
HP: A New Life

[A Harry Potter Fanfiction] Decades after the war Harry Potter has everything in life wealth, fame, power, etc but nothing to live for. Just when Harry thinks that he will lead a lonely existence for the rest of his life, he his approached by an old friend Death. Death offers Harry a chance to go back to live a life he was always meant to, but can he fix the past while Harry himself is a little broken. I am 15 chapters ahead on my patreon. Check it out if you want to support me. https://www.patreon.com/emperordragon

Lucifer101 · Livros e literatura
Classificações insuficientes
95 Chs

Chapter 70 Stone

I am 15 chapters ahead on my patreón, check it out if you are interested.



Harry stopped as he felt Dumbledore's presence get closer and closer, he always thought the Headmaster's whole flying to ministry thing was a ploy to draw out the Dark Lord and now he got the confirmation. But both times Dumbledore didn't expect that three first years would follow behind Quirrell in an effort to stop him only to almost hand him the stone on a silver platter.

Without someone who truly doesn't want the stone, Voldemort could never have gotten it out of the mirror while being in his weakened spirit form. If only Charlie had listened to Harry and stayed out of this situation, but now is not the time for this, he has the Headmaster to face.

Even before Dumbledore entered the chamber the Mirror of Erised suddenly just disappeared from the chamber. The Headmaster must have used the wards to move the magical artefact somewhere else in the castle so it doesn't get destroyed or damaged, this means he is coming here with the intent to confront the Dark Lord.

The door opened and Dumbledore calmly walked inside, his ostentatious robe contrasting the glowing blues eyes behind his half-moon glasses that sparkled with power.

Knowing that Headmaster would use mage sight so before the door was even opened Harry's magic swirled around him creating a thick cloak of darkness covering his entire being which prevented Headmaster from seeing him through the sight.

Dumbledore looked around the entire chamber before he turned his attention to the remains of Quirrell just lying on the floor. The headmaster is surprised as this is clearly not what he was expecting to see when he rushed inside the chamber but his face remained as calm as ever.

"Are you one who is responsible for this?" He asked calmly like he was just having a casual conversation, not showing any concern for the dead professor lying in front of him.

"Would you believe me if I told you that he was already dead before I turned him into a pile of melting bones?" Harry calmly replied.

Instead of a reply, Harry received a stunning spell coming his way at an absurd speed but since he was prepared he caught the spell with his wand before he easily swept it aside. The spell struck a wall leaving a big crack on the enchanted stone wall.

Just a simple stunning spell from Dumbledore is powerful enough to easily tear through most of the magical shields or defences that most wizards and witches can put up. It's been so long since Harry duelled someone of this calibre, where he actually has to take his opponent seriously and give his complete focus on the battle.

Seeing that figure in front of him wasn't defeated by a single spell like he was expecting Dumbledore waved his wand. Dozens of head size balls of water suddenly appeared in front of the Headmaster before shooting toward Harry.

Harry dodged the initial barrage of water balls but the place he was standing just a movement ago now has a thick block of ice as the water balls instantly froze as soon as they came into contact with anything or each other.

While Harry dodged the initial attack now he has nowhere to go because the water balls are coming towards him from every direction. Seeing this Harry raised his wand, a swirling circle of fire formed around his feet before quickly rising upward and forming a giant head of a basilisk made of blazing fire completely enveloping Harry.

The giant basilisk head hissed as it opened its giant gaping maw as the water balls coming towards him evaporated as soon they came into contact with the fire. Just as all the water balls were gone the giant basilisk head turned into three snakes made of fire before launching at the Headmaster.

Dumbledore moved his wand and a shield made of golden light formed around him just as the three snakes were about to reach him. The three snakes collided with the golden shield at the same time creating a gong-like sound that swept through the entire chamber. Even against the fire snakes, the shield held strong and the three snakes were easily deflected not even making even the tiniest crack on the golden shield. The shield is so strong that fire even lost its snake shape as it got swept aside.

Dumbledore once again raised his wand and countless chains made of golden light suddenly sprang forth from the ground, the chains moved towards Harry from every direction.

Harry brought his wand forward and drew a circle in front of him, for a moment it seemed like nothing happened as the chains rushed towards him from every direction. But suddenly a blazing inferno formed in front of Harry before covering him in a sphere made of swirling waves of fire.

All of the golden chains coming towards shattered into countless sparks of light under the assault of the blazing firestorm. Then the fire swirling around Harry suddenly shot towards Dumbledore forming a giant pillar of blazing fire.

Dumbledore waved his wand and the giant pillar of fire coming towards him got smaller and smaller, when the fire reached him it was no bigger than a small rope that completely disappeared in a wisp of smoke.

It has only been two or three seconds since they started to duel but most of the chamber is already destroyed, half of the chamber is frozen solid and the other half is on fire. The only place in the entire chamber that is not damaged, is the small space under their legs where Harry and Dumbledore are standing.

"Now that we are done testing each other, how about we move forward in a more civilised manner, like actually talking instead of just using our wands?"

Dumbledore looked at Harry for a moment before agreeing with a nod.