

6 months later

"Princess Erina, the Prince Aiden is waiting for you" Lenny, Mother's servant, stated as she gestured towards the door expectantly. My gaze moved from the Isle as I turned to walked towards the door with a light smile painted on my face. I gave her a nod before opening the golden door where a certain Prince stand behind.

"Erina, you look sexy" Aiden stated in awe. His golden bronze eyes widened in complete astonishment as he wandered through my form. I chuckled lightly at him, shaking my head as a few strands fell out of place. He went to tuck my hair behind my ear before grinning at me shamelessly.

"You really are the worst in compliments" I said as the horn blared through the entire Auradon signalling the arrival of the new students. Our eyes widened in fear before we both smirked at each other and run towards the front gate where King Ben and Mal awaits.

We are so screwed.

I ignored the warning bells in my head as Aiden shouted in glee beside me before pushing to ran faster, completely leaving me behind.

"Faster, slowpoke, wouldn't want to anger the Dragon!" I rolled my eyes at his childishness when I saw a vase standing behind the corner. An evil smirk grew in my face before I shouted at him in return.

"Better watch were you're going, Addy!"

"Wait, wha- Ahh!" I burst in a fit of laughter as I watch his form slipped through the puddle of water. I slowed down at his figure, giggling aimlessly at the pain etched on his face, groaning furiously as he rubbed the back of his head before glaring daggers at my chuckling form.

"Oh my Poseidon, my hand slipped. Sorry" I faked concern as I watch him staggered to stand up. I stepped away from him when he tried to reach for me before laughing then speeding away.

"Better run faster, Addy! Don't want your boots be burned" I teased, remembering the time when mal almost blew up Aiden yesterday when he joked around her dragon form. He shouted at me in annoyance before I heard his footsteps behind me as I reach nearer the front gate when I suddenly slammed on a hard body making me stumble down.

"That's what you get, you mother fu-"A clearing of throat emanated beside us, cutting Aiden off as he laughed maniacally. We both turned our gazes at the source of the voice, seeing King Ben and Mal standing above me with concerned before glaring at Aiden for his word.

"Are you okay, Erina?" Ben asked before helping me stand up.

"Yes" I nodded at him, straightening my clothes out then looking at them in confusion ignoring Aiden's childish talks.

"I thought we were supposed to be welcoming the children from the Isle, Ben" I said looking between him and Mal as Aiden finally stopped talking and listen to the conversation seriously.

"Yes, we were supposed to meet them at 7 in the morning. Given that you are both thirty minutes late, we decided to give them the tour ourselves" Mal confirmed as we both send them sheepish smile. I scratch my neck nervously as Aiden came to stand beside me, his hand snaking to my waist before he pulled me closer as we stand closely like the perfect couple of Auradon.

Curiously, my eyes searched behind them and meet a set of crystallize eyes which brought a multitude of emotions raging through my veins before I snapped away. She was looking at me mischievously before scanning the hallway thoroughly, almost as if inspecting every inch in her mind. My eyes narrowed at her form before I looked at Mal.

"Oh, what's her name?" I asked them forcefully sending the girl a smile when she turned her gaze towards me before send a seductive smile at Aiden who shuffled at his feet awkwardly.

I choke in a chuckle before clearing my throat when Aiden pinch my side making me yelp in surprise. I turned to glare at him as he grinned at me, winking before glancing back to the couple in front of us.

"This is- Hey, where is he?" Mal's asked frantically looking everywhere in panic. I can see the fear glinting on her eyes as she searched for the mystery person while Ben consoled her to no avail. My eyes stared at the unknown girl behind them who were smirking knowingly. There was something with the girl which I couldn't pinpoint and this makes me crazy. I opened my mouth when light thundering, lazy footsteps began to approach us from the dark. A familiar chuckle resounded in the entire room sending me in a frenzy state. A series of emotion passed through me in a hurry. Joy. Love. Betrayal. Anger. Pain.

It all seemed to consume me as I turned to meet the hauntingly crystallize eyes that continued to haunt me in my dreams. The red leather jacket swing with every step and the familiar hook glinting into the light as Mal released a sigh of relief while my heart tumbled among the enormous waves of erratic beating.

"Prince Aiden, Princess Erina, I would like to introduce Harry and Haley Hook, children of the Captain Hook"

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