
Hound of the Dead

Anime e Quadrinhos
Contínuo · 128.5K Modos de exibição
  • 7 Chs
  • 4.8
    10 Avaliações
  • NO.200+

What a sad way to go, forced to kill himself by that damned priest, affected by the parting words of Archer's Master and patiently waiting for his death surrounded by fire. Cu never was lucky, he hoped this new somewhat peaceful yet chaotic life would grant him a new experience. Zombies? Sound fun!

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Chapter 1Chapter 1: A Student?

Beta read by Maglad, Kyuugan and Shigiya.





In the midst of the swirling maelstrom of his thoughts, the Lancer known as Cu Chulainn found himself facing the annoying priest, a man whose mere presence inspired feelings of tension and disgust within the Hound of Ulster.

In contrast to the storm of emotions within his begrudging Servant, Kotomine Kirei appeared as outwardly cool and composed as ever, though you only had to look him in the eyes for the veil of normalcy to fall, revealing the emotionless contempt he held for the world at large.

'Hah, just how unlucky can I be?' The disheartened Child of Lugh mused as he reflected over the unfortunate circumstances that led him to this point, even as the tension in the air between them continued to build like a storm about to break loose.

"I refuse to kill her." Cu declared with a measured resolve, his voice ringing out against the tense backdrop as he looked the damned priest in the eyes, the clash of their respective wills almost palpable in the sudden silence "You'll have to use a Command Seal for that."

This wasn't the first time the two had butted-heads over the course of the Grail War, every conversation between them a battle of wills that Cu would've been all-too-willing to end from the get go were it not for those thrice-damned Geiss-Marks on the Priest's hand.

As it stood, he'd had to resign himself to forcing the bastard to exhaust his Command Seals in order to get him to do anything, even if it meant he'd never truly get to go all out in a battle, since he'd have to retreat at the first sign his opponent could survive his Noble Phantasm.

As he waited for the Priest's response, he couldn't help but mull over the irony of his situation, as his time as a Servant almost seemed to parallel his life in that it was undermined not through his own actions but by the will of others forced upon him.

In life, the Geis he has sworn were taken advantage of by his enemies, usually Queen Medb, in order to weaken him. As a Servant, he was likewise shackled to the whims of his Master by Command Seals, though thankfully his Lancer Class granted him some level of resistance.

It was almost as if destiny itself were weaving a tapestry of misfortune around him, a bitter truth he had no choice but to reluctantly acknowledge, for even as a Servant the cursed path he tread as a wielder of the spear seemed to be cast in stone, destined to lead to sorrow and tragedy.

Memories from a past life flooded his mind, casting shadows on his present situation. He recalled the warnings of his foster-fathers on the day he chose to become a warrior, the days of training spent with Ferdiad under their Master Scathatch.

He recalled his despair at having to cut down his friend with the very Spear they had competed for, the helplessness he'd felt when he'd later done the same to his own son, Connla, all because of a Geiss he'd unwittingly placed on the lad and then forgotten about.

And worst of all, he recalled the shame and despair he'd felt at dying before he was able to fulfill his Master's wish, the weight of that unfulfilled promise hanging heavy on his shoulders, an additional layer of sorrow that deepened the gravity of his current circumstances.

"If that is so, then so be it," Kirei replied at last, his deep voice lacking any hint of emotion as he held up his hand, his forearm glowing beneath the sleave of his cassock as his Command Seals activated in response to his will.

'Always the assholes who get the good stuff,' Cu mused wryly, fully aware of the hypocrisy of his own words, as it wasn't as if his hands had been entirely were bloodless in life, and he'd undoubtedly gotten his hands dirty running around Fuyuki.

'Don't weep for the dead, you'll be there all day.' he chastised himself, recalling the sage words of his master as he awaited the order to strike, glancing over his shoulder at the bound form of Archer's former master as the wee lass glared at the priest with all the hatred she could muster.

In all honesty, he wish he could do more for her, as in the short time he'd known her Archer's Master had proven to be vastly superior to the Priest, both in terms of ability and the sheer amusement her garnered watching her try to act coy around Saber's Master.

'In another life, I wouldn't have been minded being her Servant.' he confessed to himself, offering the girl a wan smile in lieu of an apology, as words would matter little to her when he was forced to run her through with his spear.

He couldn't blame her if she hated him, as to her, this would be the second time she had been betrayed by a Servant, the memory of Archer's actions instantly souring Cu's mood, his blood boiling at the memory of their battles at the school and outside Medea's lair.

'That bastard is no True Hero.' he growled, recalling the dismissive air with which Archer had cast aside his weapons, the lack of pride he could feel in every single one of their clashes, as if he didn't truly care if he lived or died.

It was for that reason that he'd willingly complied with the Priest's order to protect the girl after Archer's betrayal. The fact he was also helping Saber's Master was simply icing on the cake, since it was clear the red-clad bastard had a murder-boner for the lad.

That being said, as much as he hated to admit it, the smug bastard had given him the best fight out of any Servant in the Grail War besides Saber, though even that minor victory was tainted by the damned Priest's Commands preventing him from finishing the bastard off.

'All this just to kill Saber's Master.' he mused, frowning as he once again tried to ascertain the reason behind Archer's fixation with the redhead. Sure, the kid had guts that bordered on suicidal at times, but aside from an impressive recovery factor, he was nothing special.

"Lancer," Kirei called out, his detached monotone snapping Cu out of his thoughts after what seemed like an eternity, the Hound readying himself to make the girl's death as quick and painless as possible, "by the power of this Command Seal, I order you to… kill yourself."

As the command hung in the air like a heavy cloud, Cu's mind raced to process the weight of those words, his thoughts a maelstrom of conflict and rage as he felt his arms move of their own volition despite his bearing his considerable will to bear against the curse.

But as in life, the Hound found himself unable to resist the tragic outcome the fates had crafted for him, his teeth clenching in rage as despite his attempts at resistance he was forced to impale the ominous tip of Gae Bolg through his own heart.

The shock was immediate and overwhelming, a sensation akin to a raging river coursing through every inch of his being. Blood surged up his throat, constricting it, while a similar torrent emerged from his nose, as if the curse itself sought to claim his body through expulsion.

His body buckled and fell, collapsing with a weighty thud onto the ground. The room trembled as a cloud of dust danced into the air, and his wide, unblinking eyes were drawn to the ceiling above.

As a pool of blood expanded beneath him, his vision began to blur, merging the room's contours into a haze. The ensuing exchange between Kotomine and the girl, Rin, reduced to distant echoes that barely registered amidst the irregular rhythm of Cu's heartbeat.

Karma, it seemed, was a bitch. The weight of his impending doom was inescapable. With his life ebbing away, his thoughts drifted, his consciousness growing hazy as he sighed, a mixture of resignation and admiration.

"... I admire that." Kotomine confessed, his voice a needle that pricked at Cu's still sharp senses, and a surge of irritation coursed through his weakening form "That contradiction is extraordinarily exquisite."

'This guy is seriously starting to piss me off.' Cu growled, his crimson eyes regaining their focus as a wry smirk formed across his bloody lips 'Hah, what am I saying, he was already pissing me off since the beginning.'

In a way, it wasn't wrong to assume that the main source of all the misfortune Cu had suffered in Fuyuki stemmed from this priest before him. The self-same priest that was even now reaching out to throttle Archer's defenseless Master with an almost bored expression.

'Not yet...' Cu growled, clenching his teeth as he slowly pulled the head of Gae Bolg from his chest, the Hound's eyes locked on Kotomine's back as he used the spear to slowly lift himself off the ground 'not while I still have some bite left in me!'

Battle Continuiation, a skill that embodied Cu's warrior's spirit and sheer stubborn refusal to go down without a fight, allowed him to fight on no matter what wounds he suffered, even those that were self-inflicted.

Not that it mattered, it wouldn't be enough to prevent him from dying, he knew better than anyone how deadly Gae Bolg's curse was after all, but at the very least it would keep him alive long enough to drag that bastard down with him.

And so despite his strength waning with every second, despite the blood in his throat threatening to choke him, Lancer slowly leveraged himself upward, each movement an exercise in defiance of the inevitable as he willed himself to stand once more.

An exclamation of surprise from the blue-haired eunuch that tried assaulting Rin almost gave the game away, but even with that warning, Kotomine could only grunt in surprise as Cu struck like scarlet lightning, lunging forward to impale the bastard against the far wall.

"L-Lancer…" Kotomine spat, glaring down at Cu in disbelief even as the curse's malevolent tendrils began their slow, relentless crawl, staining the bastard's skin with their dark touch "You bastard...how did you…?!"

"It's unfortunate for you, Kotomine." Cu rasped, smiling in grim satisfaction despite the blood on his lips and the exhaustion he could feel sapping away at his strength "But I'd make for a piss-poor Heroic Spirit if a love-bite like this was enough to put me down."

With that he yanked the spear out of Kotomine, the sheer force of the movement sending the Priest's corpse tumbling bonelessly across the floor, Cu slumping to the ground with a grunt as he watched the light dim from the man's eyes as he lay in a pool of his own blood.

"Damn it all..." he cursed as he felt the strength leave his limbs, the tell-tale feeling of the encroaching darkness drawing ever closer as the unforgiving curse that had twisted his existence spread through his body "So this is how it ends huh? What a damned farce..."

He was dimly aware of the eunuch's mocking laughter in the background, the sniveling little shit having apparently worked up the courage needed to kick Kotomine's corpse before going on a rant that Cu would've deemed pathetic if he had the strength to give a shit.

As it were, however, all the little shit's whining accomplished was giving Cu his third wind, the Hound forcing himself to his feet once again to grab the little bastard by his head of sea-weed coloured hair and hurl him across the attic room to land in something almost as filthy as he was.

"Keep your hands to yourself, you stupid brat." Cu growled like his namesake, glaring imperiously down at the terrified little shit who dared to presume he could assault a woman in front of him "You aren't worthy to lay a hand on this woman."

"You bastard-!" the shit-stain hissed as he struggled to his feet, limbs trembling like a newborn fawn as he glared petulantly at Cu "I won't give you an easy death!" he proclaimed, throwing his head back "Oi, that's your cue Gilgamesh, give this asshole a Hero's death!"

'Idiot.' Cu scoffed, looking on impassively as he summoned his spear back to his hand, knowing full well that the Golden Bastard wasn't anywhere nearby, as it was unlikely he'd have been able to strike down Kotomine otherwise, given how the three were seemingly working together.

"W-What the hell are you waiting for, Gilgamesh?!" the shit-stain demanded, his earlier bravado quickly evaporating once it became apparent the golden bastard wasn't coming to wipe his ass for him "Kill him for me right now! Co-come on, this isn't a joke-!"

"Shut up." Cu commanded, his expression one of contempt as he towered over the worm in human skin that had somehow deluded itself into believing it could command the King of Heroes like he was some sort of trained rat-hound.

"You're not even worth killing." he declared, glaring into the little worm's terrified eyes even as he stabbed the tip of Gáe Bolg into it's chest, just deep enough to cut a single major artery near the heart "Leave now before I regret my decision."

The worm didn't need to be told twice, his anguished screams cutting through the air as he scrambled away like a stuck pig from the looming specter of death that was Cu, unaware that he would never truly escape, as the curse of Gae Bolg would ensure that wound would never heal.

Left alone with Rin, his next actions were a quick cutting of the ropes with his spear. Finally freeing the girl from the unkind future that awaited her before.

"Damn it...Making me waste my energy over nothing," Cu grumbled as he turned his attention to Rin, using his spear to sever the binds holding her in place, offering the girl a weary smirk as he did so "Well… not like I had much left in the first place."

"Thanks for saving me, Lancer." Rin offered, her eyes filled with concern as she took in his haggard expression, noting the dark lines that marred his now pallid skin as the curse of Gáe Bolg slowly worked it's way through his body.

"It just worked out like that, you don't have to thank me." Cu assured her, his lips quirking up in a faint, tired smile even as he felt the growing weight of his spear in his grasp, his vision wavering as the world around him seeming to tilt in response to his weakening pulse.

Without warning, his treacherous knees buckled and he succumbed to the will of gravity, his Battle Continuation having finally reached it's limits, which was just as much a testament to his natural resilience as it was to the deadliness of Gáe Bolg's curse.

In life, Cu had valiently faced off against entire armies single-handed and even in death, weakend with his guts spilling on the ground he had died standing, but this final confrontation with the curse was a different kind of trial. His body, once his greatest asset, was now his betrayer.

"Don't you worry about me lass..." he assured Rin as she cried out in distress, pushing his back up against a bale of hay for support with what little strength that remained even as Gae Bolg faded back into the ether "I've grown fair used to this."

The light from the window behind him illuminating the look of concern on her pretty face as she offered kind words in his final moments, a reassuring gesture from someone who had become an unexpected companion on this final leg of his journey.

"Dying because of a dumb order comes with being a Heroic Spirit," Cu mused in an attempt to deflect her concerns, as there really was no point in the lass shedding tears over a man who died centuries before her birth "Man, we both got stuck with crappy partners, huh?"

"You got that right." Rin conceded, her expression torn between sadness and wry amusement as she offered him a kind smile "Though I'd say mine was more unmanageable than crappy."

"That's for sure." he chuckled, his mind once again flashing unbidden to the infuriatingly smug face of the enigmatic Red Archer "Most humans are a pain in the ass. But that guy sure takes the cake." he smiled sadly "So he was too much even for you?"

"Yes, but that is what made me try so hard." Rin confessed, her frustration evident even as she smiled at the dying Hero "As long as Archer was my Servant, I swore to myself that I would only do what I believe in, even if it meant going against the norms of what's expected from a Magus,"

'Huh, she'd go that far for a dead-man?' Cu mused, the hound finding himself moved by the weight of her resolve 'That damned Archer...despite lucking out and snagging the best master in this Cluster-Fuck of a War, he somehow managed to mess it up in the end.'

"I hate to say it, but I'm not the one who can save him." Rin continued, her voice a mixture of determination and resignation even as she acknowledged her limitations. "Because I think he is right. His choices, the regrets over them…I think they are all justified."

'Horseshit.' Cu growled, knowing full well that no Heroic Spirit truly died without regrets, but that didn't excuse Archer's actions one bit. Sure, Cu would've loved to have the chance to make good on his vow to Scathatch, but not if it meant betraying his own code of honor to do so.

"I'm so dispassionate when it comes to that stuff I even anger myself, so all I can do in the end is to focus on myself." Rin confessed "Just like how a certain someone did in the past, I'll head down a path I believe in. That's the only gesture I can make, the only way I can repay him."

"Hah, I wish I had a woman like you as my Master." Cu sighed, with a grin even as he reached out with trembling fingers to trace a Kenaz rune onto the ground with the last dregs of his magical energy "Then again, I never did have any luck finding good women. Damn it all."

"Leave this place." he commanded, leaning back against the bale of hay as he felt his life force flicker like a dying ember even as the room around them burst into flames "I'll bring that guy with me." He assured her, glaring at Kotomine's corpse over her shoulder.

"Goodbye Lancer." Rin offered, standing tall and proud as she turned towards the exit "I didn't know you long, but I like people like you." she paused just as she was about to exit the attic "You know, if things turned out differently, I'd have happily asked you to become my Servant."

"Silly girl." he scoffed, leaning his head back with a smile as he felt the warmth of the flames lick at his chilling body, confident that his form would vanish back to the throne long before the flames could touch him "Come back when you get a few more years under your belt."

And yet despite himself, Cu couldn't help but feel a sense of regret as her innocent parting words tugged at weakening heartstrings, the thought of serving under a partner like Rin sparking a flicker of regret in the Hound, a fleeting desire for a different outcome.

'Bloody Hell, just what the hell am I thinking here?' he sighed as he watched her make her way through the fire and flames "Just how low have I fallen that a few sweet nothings from a pretty face is enough to make me want to live to see another day in this farce of a war."

Perhaps uniquely among the Servants summoned, Cu Chullain had no true desire for the Grail, as he had no complaints about his life except for how it ended, weakened and struck down by the machinations of Medb rather than a glorious battle against a worthy foe.

"All I wanted was to go out fighting against a worthy opponent, but even as a Servant I wound up getting shafted by Mages and their bullshit." he growled, only to sigh in exasperation as he watched Rin make it to the door 'Ah well, at least I got to play the hero one last time...'

With his last vestiges of consciousness, Cu forced himself to watch as Rin vanished from sight, his body slowly breaking down to motes of light, dancing like fireflies as the flames rose higher to slowly consuming the curse-riddled corpse of Kotomine Kirei.


-Ireland, Howth-

Nestled along the rugged Irish coastline, the picturesque village of Howth greeted the dawn with an enchanting panorama. The cobalt waters of the Irish Sea stretched out in a seemingly endless expanse, their tranquil rhythm accompanied by the soothing cries of seagulls.

Quaint cottages, their walls adorned with ivy, hugged the landscape like old friends. Their brightly colored facades, a harmonious blend of pastels, appear to mirror the azure sky above.

As the sun rose higher, its golden rays enveloped the scene in a warm embrace. The rolling hills that framed the village were a verdant canvas, the grasses waving in gentle acknowledgment of the sea's perpetual dance. The salty tang of the sea breeze mingled with the earthy scent of the meadows, creating an olfactory symphony that was quintessentially Irish.

Amid this picturesque setting, the village's daily life unfolded with its own rhythm. The marketplace hummed with activity, its stalls laden with a bounty of freshly caught seafood, vibrant vegetables, and handcrafted trinkets. Fishermen mending their nets, their weathered faces etched with tales of adventures on the open sea.

Yet, beyond the bustling lanes, a different tale was about to unfold. A tale of contrasts and endearing dichotomies, embodied by a burly fisherman named Sean. With a beard that mirrored the salt-kissed waves and hands that bore the calluses of countless hours of labor, Sean Collins moved with a sense of purpose. His large frame navigated the narrow pathways within his house with an almost paradoxical grace, his eyes fixed on a particular destination.

With a soft creak, the door to a weathered cottage swung open under Sean's capable hand. Inside, the dimmed light revealed a space unlike the exterior. Delicate toys and pastel-colored decorations transformed the room into a sanctuary of softness. A room where laughter, coos, and the pitter-patter of small feet would one day be at home.

In the heart of the room lay a crib, adorned with a canopy of white lace that seemed to be suspended in time. Within its confines, a sleeping baby boy lay cocooned in a world of dreams. Sean's rough exterior gave way to an expression of tender awe as he stepped closer, his calloused fingers brushing over a stray lock of deep blue hair that matched his own.

Beside him, Fiona, a young redheaded woman, shared in his sentiment, her smile both adoring and amused. Their gazes met, and a silent understanding passed between them.

"Well hello there, boyo," Sean whispered, his voice a mixture of astonishment and amusement as he peered down into the crib "Bloody hell, you look just like me!" The joyous father proclaimed as he gently picked up the boy, both excited to hold his own flesh and blood yet afraid of any harm caused by his own carelessness.

"Don't go swinging him around, ye daft sod!" Fiona gently chided her husband, her laughter tinkling like a wind chime, a gentle melody that seemed to harmonize with the surroundings as she watched the pair "He's a baby, not a damn Hurling Stick!"

"Ach, wisht would ye? I'm just messin' around," Sean countered with a playful glint in his eye "Sides, if Cu's gonna grow up to be a proper fisherman, he needs to get used to rough waters."

"Stop calling 'im Cu, our son's not a dog or even Setanta for that matter! We agreed with Seth, remember?" Fiona's response was accompanied by an affectionate eye-roll. "Also, I doubt he'll learn anything useful from you, since your fat arse passed out the moment my water broke."

"Ach, feck off an' let me have this!" Sean protested, though his smile revealed his good-natured acceptance of Fiona's teasing. "To add to yer naggin' Setanta is a perfectly good name… just like the legendary Hound of Ulster! My ol' pa and I were big fans av his legend, sure de man didn't have a good ending but 'e sure did have de spirit av a true warrior"

"Seth Collins is just as good, dear. Think av it as tha modern version av your 'ero. And I don't want my son to experience even a small fraction av what happened in those old legends, 'e ain't fightin an army with 'e guts as a rope on my watch." Fiona joked, her eyes sparkling as she reached out to take their son into her arms. "Alright, here, give 'im to me 'fore he wakes the whole street… not that he even cried tha' much when I poped him out."

The father carefully transferred their bundle of joy back where he slept, their hands brushing in a fleeting touch. Together, they peered into the crib, their expressions softening as they took in the sight of their little one. With deep blue hair, a shade reminiscent of the sea on a clear summer day, the baby boy slept soundly, his chest rising and falling in a steady rhythm.

As their gaze lingered, Sean couldn't help but comment, his voice a mixture of awe and affection. "Well, he's got me looks, that's for sure."

Fiona chuckled softly, her tone gentle as she playfully nudged Sean's arm. "Don't let that go to your head now. He's got his mama's spirit."

Their affectionate exchange, born of years of shared memories and laughter, was interrupted as a pair of sleepy crimson eyes matching his mother blinked open. A small hand waved in the air, capturing their attention and hearts. Fiona's smile deepened as she spoke softly to their baby boy. "Hello there, my little Seth. Did ye sleep well, then?"

Sean leaned in, his rough fingertips gently brushing over the baby's soft cheek. "Well hello there, boyo," he murmured again, his voice a whisper of wonder. "Bloody hell, you look just like me after all. In a few yers, we'll be twins!"

In response, the baby Cu's eyes held a mixture of surprise and shock, almost disbelief even flashing on his face.

"Look at this, you made 'im afraid of ya!" Fiona spoke with an annoyed face. "Though a bit weird to see the boy looking at us like that. Hasn't cried after comin out at the hospital… is it normal?"

"Who knows? But my son has been a warrior from birth, that much is obvious. He'll sail the sea an' make his old pa proud."




(17 years later)

"Seventeen already huh… time sure does pass by fast." Cu yawned as he sat perched atop a massive rock, fishing pole in hand and an empty bucket lying beside him, the horizon ablaze with the warm hues of the setting sun, casting a serene glow over the tranquil waters before him.

"Ye know, in all my years, I've seen some strange battles and faced death more times than I can count," he mused to himself as he cast his line into the water "But takes the cake by a long shot. Somehow I'm back, reborn into a different body and life. Feels like Caster's got me trapped in some twisted illusion, but I know it ain't so."

As his fishing line bobbed in the water, his mind replayed the haunting vision of his death in the church. He remembered the darkness that swallowed him whole, the chill of the void creeping into his very soul.

And then, the next thing he knew, he was here, in this strange new world set in what was clearly the modern era, likely around the same time he was summoned, give or take a few years. Not that it mattered to him given it was basically the same for the Irishman.

He glanced down at his pole just in time to see it twitch, lips curling in a savage grin as he grabbed it, eyes locked on the water. "Aye, looks like the fish are bitin' today. Come to ol' Cu, have ye?" he chuckled, reeling the line of his pile early, hoping he'd catch something by now.

But as he continued to reel the line in, disaster struck. The string snapped, the fish slipping away just as victory seemed within his grasp. Rather than feel distressed, Cu let out a hearty laugh, his eyes crinkling with amusement.

"Well, well, aren't you a feisty one?" he mused with a shake of his head. Not one to be trounced, his gaze shifted to the roughl carved fishing spear that lay at his side, snatching it up with a mischievous smirk as the muscles in his arm bulged with strength.

'Better hold back a bit, don't wan't to shatter another one.' he cautioned himself, even as he traced the movements of his prey. With a swift and practiced motion, he hurled the spear faster than the human eye could track, impaling the fish with unerring precision.

"Ha! That was fun!" A triumphant roar erupted from his throat as he waded into the water to claim his prize, pausing briefly to glance up at the sun in the sky "Looks like it's almost time for ma to call me, I should hurry up."

His mother…Cu honestly didn't know how he felt about the woman who gave birth to him, which was understandable given he still retained his memories of his first life. And while his birth father had only really gotten involved once, he still fondly recalled his time with Deichtne.

Now, however, his father was a fisherman rather than a God and his mother a fishmonger whom Cu endeavored to help out whenever he could between completing his chores, helping the neighbors around their farms and generally living a life he forever thought impossible.

'I'll visit the ol' blacksmith to have him make me a real spear…' Cu mused to himself as he leapt into the water to retrieve his prey, only to frown as he took in the state of his spear 'this one's already got cracks in it.'

Not having a suitable weapon to match his strength was proving to be a bigger pain than Cu cared to admit, the teen emerging from the water, dripping and grinning as he began to wring out his shirt on dry land.

"Shit, the old hag is going to kill me…" he swore, recalling at the last minute his mothers words of warning about what she'd do to him if he came back with another ruined shirt "Ah well at least I got a quick snack for the night."

As if summoned by his exposure, a group of familiar schoolgirls passed by, their curious glances turning into excited whispers. He couldn't help but raise an eyebrow, his lips quirking into an amused smile.

"Evenin' ladies!" he greated, returning their attention wi a wave of his arm, his crimson eyes twinkling with mischief as they burst out in excited giggles "See anythin' that sparks yer interest?"

"Hey there Seth, lookin' fine as always!" one of the bravers girls shot back amidst a chorus of complimentary whistles and playful waves while the shier ones contended themselves with blushing and giggling as Cu watched them go about their business.

"Thank ye, lass! Ye've got excellent taste." he quipped, his tone playful as he flexed his arm muscles in an exaggerated manner, more than used to people calling him by his new name, save for the precious few friends he'd convinced to call him Cu.

"Mind if we get a closer look?" One particularly bold girl teased with a twinkle in her eye, stepping forward to gaze unabashedly at his impressive physique "Wanna tag along with us to Cara's house? Conor's gonna smuggle in a few cases of beer."

"Now there's a tempting offer." Cu confessed, throwing his head back with a laugh "And any other day Id have leapt at the chance, but me ma's waitin' at the market and I've a promise to keep." He winked at their disappointed looks "Maybe another time, eh?"

"We'll hold you to that, Seth Collins." the ringleader vowed, reaching over to punch him in the shoulder with a grin "Lookin forward to your next hurling match! If your teams win again then I'll personally organize the after-party."

'These gals…' the former Lancer Servant chuckled, his eyes rolling in amusement as they took their leave, eager to get to the drink and craic before the evening was up, before rolling his shoulder and picking up his catch "Ah well, duty calls."


As he walked away, Cu's laughter echoed in the air, blending with the gentle sounds of the water. He shook his head in wonderment. "At least for the most part, I quite like this new life. While I can't exactly go around find myself a challenging fight, it's not that big of a loss."

It seemed that while the world he'd been born into born some similarities to the one he'd left behind, it was decidedly more peaceful, due in part to the apparent lack of Magic or Mages, a revelation that came as something of a shock when he first realised it.

So far as Cu was aware, there didn't appear to be any users of Magecraft, ancient or otherwise, aside from himself in the entirety of Ireland. For that matter, while the country of Japan existed, the city of Fuyuki did not, and even the air in his homeland felt very different from his youth.

All in all, he had no idea where he was or even how he got here in the first place, and so he just put it out of his head for now, as there was no point worrying himself bald about things he couldn't control, instead opting to sit back and enjoy whatever this new life had planned for him.

Whistling a tune as he continued his stroll, Cu let his mind wander back through the events of the day as he watched the sun dipped lower on the horizon, casting longer shadows across the landscape.

While he had grown to cherish his simple life here in Harrow, he couldn't entirely shake the feeling that it was a strange mix of both the ordinary and the extraordinary, a fusion of the past he remembered and the present filled with new experiences and connections.

Approaching the bustling marketplace, Cu's eyes scanned the vibrant stalls and the busy vendors. The smell of various foods wafted through the air, mingling with the salty scent of the sea.

His mother was at her stall, arranging the fresh catches of the day with a practiced hand. She looked up and caught sight of him, a fond smile spreading across her face. "There you are, Seth. Did ye catch anythin?"

"Aye, caught myself a nice one." Cu confessed with a nod, mischievous glint in his eyes as he held up the fish he'd speared, his mother sharing in his mirth with a chuckle, shaking her head in exasperation with her hands on her hips.

"Always findin' ways to have fun, aren't ya?" she teased, reaching out to ruffle his hair, her hands soft despite being lined with callouses from years spent handling a gutting knife with a skill that would make a chef weep.

"That's me, ma," Cu grinned, leaning in to give her a quick hug before stepping forward to help her finish arranging the fish, all while chatting about the day's events, having long since built up a strong rapport with both of his new parents in the years since his (re)birth.

As the evening wore on and the customers thinned out, Cu found himself helping his mother pack up the remaining fish. "You're a good lad, Seth." she applauded with a mix of pride and affection "An 'ere I expected you to be glued to a phone like the rest of the lads your age."

"Nah, I never really had any patience for those things." Cu confessed with a wan smile as he hoisted several boxes over his shoulder to be stashed away "I guess I'm just a sucker for the simpler things in life."

True enough, while he enjoyed watching sports on the tv with his father from time to time, Cu was never really interested with modern technology, preffering to spend most of his time out doors enjoying his newfound youth.

Sure he knew how to use a phone, his mother having bought him one for emergencies when he started Secondary School, but that didn't mean he obsessed over the damn thing like most of his so-called peers.

"You know, sometimes I wonder what goes on in that thick head of yours." Fiona mused, her expression mirthful as she shook her head "You must've gotten it from yer father, sports loving blockheads the pair of you."

"Ah, ma, where's the fun in being predictable?" Cu chuckled with a playful glint in his eye, the two of them spending the next few hours in good company before closing the stall for the day and making their way home.

Cu walked alongside his mother, his eyes roaming over the now familiar streets illuminated by the soft glow of streetlights. The sky had transformed into a canvas of deep purples and blues, the stars starting to twinkle overhead.

"Seth." Fiona spoke up after a moment, Cu glancing up to see the woman glancing down at him with concern, his shoulders tensing instinctively at some presumed threat only to relax at her next words "how are your studies going?"

"Ah ye know ma, same as always." he replied dismissively, though internally he couldn't help but sigh, as it looked like the start of yet another row between him and his mother "Not too bad, not too good."

"You can't keep coastin' like this, Seth." Fiona sighed in exasperation "At this rate you'll wind up stuck workin' as a fis'erman or tryin' out fer that pro hurling bollocks I've heard the other lads goin' on about, that's not a stable life son!"

Cu merely sighed and let her rant on, having long since grown used to his mother's complaints about his apparent lack of drive to 'better himself'. Honestly, what was the harm in becoming a fisherman like his Da? It was good honest work and he LIKED fishing!

"I've been in touch with an old friend o'mine an' she's agreed to 'elp you with yer studies." Fiona continued, catching Cu's attention "You'll be attendeng 'er school to improve your grades so even if you don't land a good university you'll still get better Job oppurtunities."

"Ma, there's no need for that!" Cu exclaimed, his eyes widening in surprised, wondering when the hell the woman had found the time to pull this off without either he or his father catching wind of it "I'm fine as I am-!"

"This is a big opportunity!" Fiona cut him off, trying and failing to glare down at him imperiously despite him having long since outgrown the woman "In all of Howrt, you are the only one getting such a chance!"

Now Cu would be lying if he claimed the offer didn't tempt him at all. As much as he enjoyed this quiet, peaceful life, there was feck all to do in Howth aside from fishing, hurling and drinking that wouldn't get him in trouble with the Garda or some poor girl's father once her water broke.

At some point Cu had even contemplated dropping out of school and going on a 'walkabout' like that one guy on tv, the idea of traversing the globe with just his spear and a bag of the bare essentials calling out to the former Servant.

In the end though, he'd put that plan on the back-burner because despite his wanderlust he simply didn't have it in him to make his parents worry like that. Maybe after he graduated and had moved out on his own, but not while he lived under their roof.

That being said, while the idea of travelling to another country intriuged him, as he'd only really gotten a brief glimps of Japanese culture during his time in Fuyuki, he didn't see the point in doing so just to further his 'studies'. He was no scholar, that kind of life did not fit him.

"I'm sorry ma, it just doesn't sound worth it to me." he began, only to be cut off as he was forced to dodge a slipper Fiona had chucked in his direction, his mother's patience with his 'laziness' having seemingly run it's course.

"Don't you dare argue with me on this Seth!" She chided, shaking another slipper at his face "I'm doeng this for your own good. You're not gonna wind up a fisherman. You're gonna make a name for yerself, something big, like a businessman or a doctor."

"A Doctor?" Cu repeated before bursting into laughter, holding his sides as he evaded another slipper from his incensed mother. "Seriously ma? Can ye even imagine me as a doctor? I'd just as soon kill'em as save 'em!"

He could only imagine the look on his Master's face if she heard something like that. He dare say she probably would've died laughing if she didn't try to kill him for wasting her time with such nonsense.

"Laugh all you want, but this is happening!" Fiona declared, his mother clearly not sharing in Cu's amusement as she hurled yet another slipper at his head that the Hound easily dodged, having faced far worse during Scathatch's training.

"Aye ma, whatever you say!" he cackled as he continued to effortlessly dodge her projectiles, noting with interest that her aim was surprisingly accurate for a fishwife "Just please, no more shoes! And where are you getting so many!?"

"And you better not go running after girls like a dog in heat." Fiona huffed as Cu finally took pity on the woman and allowed her last Slipper to hit him square in the face "We're not ready to have more of you running around."

"Don't call me a dog!" Cu snapped back despite himself, glaring at the woman from between his fingers as he held his face from where the slipper had landed, only to curse as Fiona stepped forward and slapped him upside the head with yet another slipper "Dammit woman!"

"Don't you back-talk me young man!" Fiona chastised, bringing the slipper back around for another blow "And if you don't want me callin' you a dog then don't go tellin your wee friends to call you Cu!"

This was a daily occurrence to many families. Cu enjoyed them, more than he ever imagined, while he enjoyed the heat of battle and the sensation of adrenaline pumping through his veins, a calm life was also not that bad.

Maybe it was the old man in him taking hold of his mind, but spending his entire day fishing and drinking become enjoyable and playing hurling with his friends on weekends became an event, he started looking forward to something else that he missed in his past life.

'Still, it's a shame there is no one I can spar with a bit here.' Most of the locals had never touched a weapon let alone learn how to use it, and the few fishermen who knew how to use a Spear never thought to use it as anything beyond their trade.

And as for his so-called peers, like Fiona said most of them would sooner spend their day on their phones, watching tv, playing video-games and either studying for university or partying till they had to be carried home in barrows.

Now don't get him wrong, Cu was all for a bit 'o banter with the lads of an evening, especially after a good game of hurling, but there was simply no-one who could stand against him in a contest of strength.

The only other 'contact sport' in town was the local boxing club, the members of which had long since learned to stay out of his way after he'd decided to step into the ring for a lark only to find them greatly lacking, several of the older members quitting out of shame.

As much as Cu hated to admit it, while his new body was doubtless inferior to his old one, and even more so when compared to his Saint Graph as a Servant, the sheer amount of experience he retained from his past life meant he was far beyond any mere 'sportsman'.

And so, no matter how much he'd come to enjoy his quiet new life, he couldn't help but long for the rush of adrenaline that came with a good fight, something that he'd long been denied living the good life of a schoolboy.

'I wonder how Rin and her boyfriend dealt with this crap?' he mused, chuckling at the image of the pair trying to juggle their 'normal' lives as hormonal teenagers whilst living in the cut-throat world of the Magi.

"You still haven't told me where I'm going." he pointed out whilst glaring petulantly at Fiona "I know for a fact you can't afford to send me to one of those Uptight Boarding Schools, we barely make enough to send me to the shithole here."

"You'll find out sure enough in a week from now." Fiona assured him with a mischievous glint in her eyes before she slapped him on the back "For now, let's get you home so you can get your bags ready!"




'...This has got to be a joke...'

A few days had passed since Cu had said his good-byes to the few people who would miss him, his parents driving him down to Dublin Airport only to shove his ass onto a plane where he had to suffer the screaming children and snoring fat-arses of those consigned to Coach Travel.

Fortunately for his fellow passengers, his Berserker Rage was one of the few things Cu hadn't carried over from his past life, though that didn't stop him from elbowing people out of his way in his bid to escape the flying coffin the moment the plane reached it's desitnation.

And now here he was, standing in the middle of Tokyo International Airport, having somehow once again found himself standing on the soil of the Land of the Rising Sun, taking in the sights that were both foreign and yet strangely familliar due to his time as a Servant.

As he allowed his eyes to wander over the bustling crowd, he found his attention drawn to a tall, bespectacled redhead with one of the biggest racks he'd ever seen holding up a sign with his name, her face lighting up in a friendly smile as they locked gazes.

"Welcome to Japan, Seth." she greeted in perfect english, placing a hand over her chest as she held out a hand for him to shake "My name is Kyoko Hayashi, I met your mother when I visited Howth during a student exchange."

"Pleasure to meet you." Cu returned the greeting whilst trying his damned best to keep his eyes from wandering south of the border and failing utterly, though judging by the knowing smile on Kyoko's face, she was well aware of what had captured his attention and wasn't bothered at all… probably.

"Now then, if you'l follow me?" she instructed before turning on her heel, forcing Cu to follow her out of the terminal or be left behind "While you'll be under my supervision for duration of your stay, I've arranged an apartment for you to give you some privacy."

"You didn't need to go that far!" Cu exclaimed, honestly shocked that someone would go this far for him, friend of his mother or not, only for Kyoko to wave his protests aside with a confident smile.

"It's no trouble at all." she assured him "After all, I could hardly put you up in my apartment, potential scandal aside there simply isn't room. Luckily the apartment next to mine was free and I was able to get a decent price, so your father was able to cover the rent for first few months."

'You've gotta be kidding me...' Cu deadpanned, the teen rendered momentarily speechless, unable to do anything but stand in silence as a whirlwind of emotions raged within him as he tried to gather his thoughts.

Eventually, however, one emotion managed to reign supreme over the others, Kyoko composed expression wavering for the first time as the blue haired teen threw his head back and let loose a single cry of exasperation that drew the attention of everyone in the terminal.

"Why the bloody hell did you send me to Japan you old hag?!"


Sometime later, after a brief altercation with airport security where an embarrassed Kyoko had forced him to bow his head to avoid being deported back to Ireland in shame, the redhead had all but dragged him out of the terminal towards the parking lot.

Needless to say, Kyoko's initial pleasant demeanor had long since given way to subtle irritation, as evidenced by the terseness of her tone as she ordered him to put on his seatbelt before pulling out of the parking lot to merged into the flow of traffic leaving the airport.

They continued down the road in silence for a while, Cu's mind likening the road ahead to a bridge that connected his past to his uncertain future in this foreign land, so similar and yet so different to the one he recalled from the Grail War.

"You know," Kyoko spoke up once they'd left the Airport well behind, her tone laced with a hint of reproach as she eyed him out the corner of her eye "It's not exactly polite to insult someone who's just trying to help you."

"Nah, don't take it to heart." Cu huffed, waving a hand dismissively as he glanced out the window "That was just the stress talking. An' I wasn't yelling at you to begin with, just venting my frustration on ma sending me to Japan of all places."

While his words were dismissively nonchalant, in actuality Cu's emotional state upon suddenly finding himself back in Japan was decidedly less so, the Hound all but certain that whatever twist of fate that had led to him reincarnating had brought him back here for some reason.

A part of him wondered if this was all just some complex illusion crafted by the Grail, though why the hell someone would go so far to use an illusion that bordered on True Magic to fuck with a dead-man was beyond his comprehension.

"I suppose it was rather sudden." Kyoko conceded, her tone softening slightly as she turned her attention back to the road "Though I warn you now that such outburst won't be tolerated in my class." she warned, gesturing for him to take the pamphlet sitting on the dashboard.

"Fujimi Academy is one of the most esteemed schools in Tokobosu City." she explained as Cu flipped through the brochure "There are students all over Japan that would do anything to get enrolled there, so you should consider yourself lucky I managed to put in a good word for you."

"Tell me about it." Cu scoffed as he glanced over the brochure "Seriously, how the hell did my parents manage to pull this off? We barely made enough to send me to my old school, and that was before we had to replace dad's old banger when it got writ off."

"It was a collective effort." Kyoko confessed tersely, her brow furrowing in irritation at his continued crassness "Your parents were committed to ensuring your education, and I contributed as well."

"And why go the extra mile?" Cu demanded, suspicion weaving through his expression as he cast her a sidelong glance "Why go so far out of your way for the son of a friend you haven't communicated with in years? Hell, so far as I'm concerned you're pretty much a stranger."

"I place great importance on education." Kyoko asserted firmly while switching to speaking Japanese, her glasses glinting with an air of seriousness as she turned to meet his suspicion with unwavering determination "Moreover, my position as a teacher granted me certain connections that allowed me to secure a discounted tuition rate for you."

Cu couldn't help but let loose a low whistle of surprise, lips pulling back in a feral grin "Well, color me impressed." he applauded and switched to perfect Japanese as well, lips quirked up in a feral grin as he leant back in his seat, his tone laden with newfound respect "Thanks for that, Kyoko."

"That's Hayashi-Sensei, Collins-san." Kyoko reminded him, her features softening slightly at the change in atmosphere. "Just make sure you concentrate on your studies. Education has the potential to open doors you might not even realize exist. It's good that you speak Japanese fluently, your mother mentioned how you were gifted with languages in general, truth be told, I had my doubts, but it seems I was worried for nothing"

"Ah," glancing outside awkwardly, he couldn't refute her words as the knowledge he retained from his summon remained along with his ability to speak Japanese. He only took those classes to earn extra marks while not doing much aside from sleeping. "Yeah, it's an interesting language… and I had some Japanese friends who helped." He lied, having no other way to explain his situation.

"You are lucky, young man. Now, you haven't answered my previous question."

"No promises, but I'll give it a shot." Cu chuckled, Kyouko's earlier frown making a brief reappearance, before shifting her attention back to the road with a sigh, the pair continuing on in relative silence save for the odd conversation broken up by moments of quiet contemplation.


Roughly thirty minutes later, they pulled up to a modest apartment complex. "This will be your residence." Kyoko informed him with a hint of fondness: "It's a one-bedroom apartment with all the amenities, within walking distance of the school, though there is a bus stop is nearby."

"Looks pretty decent." Cu observed, his gaze taking in the appearance of the building. While it was nowhere near as impressive as the Einzbern brat's Castle or as homey as Rin's boyfriend's house, he'd certainly seen worse places to live.

"And just so you're aware, my house is situated just around the corner, the one with the red gate." Kyoko instructed, gesturing to the fixture in question "If you ever require assistance or have inquiries, don't hesitate to drop by."

"Thanks, Kyoko." Cu offered with a nod, the blue haired teen exiting the car even as the strict woman huffed at his use of her name "Honestly, I wasn't planning on sticking around at first, but maybe Japan isn't a bad place to start for my goal of exploring the world."

"That's Hayashi-sensei, Collins-san." Kyoko corrected sternly. "While I understand cultural differences, you'll need to get used to addressing your elders with respect here. And since I'll likely be your teacher, we should avoid addressing each other so informally when in school."

"Nah, I'm not into the whole formal thing — but I'll make an exception for you." Cu grunted, rolling his eyes at Japan's obsession with formal speech "If it bugs you that much then just call me Cu outside of school, or even Seth, I don't care. Just no sir Collins or Collin-san or whatever."

"Cu?" Kyoko repeated, the redhead blinking at the teen in confusion, only for him to wave her questions off with a dismissive grunt.

"It's a long story, just think of it as my nickname." he assured her, since unlike back home it was unlikely anyone in Japan would understand the significance of his name. Hell even Saber only figured out his identity because she somehow managed to survive his Noble Phantasm.

"I'll think about it." Kyoko conceded, though she still sounded hesitant "I'm still older than you after all, and I am technically your guardian while you're here, so respecting each other should be my priority."

"Alright, got it." Cu conceded with a huff, wondering briefly how she'd react if she knew his true age, both the time he'd spent alive and the years he'd spent as a Heroic Spirit "I'll try an' keep that in mind, teach."

Kyouko nodded approvingly, the juxtaposition of her faint smile against her persistent frown creating a unique expression. "Just remember to maintain that attitude and prioritize your studies."

"I'll certainly give it my best shot, just for you," Cu chuckled, his eyes glinting with mischief as he offered the woman a thumbs up, earning an exasperated sigh from Kyoko as she turned and sashayed back to her car, Cu's eyes lingering on her backside the entire time.

"She got a hell of an attitude, but at least she's easy on the eyes." He mused, watching as she climbed back into her car and pulled away from the curb, leaving Cu standing in front of his new home with a smirk.

In all honesty, Cu rather liked the woman, her strict personality reminding him somewhat of his old Master, though her obvious immaturity and lack of any means of physicaly harming him, made him want to tease her relentlessly, something Scathatch would never have tolerated.

'I guess I just have a thing for strong-minded women.' he mused, chuckling to himself as he turned to make his way into the apartment building, his steps echoing softly in the corridor as he made his way to his designated unit.

The door swung open, revealing a compact, one-bedroom studio with a large window on one wall that allowed ample light to filter into the cozy living area, his sharp eyes taking note of a small desk occupying one corner and a compact kitchenette nestled near the entrance.

"Hmm, a bit on the small side, but not bad," he murmured to himself with approval, already able to see himself settling in for the foreseeable future, his grin slowly growing as he gaze landed on the small fridge tucked into a corner of the kitchenette.

Sadly, his childish anticipation proved misplaced as he swung the fridge open only to be met with a single bottle of still water and a bento box that had likely been purchased from one of the many nearby stores.

"Seriously? No Beer?" Cu sighed in frustration, his shoulders slumping in mock disappointment at the aparment's lack of proper beverages "Looks like I'll have to make a quick run to fix that." he mused as he shut the fridge and turned back towards the door to his apartment.

"Well then." he mused, his grin wide and his steps light as he strolled out of his apartment, ready to explore his surroundings and hopefully find a store that wouldn't ask for ID "Time to see what this city has to offer in terms of decent brews."


Down the bustling street, two girls walked side by side, their conversation a blend of excitement and melancholy.

The first had striking dark blue hair that cascaded down her back, framing her face in a way that drew attention to her blue eyes, hidden behind a pair of glasses. Her figure was slender, her form accentuated by ample breasts that seemed unusually large for someone her age.

The second girl, a fiery red-head with golden brown eyes, exuded a tomboyish charm, her thin frame and sizable breasts contrasted her friend's mature curves. As they strolled, their animated conversation echoed in the air.

"Can you believe that it's been nearly two months?" the redhead exclaimed, her hands behind her head as she let out a long sigh. "I'm so excited for my second year, but also kind of sad that our vacation is coming to an end, I guess no more late night hangouts."

"Yeah, I know what you mean." Her blue-haired friend nodded in agreement, a wistful smile gracing her lips "But at least we'll meet our classmates once again?"

"Definitely!" The redhead confirmed with a grin "And maybe...just maybe, this year will be different for our romance life."

A soft blush spread across the blue-haired girl's cheeks, her gaze averted as she stammered, "W-what do you mean?"

"Oh come on, Fumi." The redhead nudged her playfully "Don't tell me you're planning to be a wallflower again? Are you finally going to get a boyfriend this year? Heck, I've been your friend for years and I don't recall you showing any interest in anything other than your books!"

"W-well, I... um..." Fumiko's blush deepened as she fumbled over her words "I don't know, Momo! It's still to early to worry about such things!" Leaning in, Fumiko whispered so softly that it was almost inaudible, "I'm fine with just having you by my side."

Momo blinked, not quite catching Fumiko's words. "Huh? What did you say?"

Fumiko quickly shook her head, her embarrassment evident. "N-never mind. I think I just imagined saying something."

Momo laughed, her teasing grin on full display. "Oh, Fumi, you're too adorable. Anyway, speaking of crushes, do you still find Shido-sensei hot? I still remember how much you kept staring at him, I guess you're into more mature guys?"

Fumiko's cheeks turned a deeper shade of red, and her silence served as an answer. Momo poked her friend's side. "Ha! I knew it! You've got a crush on him!"

Fumiko's embarrassment reached new heights, and she shifted uncomfortably. "No! I don't have such thoughts about him, unlike you who keep thinking about sex all day! And most of the time you walk around in public without a bra!"

"Hey, I'm just more active because of all the running I do. Also, I have really sensitive skin. My girls start to chafe after a while. So it's perfectly understandable why I don't wear a bra. And besides, I'm wearing pasties, so it's fine."

"No it's not. Just wear a sports bra you pervert." They continued to have their back and forth, the world around them melting away as they enjoyed each other's presence. Having been friends since childhood, this was their dynamic most of the days.

"Ah, what did we need again?" Fumi asked right as they entered the convenience stores, browsing through the drinks section.

"Hmm, I already had this flavor… man, we could have gotten some sake to celebrate our back to school day. Though not like we can buy it even if we wanted to."


"Ah, I'm joking, just joking. Don't want to have people gossiping that the students of Fujimi Academy break the law or are delinquents or something—hm?"

Just as she was about to reply, their attention was drawn to the nearby convenience store counter where a commotion was unfolding. Curious, the girls exchanged glances and then shrugged, deciding to walk a bit closer to hear what was going on.

There, a tall foreign boy with hair similar in color to Fumiko's caught their eye. He wore a bright Hawaiian shirt and jeans, paired with red earrings that added a splash of color. The boy, who they didn't yet know, was engaged in a debate with the cashier.

"I'm sorry sir, but you can't buy alcohol without an ID to confirm your age," the cashier insisted, having a troubled expression dealing with the man before him.

The foreigner, who turned out to be none other than Cu remained undeterred, and attempted to haggle his way around the rule. "Oh, come on, give a guy a break. I just got to Japan and left my papers at my apartment complex. Besides, I'm practically a walking beacon of legal age, don't you think? I mean, I don't have a beard but so do many adults, and you don't see high schoolers my height walking around." he said with a playful grin, not even attempting to hide his over exaggerated words.

The girls observed from a distance as Cu continued to joke with the unfortunate cashier, trying to charm his way into purchasing alcohol. After a few minutes of back-and-forth, the employee finally relented, a knowing look passing between them as Cu slipped a discreet banknote his way as thanks.

With the matter resolved, Cu left the store, and the girls made their way to the front to pay for their snacks. "Well that was weird," said Momo, looking over at her friend. "Should we try out his method as well?"

"Please don't, or I might get fired." Replied the cashier as soon as he heard her, quickly scanning the items and letting the girls pay. Fumiko gave the man an apologetic bow for her friend's behavior. As they stepped outside, they were met with the sight of Cu sitting on a nearby bench, a friendly smile gracing his lips. He waved at them as they approached.

"Yo!" he greeted them, his tone cheerful. "I couldn't help but overhear that you're from Fujimi Academy. Mind if I join you for a moment? I'm new around here and thought it'd be cool to chat with my potential fellow classmates." He motioned to a bag containing a few cans of beer, clearly not deterred by his recent interaction inside the store.

His words caused a shocked expression to appear on their faces.

"Wait, you're actually a student!?" Momo and Fumiko shouted simultaneously.


The next 5 chapters of Snafu, and my other Fate fics (Fate Coiling Sword with 3 chapters, A Fake Familiar Reborn with 3 chapters, Steel Eyed Faker soon to be 3 chapters, Hound having 1 and To love a sword having 4 chapters) are already available on my P@treon. With 4 more Broly chapters at /NimtheWriter. Also, I post commissioned arts on each story, already posted a few on an Archer's Promise, Broly and Snafu.

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Rob was a high-level hacker and wanted by many government organizations because he leaked the secrets of many countries. So he didn't dare to come out of his hiding much. Since he was alone, he lived a difficult life, which that he found the joy and the excitement of life in only two things: The rule of the Internet, and the anime world. One day he came across an interesting advertisement on his personal computer that turned his life upside down. [Ding!] [The art publishing system is being prepared...] [The system is ready!] From that time onwards his goal became to draw One Piece manga in the pirates' world! And make the great era of pirates even more chaotic! ¶¶¶¶¶ Author: BlackStar_BH (Me) ¶¶¶¶¶ Note: Needless to say, this book has the same idea as "Creating The Manga Of Naruto On Naruto World Become My Ultimate Goal!" But here it applies to the world of One Piece, I was inspired by the idea and I wanted to apply it to the world of One Piece, and I hope it succeeds, of course, there will be a conspiracy and I will make sure to improve the story according to the readers opinions. ¶¶¶¶¶ As for publishing chapters, it would depend entirely on the interaction the story receives, whether it is 4 chapters a day or 2 chapters or 1 chapter or 0 chapters... It all depends on the readers' enthusiasm for this interesting book. ¶¶¶¶¶ I don't own One Piece nor do I own its characters, all I own is the protagonist, after all, this is just a fanfic without any profit, just for fun. I don't own Bleach, Attack on titan, Hunter X Hunter, Naruto, and I don't own their characters. ¶¶¶¶¶ EXTRA TAGS: #ATTACKONTITAN #HUNTERXHUNTER ¶¶¶¶¶ My Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/BlackStar_BH (+30 Chapters ahead Webnovel.) My Ko-fi: (New) https://ko-fi.com/blackstar_bh (+30 Chapters ahead Webnovel.)

BlackStar_BH · Anime e Quadrinhos
881 Chs


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