
Wolf Time

Six Years Later

At first Alpha Ben wanted Justine, Samuel and Selena to move into the pack house were they would be surrounded by people but within in two day of Selena moving into the pack house she had already run away five times back to their family home. Alpha Ben had no other choice than agree with the three of them moving back to their family home. 

Justine was standing in the kitchen looking out the kitchen window. Imaging what his parents would have said. Justine had found his mate three years after their parent's death. He had been visiting a neighboring pack with the Alpha and his son Derik the next Alpha in line. Sophia had been one of the guest at the dinner the hosting Alpha was having for Alpha Ben. They where also using to see if their were any unmated wolfs that would make a match. For this Alpha Ben had brought both men and women. The last thing that Justine had expected from the visit was to come back home with a mate. The first night he talk to Sophia and told him everything about himself and his family. She had just smiled and told him that she didn't care about any of that and that he would go with him and that he would take his family as her own and she will help in what ever ways he could. 

"Good morning, honey today is Selena's 16th birthday, today she gets her wolf," Sophia said as she came over to Justine and hugged him from behind. 

"Yes, we will see how things go, did she wake up already?" Justin asked as he turned around to hug Sophia.

Samuel walked into the kitchen, "Yeah, she is, I just heard her shower turning off," Justine said as he took a bowl and the cereal. 

Samuel was still unmated but he was not worries. Justine had not gotten his make until he was 21 and that was only because he had gone with the Alpha to a near by pack for a mating run. Samuel was sure that he would meet his mate soon. He just needs to wait. 

"Are you guys talking about me?" Selena said as she entered the kitchen.

"Happy Birthday," Justine, Samuel and Sophia said simultaneously.

Selena smiled at them, "Thank you." She said as she looked at her family. The loss of her parents had been tuff on all of them but time had made it possible for all three of them to move on and keep living their lives. There were times when Selena still felt guilty that her parents were not with them anymore but she was still alive. At times she felt that Justine and Samuel would have prefer for her to be dead and her parents to be alive and at times she also wish that it was true. 

"Earth to Selena," Sophia said a she wave her hand in front of her face.

"Sorry what did you ask?" Selena asked as she focused on Sophia.

"I was asking you if you had any plans for tonight with your friends," Sophia asked smiling.

"No, we didn't make any plans," Selena said as she took a bowl and the cereal to serve herself some. 

"Okay then make sure that you come straight home today we are having a family dinner to celebrate your birthday and wait for your transformation tonight," Sophia said as she grabbed her keys and bag from the counter. 

"Okay, I will be home on time," Selena said as she finished her cereal and got up from the table as she placed her bowl on the sink. 

 * * * * * * * 

"I am worry about her, she has not been the same sine mom and dad passes away," Justine said as he looked at the door Selena has just left through. 

"The tree of us have not been the same since we lost them, but we are getting through it," Samuel said.

"I hope that when she gets her wolf tonight, she can feel more comfortable and can get that sense of pease she is missing," Justine said as he looked Samuel.

"We can only hope," Samuel said as he finished off his food, "I will see you guys tonight."

"Have a good day," Justine called out, Samuel walked out of the door.

"We will get through this we are family," Sophia said holding Justine's hand.

 * * * * * * * * * 

"Happy Birthday, how does it feel turning 16? Can you feel your wolf? Has she spoken to you yet? Samantha asked. Samantha is Selena's best friends. Samantha was not turning 16th until two months from know so she wanted all the detail she could get from Selena so she could prepare for her own encounter with her wolf. 

"Come down, anyone would think that you're the one getting your wolf today instead of me," Selena said as she smiled at Samantha.

Samantha just smiled and shrug her shoulder, "Who cares, so, tell me who is it?" Samantha asked once again as she jock her arm on Selena's.

"I am not sure, I still feel the same, I don't feel like much has changed," Selena said as she tried to focus her mind on trying to hear or feel her wolf. From the stories she had heard before in some occasion people's wolfs would start showing themself one or two days before their shifts on their 16th birthdays. 

"Don't worry I am sure that she is just shy and is taking her time to show herself," Samantha said, "let's go or we will be late for first period."

Selena smiled and started walking toward their English class. 

                               * * * * * * * *

Selena finished her school day with out anything exciting or extraordinary happening. Selena felt like today was just like any other day if it was not because her family and friends wished her a happy birthday is would of not paid much attention to the fact that she was getting her wolf today on her 16th birthday. On her walk home she train to focus on her mind and listen to see if she could hear her wolf but nothing it was just quite up there only her own thoughts payed in her head. 

Selena at this point was really starting to get worried because she could still not hear her wolf. "What would happen if she doesn't show up?"

 "No, Selena, don't think about that, your wolf will show up, you will be fine," Selena said to herself as she was walking up her homes drive way.

"Who are you talking to sis?" Samual asked as he came up behind Selena.

"Samual, the way you move you can be a ninja," Selena said as she patted her heart. 

"So, who were you talking to?" Samuel asked once again. 

"Just talking to myself," Selena said bitting her lip.

"Are you okay? Is something wrong?" Samuel asked as he stopped her from going toward the house. 

"Do you know if Justine is home already?" Selena asked.

Samuel was about to answer when the front door opened, "What are you two doing out there? The dinner Sophia made is almost done," Justine said as he stood in the doorway.

"Speak of the devil and he will appear," Samuel said quietly next to Selena.

A small smile broke out on Selena's face, "I was just asking Selena if she was okay?" Samuel said as he put her arm around Selena's shoulder. 

"Is everything okay?" Justine asked as he came out closer to Selena and Samuel.

"I am not sure but I want to talk to both of you," Selena said her expression going back to serious one more time. 

"Okay let's go inside and we can see what's going on," Justine said and started to move back toward the house.