
Successfully Married

"Are you okay? Do you want me to call off the wedding for you?" From the look on her face, he couldn't help but suggest.

She bit her lip, holding back the rest of the tears before she gave her response in a rush. "No… No… need. I am fine. I am just a bit anxious."

Katherine tightened her grip on her gown before she began, "On this day, I, Katherine Dayton, vow to love, support, and stay by Eric Jaylen's side as an outstanding wife."

She couldn't bring herself to read the last part of the vow. She isn't even sure if she will ever live to see the moment her hair turns gray.

The moment she made the vow, the hall went silent, and all focus was on her.

"I, Priest Benedict Johnson, pronounce you both as husband and wife," he announced before he turned to face the both of them. "The groom may now kiss the b–"

Katherine did not wait for the priest to complete his statement before she interrupted him. "Sorry, I am sick, and it is unwise and dangerous for me to kiss him," she lied.

Even though her lies were obvious, Eric helped her out. "We will do the kissing part some other day. I can't kiss her in this state," staring at the priest, he informed him.

"Oh… I see."

After the priest left to give the couple some privacy to interact with their guest, Katherine walked up to the guest to show her gratitude and also receive the gifts brought for her.

This wasn't the type of wedding she expected, but it was better than a death she never expected.

"Mirabel?" Her eyes widened as she caught a glimpse of her friend, who was studying abroad.

She walked up to her. "Mirabel, don't tell me you skipped school to attend my wedding? Uh?" She inquired curiously.

Even though she missed her friend a lot, she would never allow her personal matters to be a priority to them.

Mirabel burst into laughter at her reaction before she replied, "Kathe, don't tell me you haven't changed from this questioning manner? Instead of embracing me into a warm hug, is this the best you can do?"

Katherine buckled her laughter in before hugging Mirabel, who was mad at her.

"Mira… but, did you really skip–"

Mirabel interrupted her before she could start another round of questioning. "Kathe, since you are so curious to know, I graduated yesterday."

Her eyes widened at the good news she just heard. "Wow… girl, I didn't see that coming. A huge congratulations," after she broke from the hug, she said softly.

Mirabel hit her slightly on the back before she frowned again, "just 'congratulations?' Don't tell me you aren't going to throw a party for me?"

"You know, I just got married without knowing what my in-laws are like, so I can't really say, but of course, just a 'congratulations' won't be enough for your six years of hard-work," she replied sincerely with a sense of tease in her tone.

Mirabel sighed before she gave up. "Okay, fine. I will give today a pass, but don't go against your words. You got me?" she inquired childishly.

"Katherine, what are you doing here? Don't you know your in-laws are waiting for you?" Annabella's question drew her attention before she could say anything.

She chuckled at how daring her cousin was. She didn't expect her to shamelessly act like nothing happened.

"Mira, we are going to discuss later. I have to get going," Katherine said before she headed to where Jaylen's family was seated, patiently awaiting her presence with her father.

She stared at Eric, who was looking a bit different from earlier before returning her gaze to his family.

"Wow… I can't believe you are here, Avery. I used to be your biggest fan! Also, Ethan? Like, thank you both for being here today," she echoed, acting as if it were only the twin that were seated.

From their facial expressions, she knew they were trying to hurt or looking for a way to make Eric look like a fool.

"Sorry? Are they the only ones present here? My father, my stepmom and your father, can't you–"

Before Eric could continue his statement, she began. "Oh, my bad. I just can't help the excitement I felt seeing my muse. Father, thank you and I apologize for being crazy."

Mr. Davis chuckled at his daughter-in-law's behavior before he spoke up. "Oh… you can act as crazy as you wish. Not as if today comes twice in one's life."

'I wish today would never come back to my life… no, that day,' she said inwardly with tears clustered in her eyes.

"Katherine, are you about to cry? Don't tell me this is caused by over excitement?" Annabella, who just came to join them, inquired with a smirk playing on the corner of her lips.

Katherine pretended not to hear her words before she excused herself. "Sorry, I am not feeling well. I am going to the bride's waiting room."

After she informed them, she headed to the bride's waiting room. She allowed her tears to pour down freely, wishing none of this happened to her. No matter how much she wanted to forget about that day, it kept replaying in her mind at similar occurrences.

She stared at her face in the mirror, then decided to apply makeup since her face looked odd with red spots on it.

'Now, I am good. If I want to escape my death, I have to be strong,' she motivated herself before she stood up to leave.

"Katherine, where are you going? Have we gotten married? Or we won't officially be husband, and wife today?"

The familiar voice made her turn her gaze to face its owner. Her heart sank at the sight of the person she was staring at. It was Asher, her greatest nemesis! The man she wished to run a thousand miles away from.

"What… what… did… you want… from me…? Money…? I will give it all… to you," she stammered, her body trembling.

"What I want is you! Let's get married, Dayton Katherine."

I hope you enjoy this book. Your supprts are all appreciated, thank you.

Muhammed_shafacreators' thoughts
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