
How To Tame A Cat

"The less they know, the safer we are." That's the clandestine mantra whispered among the hidden enclaves of the supernatural underworld. For centuries, mythological beings have walked the same earth as humans, their existence shrouded in secrecy and their secrets fiercely guarded. Enter Ethan Carter, a wolf in every sense of the word. He prowls the halls of university, his senses attuned to the subtle rhythms of campus life while concealing his true nature from unsuspecting classmates. Ethan craves the thrill of social interaction, yearning to experience the world beyond the boundaries of his primal instincts. A feline seems to share the sentiment.

OminousAnomaly · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
22 Chs


Ethan prowled through the forest, his senses keenly attuned to the myriad scents that filled the air. The moon hung high in the sky, casting a silvery glow over the dense foliage that surrounded him. He moved with fluid grace, his wolf form blending seamlessly with the shadows as he followed the trail of an unknown scent.

The aroma was overpowering, musty, and pungent, lingering on the breeze like a tangible presence. It was the scent of a Cat, unmistakable in its feline essence. Ethan wrinkled his nose in distaste; the smell was so strong that it threatened to overwhelm his senses. If a human were to stumble upon it, they would surely recoil in disgust, but to Ethan, it was simply another clue to be followed.

He paused at the base of a towering oak, his golden eyes scanning the surrounding trees for any sign of movement. The scent was freshest here, mingling with the earthy aroma of damp soil and decaying leaves. He could almost taste it in the air—a tantalising hint of something elusive and unknown.

With a low growl, Ethan continued on his way, his senses on high alert as he followed the trail deeper into the forest. It was rare to encounter another supernatural being in these woods, especially one whose scent was so unfamiliar. But Ethan was determined to uncover the truth—to unravel the mystery of the unknown Cat who had crossed into his territory.

As he moved through the darkness, his instincts guiding him ever onward, Ethan couldn't shake the feeling that he was being watched. The hairs on the back of his neck prickled with awareness, a silent warning that danger lurked nearby. But he pushed aside his apprehension, his curiosity driving him forward with single-minded determination.

And then, suddenly, he saw her—a shadowy figure lurking in the underbrush, her eyes gleaming in the moonlight like twin orbs of emerald fire. She was beautiful in a wild and untamed way, her sleek fur glistening with the sheen of moonbeams. And yet, something was unsettling about her—a sense of danger that lingered in the air like a tangible presence.

For a moment, Ethan hesitated, unsure of how to proceed.

His heart pounded in his chest as he locked eyes with the mysterious Cat. Her gaze was intense, piercing through the shadows with an otherworldly intensity that sent shivers down his spine. For a moment, they remained locked in a silent standoff, neither daring to make the first move.

Slowly and cautiously, Ethan took a step forward, his muscles coiled with tension as he approached the Cat. He could sense the danger radiating from her—a primal energy that crackled in the air like electricity. And yet, despite the warning bells ringing in his mind, he couldn't tear his gaze away from her mesmerising green eyes.

"What are you doing here, Cat?" He growled, his voice low and guttural in the stillness of the night. He didn't expect a response—after all, Cats of all kinds were notoriously elusive creatures, known for their silence and cunning. But to his surprise, the Cat tilted her head to one side, her eyes narrowing inquisitively as though she were studying him.

"I could ask you the same thing," she replied, her voice a soft purr that sent a shiver down Ethan's spine. It was a sound that spoke of hidden depths and ancient mysteries, a reminder that she was not to be underestimated.

Ethan bristled at her insolence, his instincts urging him to assert his dominance. But there was something about the Cat that stayed in his hand—a sense of kinship that he couldn't quite explain. She was like him, he realized—a creature of the night, bound by instinct and primal urges.

"This is my territory. I caught your scent," he said finally, his voice gruff with uncertainty. "What about you? Do you have a reason for being here?"

The intruder's lips curled into a feline smile, her eyes gleaming with amusement. "Oh, I'm just out for a stroll," she replied coyly, her tail flicking lazily behind her. "But I must say, I didn't expect to encounter another supernatural being in these woods. I apologise for the intrusion."

Ethan narrowed his eyes, his instincts on high alert. There was something about the Cat's demeanour that set him on edge—a sense of danger that lurked beneath her playful facade. And yet, despite his misgivings, he couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to her than met the eye.

"Be careful," he warned, his voice tinged with concern. "These woods can be dangerous, especially for someone like you."

The Cat's smile widened, revealing a flash of gleaming teeth. "Oh, I'm not afraid of danger," she purred, her eyes glittering with defiance. "I rather enjoy it."

And with that cryptic pronouncement, she turned and disappeared into the darkness, leaving Ethan alone with his thoughts. As he stood beneath the canopy of trees, his senses on high alert, he couldn't shake the feeling that he had just encountered someone who would change his life forever.