
How to Survive Isekai

Yes, Going to Isekai is fun, BUT WHERE IS THE SYSTEM, TALENT, I'M NO DIFFERENT THAN NORMAL PEOPLE. So, let's try become OP by little bit of my understanding and MORE hard work. Before that, let's find food first.... I'm may not going premium~ You can support me: https://ko-fi.com/wimpandnoobegg

Noobegg · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
15 Chs


Waking up, I couldn't see Rena which made me wondering where is she. I stood up to stretched, feel the heat of morning in my face. Yet, an Explosion not far from here happened. strong gust passed through me making me blank a moment.

"Don't tell me it's her!"

I muttered before running toward the source with metal fragment in my hand. After got near the place, It was open land scorched with magma and fire around leaving the tree burned. In the middle of the place, I saw Rena was on deadlock with a magma bear. Yes, A bear with red bright like magma on its fur. Although Rena was fine I could see her breath bit unsteady.

My eyes widen the moment I saw the magma bear seemed to idle which is not as it seem! My instinct and knowledge as anime lover kicked in. I rushed to the front of Rena, crossing my arm with determination as the ball of magma the sped from the magma bear hit me and explode throw me few feet away.

My mind in utter mess as my body slid against the ground. I could feel my back aching pain and feeling of almost breaking my right arm. It is really painful than I thought,

"F*ck, it's painful."

I cursed trying to hold the pain from magma but really, it's F*CKING HOT!!! I waved my arm like crazy hoping the pain would be lessen. A voice interrupted me,

"You don't need to protect me you know, I can protect myself."

I turned my head to see her face bit red. I smiled ignore my idiotic expectation, at least it was not the backstabbing goddess. I smiled and said,

"I would not feel good not protecting someone of different gender."

Rena then turned her head to face magma, the muttered in low voice,

"..Thank you.."

"Don't mind, don't mind."

I replied chuckling before push myself up. It's time to get serious. The bear roared looking at us wary. I then ran toward the left side of the bear while Rena rushed to other side. At almost same time, we attack it's arms. Rena left a wound on it's right arm while I left Bloodier than Rena since I had this sharp metal.

The magma bear was enraged by our assault, swung it's right arm since the left arm seemed limp because of pain. Fortunately, I noticed it and rolled to the left but the magma bear anticipated my movement, spit few exploding magma toward me.

I rolled again, although I avoid it but i need to brunt it's scalding heat from exploding and magma splattered everywhere. Rena then pounce almost 10 feet swung her arm hitting the magma bear's face, causing it to taking a few step back.

It groaned a little before spit everywhere it's magma. Rena and I moved away from the beast, avoiding it's crazy attack. After a while, the beast was enraged and roared toward the sky. The ground was shaking, making me surprised. Damn, this is really powerful guy.

The red vein seemed to turn alive as the monster rushed to us. Rena then faced it with her fist, so does the magma bear. After a few struggle, Rena was thrown from the impact toward my direction. Timing the right to to caught her.

I caught her, but the force still there throw us few feet away I could feel my shoes' sole already thin. Frowning, asking her,

"You're okay?"

"Still okay, i underestimated this magma bear." [Rena]

"I think so too, we need to take it down fast or we will be dead."

"Umu..." [Rena]

Seeing Rena nodding while saying "umu.." charmed me... Cough,cough, focus me. I then focus on the glowing vein on the magma bear. It roared before rushed toward us. We instantly split up avoiding magma bear's rush.

"How about cut it's vein?"

I shouted at Rena. The magma bear seemed to target me, it spit a few exploding magma ball at me but I'm not worried about it anymore! I rolled to side while watching a magma-like liquid went out of it's vein. The magma bear was groaning before swung at dodging Rena.

She did it but it's making the magma output more explosive than before! I cursed myself for thinking this. I suddenly feel my body seemed on the air. A mouthful of blood flew out, before hitting the tree. The tree fell to side.

For the first time, the pain was much and much closer to death. I could guess my inside almost turned into mush. Breathing heavily, I pushed myself up but to only fall back. Sh*t.

The bear rushed toward me with intent to properly kill me after this. Facing death for fourth time didn't stun me much. My mind pushed to the limit before confirming things,


Rena rushed like a lightning before swung her fist powered from lightning aiming it's head. The magma monster seemed to realised at later barely protect it's head. Because not properly ready to take the fist, it flew few feet and roll to ground before roar unsatisfied with Rena. I sighed in relief.

"You...Okay, Ryazu?" [Rena]

She asked went near me. I chuckled, before stood up albeit barely standing.

"Barely. We need to kill this beast, can't you try to to summon a lightning blade?"


"Just try to condense it into shape of blade?"

"Like this?" [Rena]

A blade made of lightning was mad instantly. He could feel it's power but it seem this blade was not stable at all. My mind wandered around what if I calm my mind by controlling my breath. Controlling my breathing, the pain seemed to be lessen than before.

Rena who saw me not shaking anymore surprised,

"H-how you....?" [Rena]


I stretched my back as I lower my body to the front. Grasping the sharp metal fragment, chuckling.

"Anyway, let's end it for real. Let's aiming at same place."

I slowly walked toward the enraged magma bear before slowly jog. Then run toward the magma bear.

Facing me and Rena, thinking that we're still underestimating it. It roared in anger as it released a lot of magma exploding from its mouth.

moved to side avoiding the magma shot although the heat still cooking my skin, gritting my teeth pounced at the beast. The beast who saw it raised its paw to kill me, both fist and paw met each other, A strong shock wave spreading between us as it turned into equilibrium before both of us flew opposite.


A sharp lightning appeared near the magma bear. Rena was spinning in the air sped toward the magma bear with densely blade of lightning she made. That moment I could see a glare from Rena ready to swing to kill this beast.


I ordered as Rena who stop spinning already in front of the magma bear, push her lightning blade pierce through the magma bear's head. The bear seemed to lose it's movement as it's life sign and the magma power seemed to dissipate from it's giant build. The big beast fell to the ground shaking the earth.

"Rena, double tap!"

"Double tap?" [Rena]

"Pierce it's head again to kill it."

"Oh, I see!" [Rena]

Rena pierce through it's head with her almost losing control lightning blade before released it.

"So... Let's bring it home."

"...It's big." [Rena]

After closing my eyes for a moment, I open and answered,

"Cut it into part before bringing it to cook for lunch and dinner."

"Umu...." [Rena]

Saw that Rena replied I turned around to walk back to our campsite,

"There is something I have to tell you." [Rena]

"Hmm, what is it?"

"About the fruit you eat," [Rena]

"What about it?"

I looked at her with confused, what did she wanted? As if answering my doubt,

"Let's continue at campsite." [Rena]

Slumped to front I sigh before return to my campsite and cook us some food for lunch. Of course, I still cook for her, while waiting for it to be ready,

"How you understand my language?"

"Aren't you saying in Archaic Genshil?" [Rena]

"What is that?"

"Language you spoke right now?" [Rena]

"Wait, are you sure you're not wrong?"

"Yes, I'm not wrong."

"But I just speak English." [Rena]

..... Damn, it turned awkward. I should-

"What is En-gur-ish?"


My mind turned blank for a moment, my brain moved fast as to understanding before looking at her seriously.

"Will you swear you will never tell this to anyone even it will kill you?"

" What's so important to be saying that?" [Rena]

"Actually, I am otherworlder."

"...Pfft" [Rena]

"Just laugh."

"Pfft...Hahahahahahahaha!~" [Rena]

My eyes twitched because of how uncaring she laughing at me without trying to control it.

"Oi, Kirin, where is THOU MAJESTY!"

"Hahahahahahahaha!~" [Rena]

"I'm mocking you, damnit!"

I don't know why, everything I said somehow made her laughing. I'm pretty sure, I'm not a good at jokes. Hmm, this sure is weird as hell. But I'm sure am smiling at her laughing, a cold face beauty was laughing at me. the word itself sounds weird....

I'm sure somebody is writing my thought.

Noobegg: *surprised* Masaka!?

Ryazu: Omaeka!?

Noobegg: *run like b*tch*

Noobeggcreators' thoughts