
Masaru gives Sona advice

It was hot today, and the report that contained the number of complaints was current in Sona's hand, it was obvious ever since the day Masaru and his peerage enrolled into Kuoh Academy that problems would emerge due to conflicts of the male students who felt jealous.

Since then, Sona felt that her day working as the Student Council President has become even busier than before, the reason for the majority of the male students who sent out complaint letters is regarded to Masaru and his peerage. As a Devil she can understand their close relationship, however, the students could not and did not want to understand due to envy.

The fierce complaints continued to grow to the point that students simply wrote Masaru's name since they were tired of repeating their complaints over and over again. Sona who was reading the latest complaint already knew that it was the same complaint, she could not help but sigh helplessly while thinking,

'Ever since he came to the school, it was simply chaotic and rarely there is a peaceful day at school. He really has outdone himself, not even a period gone by on his first day and he already became the most hated and famous in the school'

She places the complaint letter aside and started to read the discussion report the teachers had in regards to this problem, there was only a few solutions they could come up with. It was to either forcibly expel Masaru out of Kuoh Academy, however, this has a drawback due to Masaru's attitude during school was exemplary. Not missing a class, always at the top rank in every mock test.

The other solution they came up with was to have them dissolve the Disciplinary Committee, however, it will later be known that mysteriously all the teachers who made suggestions that could be seen as having ill intentions towards Masaru and his peerage simply disappeared without anyone know when or how.

And that the only thing they knew was, that they all resigned suddenly causing the rest of the teachers to develop a slight fear towards the influence Masaru had within the academy. They were not able to prove their suspicions, but they believed that those teachers were forced to resign due to Masaru. Thus Masaru was also labelled as a demon that should not be touched carelessly by the teachers themselves.

There was a better solution suggested by a teacher, she proposed that they simply ask Masaru to cooperate with them by not being overly intimate in school, since whatever Masaru does outside school hours is not their problem. That way, the students won't be able to have a right to complain and the school can then suppress them if they continue to write their complaints.

"I will have to talk with Masaru again, maybe he will help me by keeping his actions with the girls privately"

Sona nodded with a wry smile feeling gratitude to the teacher who gave a wonderful suggestion, even Sona knew that this would work. At least this will forcibly curb the student's jealousy, as for their physical intervention with Masaru? She knew they would soon go to heaven by that time if it becomes too heated.

"The world of the humans where we can't openly make movements and simply wiping memories won't resolve the problem, the root of the problem is their jealousy... I will put it on hold till I find a good plan"

Tsubaki came into the office with a smile that was rare for her, "Sona Kaichou, it appears the Tsubasa Yura has gotten the pamphlet we arranged for her to get"

Sona stopped working, despite her serious look she was delighted at this good news and nodded, "Good work, depending on how she performs and acts we might have another member in our team"

"Is those the complain forms about Masaru again?" Tsubaki's smile cramped up as she was fed up with those complaints, if it was the devil world then they would already have been hanged for rebellion.

Sona could only nod at Tsubaki's question "Yes, even the teachers were coming up with ways to deal with the situation. Can't blame them, the majority of the school is jealous of Masaru's relationship with the girls, despite Masaru and the girls made effort to publicly announced they are friends for the sake of formality it was of little use"

Sona rubbed her forehead thinking about it, she was grateful that Masaru was helping but she honestly wanted to beat these students up to wake them all up to reality instead. Shortly afterwards, knocking sounds could be heard coming form the door "Come in"

As if fate was playing a joke on the two of them, the person to appear was the main source of the problem Masaru himself, "Oh, Sona Kaichou if your busy I will come back later"

"No, it's fine to take a seat"

Masaru chuckled since he could already see the report's details in regards to him in Sona's grasp, taking his seat opposite of her. As if it was the norm, Sona said nothing and placed a chess set on the table. This was their daily activity during the short break time since the lunchtime Masaru tends to train swordsmanship now and then with Sakura.

"Have they been causing you trouble again?" Masaru who was already aware of the reports decided to ask about this straightforwardly, otherwise, Sona will be forced to ask about it in a roundabout way.

Sona did not answer immediately setting up the board. "Yes, I was thinking of asking if you could temporarily follow this teacher's suggestion. Minimize your intimacy so the school will have some evidence to use in dealing with the students, I honestly feel it is stupid for the students to be jealous."

Masaru nodded agreeing with her, however, as a fellow man he could naturally understand their point of view as well. How unfair the world is to some while being favoured to others, that was reality some accepted while others denied.

Today was Sona's turn to play white so she made her first move and Masaru followed, "So how is your peerage hunting going?"

Sona smiled at Masaru's question, she pushed her glasses back in place "I prefer to call it recruitment and it's going fine"

Masaru smiled feeling a bit relieved, although he did not want to rush her but he wanted her to build her team in case something happens and he is not around. "I believe you and Rias will have to work harder in finding members, one year is a short amount of time and the old devils want to arrange that Rating Games for us younger generation only before we will make our debut in the future"

Sona responded to Masaru's move on the chessboard, "So you managed to confirm that rumour?"

Masaru nodded while countering her move smoothly, "Yes, my father has already notified me. So there is a chance I will be leaving for a week to head to Romania although it is not confirmed yet"

Sona thought for a moment before responding with a move of her own. "Why Romania?"

Masaru sit back looking at the chessboard seriously, playing with Sona he realized just how difficult it was to play against her. Especially whenever she pushes back her glasses, it was the sign when she gets serious making an easy game upgrade straight to purgatory level difficulty.

"You see, for my peerage, I have Fallen Angel, Dark Elf, Devils, Humans, Dragons... Although it sounds stupid but I thought maybe I should go out and try my luck in finding a good vampire peerage member"

Sona who heard this could not help but raise her brow at how whimsical Masaru was currently behaving, when Masaru made his move she already countered with a move of her own "To think you would want a vampire. I will take your advice and consider it to proactively search for members instead of testing them all the time"

"This coming weekend, why don't you bring your peerage members and join a training session with us," Masaru suggested something that was akin to an olive branch to Sona who had some trouble looking for training methods to compare with since the training menu her Sister's peerage does is a bit too much.

So having a chance to experience Masaru's way of training with his peerage members would be beneficial. "Why would you be so open? You think I am not a threat in the Rating game?"

"Let me put it this way, in terms of fatality dangerous levels I give you and Agares the highest marks"

Sona who heard this did not expect him to recognize her being more dangerous than Sairaorg. "Huh?"

Masaru chuckled at Sona's surprise look, he already prepared to see this but still found it funny and cute, "You wonder why are you who is supposed to be weaker in the view of the people is actually viewed as the stronger by me personally?... The reason is simple, your peerage is not yet complete but your fighting style is by investigating your opponent in full, come out with a variety of scenarios to deal with your enemies. You would use any method to win, including if you have to target the emotional pillar of a team to crush it..."

Masaru leaned back with a playful smile, "Sairaorg is strong that is for certain, but his peerage is influenced by his straight forward attitude of busting through things with brute force. Not to mention he has a tendency to head into the middle of the battlefield himself which is improper as a king, but thanks to his strength it allowed him that luxury

"With that in mind, If you can come up with a method to drain his energy then, in the end, you will win."

Masaru places his piece on the chess after consideration, he looks seriously in Sona's eyes "That's why you're more dangerous for me, but having you train this weekend with me will also give me information about your team. So your not the only one benefiting from this"

'Since I will have your team members become practice partners for my members' he thought without showing it on his face,

"Since it is your invitation I will naturally accept it, I really want to see how the Wonder Child of Belial train his peerage members to their current state"

Masaru could not help but cringe at that title that was mentioned once more, "It's Demon King now, I am in school"

Sona covered her smiling lips acting surprised, "So you accepted the Demon King title instead of the crown prince?"

Masaru was bewildered, "Where the hell does this crown prince come from?"

Sona giggled at how surprised Masaru was of his other title he had no knowledge of, "It comes from your handsome looks, since Kiba was already made the Prince of Kuoh they naturally made you the crown prince"

Masaru simply sighed he had enough of this world, human's ways of thinking but it will be later when the younger generation rating game start he will truly understand it is not only the humans who think like this.

"I heard that you are concerned about Rias?" Hearing Masaru's blunt question Sona stopped her piece from moving then looked at him, her eyes were complicated to reach out and help is easy but her status does not permit her to.

"You do know you can help her indirectly without being 'involved' or anyone being able to 'proof' you are involved?" Masaru's suggestion made Sona think of ways but could not think of anything,

"Are you resolved enough to become the Demon instead of Rias Gremories friend?" Sona glanced at Masaru who asked this with a dead serious face, there was no smile but a stern face.

"What you mean?" Masaru watches Sona make her move before he made his last move.

"You should know that Rias will never directly ask me for help, and honestly I find her stalking really a headache. So I will give you a hand who want to help her more than anyone, helping you is no different from helping myself"

"The both of you have a brother or sister in the top who would love to help you. But you both seem to misunderstand that they would give up their jobs to help you which is half true half false, it is only in emergencies they would but if not they will hold back even if they love you two to death."

Sona was not sure why he would go to explain the relationship between them and the devil kings, "Rias has no shot at cancelling the engagement other than through a rating game, for that the main problem she needs to resolve right now is her weak peerage. Here I can't play this role nor can I get easily involved as she might try to make use of me instead, especially when she is desperate."

Masaru sighed with a wry smile "Sona, if you want to help your friend you will have to point out every flaw she has. Her spoiled attitude that is still present, her lax management over her peerage, the fact she and her peerage is not training.

"And lastly, which is the most important, you have to point out for her which she does or does not realize the fact she is not doing anything, is no different from her hoping a hero like her brother will come out to help her break off the engagement which you know even your sister could not get involved in when you faced this same problem yourself years ago. This is the politics of the Devil world"

'I kind of hate myself for doing this, hopefully, this will wake up Rias so she can deal with her problem. If she gets serious then I will be able to get another decent competition in the Rating games... And I will have stronger allies to survive in this unreasonable world which I have almost no memories of' he thought

Masaru stood up and left the room, Sona herself was sitting back on the chair seeing that the chess game was her loss this time around.

'I never considered that by becoming a villain from the outsider's point of view, I can indirectly help Rias without causing any trouble for my sister and family' Sona could understand that this was probably the only way to help her friend since it will appear like she is pointing out Rias's mistakes and the devils will assume she is tired of watching Rias complaining and not doing anything about it so they will not be easily able to make complaints without any physical evidence.

a Bit later Sona skipped class for the first time in her life sitting in her office with a projection in front of her, a girl in twin tail magical girl outfit.

"So-tan! To think you would call Oneesama on your own, this Sera-chan is moved to tears!" Serafall whom Sona called was indeed crying since the times Sona calls her sister was minimal since the former does not want to disturb the latter who is a devil king.

"I want to hear your input if I can do something that will not put any pressure on you or our family"

Serafall was surprised to hear her sister would talk to her in regards to her personal problem, she knew her sister prefers to resolve everything herself so this was something worth being happy for but also something to be worried about. With a smile, she seriously listened to Sona who told her Masaru's suggestion.

It was not that Sona did not trust Masaru, but she needed to make sure it will not implicate her sister thus she chose to ask directly.

Poor Serafall's smile was cramping up and the corners were twitching, 'That brat again... why is that brat sullying my So-tan to become an Evil So-tan! She should be Magical Girl So-tan instead!!!'

However she did not display her selfish emotions because she knew how troubled her little sister is about the situation of Rias, but unlike Rias, Sona considers her Family in every action she takes which is quite similar to how Masaru operates.

"So-tan, such a role is painful you know? If it fails you will be hated by Rias or she might break..." Serafall spoke her reason and sighed, she decided to tell Sona the truth that such a role could potentially break their relationship.

"But if you take that Brocon in the story then yes, what Masaru said was indeed true. There are only two people that can make this movement and that is You and Grayfia-chan" Serafall added as she too acknowledged that this kind of move only selective few could make it after careful consideration.

"You think we will be able to move Grafia?" Serafall shook her head at Sona's question

"If she was easy to move then Masaru wouldn't have suggested this to you but instead to Grayfia-chan, that bastard might be cruel on the surface but he is exceptionally kind in his way. He already knew Grayfia-chan will not be able to move however she wants due to some circumstances

"So the way how he will make it work will be to make it appears that Grayfia-chan would scold Rias-chan coldly but this method is really the last reserve because of her history, she came from the enemy side during the internal devil war all those years ago. So she can't carelessly move otherwise it will cause trouble for Zech-chan.

"Which naturally includes she can't excessively get involved in family matters"

"Fine I will do it" Sona made her choice when she heard why Masaru came even if it was against his personality since he always complained how spoiled Rias was,

'For him to approach me meant he too got a bit tired of watching Rias stumble despite her answer being close, very well I will be it... that demon towards her'

Serafall who saw her little sister's resolve smiled bitterly "So-tan, onee-sama will always be on your side so do whatever you feel is right. Leave the politic battles for onee-sama since I rarely get to use my authority as a Devil King after all"

Sona smiled warmly at her sister, when it's in private she did not care about her sister's show of affection or her appearance. "Thank you Onee sama"


"Come in" Sona entered the Occult room where Rias was fixing the documentations, Sara was helping her quietly.

"Sona! You came to visit?" Sona did not appear to be the same as usual, she had a stoic face that was looking at Rias with a stern gaze. She did not even look towards Sara nor greet her,

"I need to talk with you alone" Rias who heard her friend's serious tone was a bit confused but she still sent Sara out.

"What's wrong Sona why are you looking so serious?" Sona took a seat opposite of Rias, she took a deep breath while preparing her heart for what she was about to do. With a stoic face looking at Rias sternly, she spoke: "Rias, how are you going to deal with Riser? Have you made any plans to train your peerage?"

"This---" Rias was about to continue but Sona continued without care,

"Not only do you not train them properly, you simply let the problems with each peerage member you have slid as if you're hoping for the problems to be resolved with time. Do you think such trauma is nothing but child's play?"

Rias felt agitated as she never heard her best friend being this mean to her, pointing every point she herself was bothered about she could not help but yell out her frustrations within her heart. "Then tell me how! How am I suppose to deal with it all!? Sara's trauma is serious and I can't force her to communicate with people, Kiba is hell-bent on his revenge I tried to convince him to live on for his friends... Gasper is scared of people and refuses to come out of the room! With everyone having something bothering them, I can't force them to think of my problem!"

"That's where your mistaken Rias, you're a king, not a baby sitter. They agreed to join you means they agreed that you are their master, sometimes it takes to be cruel to be kind..." Sona fixed her glasses back in place before she continued.

"If your serious about breaking off the engagement with Riser then focus on training your peerage, call your brother and ask for his advice on this"

Rias shook her head but Sona shot something that broke the windows of hope for her, "What? you won't admit your hoping that your brother will move at the last moment to save you? This is hypocrisy Rias! You speak of not asking your brother for his help but you actually placing your hopes on him in the end!"

"Masaru told me something a while ago and I understood it then, you and me we both are little sisters to the Devil kings but do you think your brother will drop the devil world for you?"

Rias who heard this shook her head while Sona continued, "No, but that does not mean he will abandon you. Your brother can still give you a hand without moving himself. What I am trying to say is speak with him and he can use his contacts to help you out, he himself won't need to move do you understand?"

Rias was still in shock for hearing everything, it was so jumbled in her head that she could not make it out. Sona stood up and went over to her head shaking her back to her senses. "Rias, you need to use the connections you have. Get your brother's advice and train your members, it's a shame but we can afford to deal with your peerage member's problems at a later stage, but right now your peerage need a massive upgrade in their strength and you need to learn what it means to be a King"

"King?" Rias asked,

"Yes, Your responsible for sending your peerage members to investigate Riser's team, find out their powers, weaknesses, history, relationships, everything. Your responsible for ensuring they are training not dropping them off at your brother's peerage like Kiba-kun, but you have to arrange training for every single one of them.

"Rias, you have the time now to prepare otherwise do you intend to become a woman of a womanizer like Riser and mother his children for him which may not even be yours?"

After talking for a bit more Sona left the room feeling dead tired, she thought about Masaru wondering if he did something like this before because after Sona broke down the walls around Rias the latter regained some spirit and started to work hard as if possessed.

'Guess I owe him one huh?' Sona thought while heading back towards the student council room, despite feeling tired at scolding Rias she somehow felt more relaxed.

"Sona-sama, I have located Tsubasa Yura. She is currently fighting a low class stray devil" Tsubaki entered the room, Sona thought for a moment

"Call Reya and Momo, time to move out" It did not take long for the two bishops to arrive and the four of them teleported away, Sona was bewildered at the first thing she witnessed. What she saw was Tsubasa being in combat stray devil in broad daylight.

'Could it be she sought it or it sought her? But Devils should not be truly active unless it's night' Sona thought,

The destination was a massive abandoned factory making one wonder why does Kuoh Town have so many abandoned buildings, from the outside it was soft noises of fists clashing against something strong.

When they pushed open the door what appeared was not a stray devil but a mid-rank evil spirit. Sona was surprised at the sight of a human being able to touch spirits not to mention see them. Seeing how Tsubasa was being pushed back Sona walked forward raising her hand almost in slow motion with her index finger pointing at the spirit.

The next instance in front of Tsubasa who was combating the spirit did not detect the presence of the devils only saw the spirit instantly vaporized when a bullet made of water blew it away. When she looks in the direction of where the bullet came from she saw the members of the Student Council is led by the President herself no less,

"Hello, you must be Tsubasa Yura. My name is Sona Sitri but are you okay?" Tsubasa nodded, this was the first meeting between Sona and her first Rook.

05/08/2020 - changes made!

CompleteNoobcreators' thoughts
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