
Chapter 7 : Moving Makes You Find Lost Things You Didn't Know You Lost

the man woke up in a soft, straw bed. rays of sunlight beamed in through the window, making all the dust in the air visible.

"Nice home.." a voice said, this caused the man to jolt out of bed, it was the girl from before.

The man calmed down for just a second before he began to be filled with rage.

"What the hell are you?" the man asked.

"Names' Mi, I'm the demon haunting this barrel. " Mi said, the same blank look on her face.

Mi continued to talk, "And you're the person who I chose to be my vessels, so would you please stop running and take responsibility for what you got yourself in to?"

"Look here, Demon, you got me into an ass load of trouble and now you're going to get me out of it!" the man angrily said.

"Or I could roll over to the old lizard and show him some of your collection, I wonder if he would still be so kind to a per-" Mi said blankly.

"Alright, Ok stop being so loud!" The man said in a hushed angry tone.

"So we got a deal?" Mi asked.

Suddenly a knock came from the door.

"Human, I'm coming in!" The familiar raspy voice announced.

The man quickly turned to Mi, but found her to be gone.

The door swung open, and the large, black scaled lizard man entered the room.

"Human, from today on you, will be working under me, my name is Kaber, and you are?" the lizard man inquired.

"I'm ... my name is Gyll." Said the man

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