, plus if he was being honest then Blaise might get something out of it "O...kay?" He said, unsure if that was a good answer.

"I currently have the best room out of all the people in our year, I'm gifting it to you" Harry said and Blaise's eyes widened.

"B...but...where will you sleep?" Blaise asked.

"That is a good question" Harry said with a thoughtful expression "obviously I need somewhere equally as good or more impressive, I know, I will sleep in the room reserved for Salazar Slytherin's heirs." Harry let go of Blaise and turned to a wall, the house watched as Harry began speaking, though none of them could understand what he was saying. In fact most thought it sounded like hissing, almost collectively they realised that he was speaking parsletounge.

The wall that Harry was speaking to opened and soon a doorway was revealed, the door was made of black oak and had many fancy snake designs. On the centre of the door was the symbol of Slytherin house.

"Excellent" Harry smiled, he then turned to the rest of the Slytherin's "I trust nobody will bother me, because if they do..." Harry began hissing again, everyone watched in horror as the snake designs around the common room came to life and began hissing alongside him. Everyone now became suddenly aware that their deaths could happen with just a few words from Harry. "Are we clear?" Harry asked and they all nodded.

"Oh! Can I come with you?!" Isabella asked with a pleading expression "Please!"

"Of course my dear" Harry smiled and the snake decorations returned to normal, Isabella squealed and rushed towards Harry and pulled him into a hug before she rushed over to the door, she stopped before entering. She turned and seemed to wait for Harry. Harry smiled, he turned to the rest of the common room.

"I think that I am a nice person well...I try to be every once in a while" Harry corrected, he waved his hand and all the injured Slytherin's healed instantly "this is my one act of kindness, do not test me again. Oh, before I forget..." Draco Malfoy flew through the air and landed in front of Harry, he looked up at Harry. His grey eyes filled with fear and terror. "your sister is mine, don't you dare even consider taking her from me. Understood?" Harry asked in a low voice and Draco nodded so fast that he actually hurt his neck.

Harry turned to Isabella, he extended a hand which she took and the two walked in to the room.