
Chapter 5

My name is Wendy Minette, I work as a receptionist in a guild. I have very long golden blonde hair that everyone in the guild loves it. I have very beautiful and quite charming light blue eyes. I wear a light brown skirt with a square pattern and a white shirt that was tuck in with the skirt. I also have an earring that my mom gave to me on my birthday. I was just hanging up a poster suddenly a guy came. He has navy-blue hair with black eyes. He wears black pants and a blazer that was covering his shirt. I also saw he was wearing a green tie. Besides him is a wolf. The guy walked to me and I quickly change my expression into which is my 'serving customer face'.

"Hello there, my name is Wendy Minette and what can I do for you today?" I asked the guy.

"Well, can I have a job, please?" The guy said while looking at the poster behind me.

"well, let me see your guild card," I said politely.

"Sorry but I don't have one of those." the blue hair guy said. I guess he is very new to the guild and never enter one in his entire life. "well, this is a guild where you can have a job. Every member has a rank. The ranks are F, E, D, C, B, A, S, SS, and SSS. The purpose of this rank system is to divide jobs that suitable for their rank. For example, the F rank member can take jobs such as finding someone lost puppy or find some herbs. An A rank however is more dangerous jobs like hunting monster and find loot in a dungeon. The S, SS and SSS rank is a rank which the royals give to a guild member that deserves it. When every member starts, they will be the F rank member which is the lowest of the lowest. As you can see the more rank you upgrade, the more dangerous your quest will be. " I explained to the guy and a few seconds later I bow down to get an orb which is a device to check up on a person status. This usually helps me to make the guild card. I asked the guy to put his hand on the orb and a paper came out of it. I read it to him. "your name is Kyo Satou and you are 16 years old. Your occupation is beast tamer which means you can tame wild animals like your pal's wolf beside you there. Please wait a few minutes, I make your card now." I said while walking back to the card maker.

Satou's POV

I was waiting for her a while and chat with Lupus. "so what kind of job do we need to do?" I asked Lupus.

"I think we should find someone lost dog cause it was very easy and I can use my sense to find the dog." Lupus suggested to me.

I think it was a good idea cause there will be less dangerous and we can quickly finish the job very fast. I look at Lupus and give him a thumbs up. After a few minutes, the girl came back.

" here you go sir, your guild card." the girl said while giving my guild card. The card was white for the most part but has a blue 3cm wide line at the top and the left of the card has it has my picture. Beside it, there is my name, age, gender and occupation. " every time you level up your rank, the blue line change colour. Okay, you can find some quests on that board." she said while showing the direction of a board that was full of jobs posters. It was located on the right side of the guild. "what's behind you?" I asked while pointing to the board behind her.

"Oh, that is all the quest for S, SS, and SSS class. The quests are very dangerous and give very good rewards." the girl said.

"Okay," I said and walking to the board. I and Lupus look around for a few minutes and finally found a perfect job for us. "this job looks good Lupus." I show a poster that was about finding someone lost cat and the reward is 10 silver coin.

"yeah, we will take those." Lupus agreed.

Then, we walk to Wendy to give her the poster. She looks at the poster for a few seconds and looks at us back.

"Okay, you have to go to the owner first," Wendy said while smiling.

After that, we headed out to meet the person who's missing their cat. Wendy gave us the address and the neighbourhood is very lively there. People walking and farming, birds flying freely and the green tree was very beautiful. After a few minutes, we found the house. Lupus rang the doorbell and a boy with ginger hair and beige skin that was wearing a yellow shirt open the door. He was very shocked. I guess it must be Lupus. I will be shocked too if I was in the boy situation.

"Hello, my name is Kyo Satou, and this is Lupus. We here to find your missing cat." I said while bowing down and put my hand on my knee while looking at him.

"my name is Toby. Thank you for accepting the quest. My cat's name is Jerry and he has ginger fur just like me." The boy's face looks gloomy.

"Can you give us anything that your Jerry love to play with?" Lupus asked the boy. The boy was very scared but build his courage to tell him.

"I do," Toby said and walk inside his home. After a minute, he came back outside and gave us a ball of yarn. "this is Jerry's favourite yarn. Every day he would play around with this." Toby said while handing me the yarn.

"thank you for this. We will find your cat." I said trying to motivate the kid.

Then, I gave the yarn to Lupus. Lupus smells the yarn and a few seconds later, Lupus said.

"Satou, come with me," Lupus said while sniffing the floor.

"Can I come with you? I think I can help. Jerry must be scared right now. I want to calm him down." Toby said.

"sure, you can ride Lupus' back," I said while ridding Lupus.

Then, I help Toby get on lupus and we are set to go find Jerry the ginger cat.

Lupus was walking while Toby and I hold lupus very tightly. This is my first time riding him by the way. After that, lupus walked outside the neighbourhood and into a forest.

"Are you sure the cat walk through here?" I asked lupus cause no way a cat will walk into this creepy forest.

"my nose never lied." lupus said with confidence while sniffing the grass.

After a few minutes of walking, we found ourselves beside a river. We saw a group of goblins. There were 4 of them. They were hammering at a tree with their club.

"the cat is on the tree." lupus said while pointing to the tree where the goblin is hammering.

"Jerry! Is he okay?" Toby asked for lupus.

"his fine right now. But if the cat fell he'll die." Lupus said.

I get off Lupus and help Toby to get off. Lupus was ready to fight the goblins.

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