
Homophobic (I hate gays but I don't hate you)

After being sexually assaulted by gay guys at a young age, Alberto Rodriguez developed a huge phobia for gays.. He depises them and doesn't want anything to do with them... he has a best friend, Fernando Sanchez, whom he cares for so much... What will happen when Alberto finds out that his best friend was actually gay?... Will Alberto end their 5 years friendship just because he's homophobic?... stay tuned to find out P.S. This is a BL novel; boyxboy .. if you don't like this kind of novel, I'd advise you to not read it..

Anthonia_Charles · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
13 Chs

Chapter eleven


"Huh? Why'd he pick me" Alberto thought.

"well, do you want to stay here or the private VIP area?" Madam Camilla asked.

Rodrigo kept silent for some seconds, staring at Alberto from head to toe. Alberto noticed his strange stares and felt really awkward. Finally Rodrigo said "VIP"..

Alberto eyes widened "huh??!! .. V what??!! he booked the entire restaurant just to stay at the VIP area??! Is he crazy?!!" He mentally screamed.

"Ok then, Alberto will take you there and attend to your needs" Madam Camilla smiled "Any objections Alberto?" she turned to Alberto.

Alberto wanted to reject because he was really uncomfortable with Rodrigo's stares just now but then, he thought; if he does, madam Camilla will fire him and oh boy, he sure knows how difficult it is to find a job and also, his school fees and his mom's medical bills. He could only sighed and nod his head..

"Good, now take our most honoured guest to the VIP"

Alberto nodded and approached Rodrigo "right this way sir" he gestured. Rodrigo slightly nodded and followed him.

"oww so lucky, I wished I was picked to serve Rodrigo.. it would have been a dream come true... Serving my celebrity crush oww!! so awesome! humph.. Alberto's always the lucky one!"

Alberto heard Gemma's comment and screamed mentally "Lucky?!! your mom's lucky!! your whole generation's lucky!! you think I wanted to do this??! fuck no! i just wanted to mind my own business ah!"

Alberto led Rodrigo inside the VIP room which is somewhat far from the main restaurant. The privacy of this room is topnotch. Rodrigo sat on a comfy black cushion. Alberto brought out a small note pad and a pen "So what would you like to have this evening?"

"I'd like to have you"

"I'm sorry what?!!" Alberto couldn't believe his ears. Have me? what?! you fucking kidding me?!! ..

"hahaha" Rodrigo laughed "I'm sorry but your expression is killing me" he laughed again "I'm just messing with you So, don't think much". He stopped and cleared his throat "anyways I'll have the usual but double this time and I'd like your finest wine and bring two glass cups"..

Alberto nodded, jotting down his orders. He then left and headed straight to the kitchen. He approached the head chef and handed him the note

"Aquí están sus órdenes. Prepáralo en 10 minutos (here's his orders. Get it ready in 10 minutes.)".

The head chef read the note and nodded "Sí (yes)". He took the note and announced loudly to the other chef to start cooking Rodrigo's orders.

10 minutes later, the orders were ready and set neatly in trays. "Ah! Can't carry all this by myself.. I need assistance" Alberto whined.

"me!! pick me!! I'll help you!!" Gemma yelled and came out of nowhere towards Alberto.

Alberto just nodded and let Gemma assist him as he thought "why would Rodrigo order so much food? humph! fucking glutton".

They arrived at the VIP room and met Rodrigo busy on his phone. They gently placed the food on the table "here's what you ordered".

Rodrigo looked up and at the table and smiled. Gemma shrieked happily and said "Hi mister Rodrigo sir! my name's Gemma and I'm your biggest fan! I love all your songs! Basically my room is filled with your picture.. Do you mind if I have your autograph?" She grinned widely and stretched out a note pad and pen.

Alberto nudged her and whisper- sneered "behave yourself lady". He turned to Rodrigo and chuckled nervously "I'm sorry about her behaviour.. she's just a huge fan of yours".

Rodrigo smirked "Actually I don't mind". He took the note pad and signed it "Here you go" he handed it to Gemma.

Gemma collected it and grinned sheepishly "Thank you so much! I'll cherish this for a lifetime" .

"it's nothing.. Glad I could help a fan" Rodrigo winked at Gemma. Gemma's face flushed red.

Rodrigo chuckled "Well if you don't mind I'd like to eat my dinner now"

"No no we don't mind, we're leaving now.. Enjoy your meal" Gemma bowed and started to leave. Alberto turned to also leave but he suddenly heard:

"Not you, just the girl"

Alberto gulped and watch Gemma's figure disappear, leaving just him and Rodrigo in the room alone..

"Well are you just gonna stand or will you have a sit?"

Alberto sighed in defeat and took a sit beside Rodrigo.


"Huh? eat? but it's your dinner not mine" Alberto stated confusedly.

"I know.. that's why I ordered double.. Now eat" Rodrigo put a steak in his mouth and chewed quietly.

Alberto stared at Rodrigo confusedly, not touching the food. Rodrigo raised his head and saw that Alberto hasn't touched his food.

"If you don't do what I say, I'll tell Camilla that you didn't treat me well.. and she might fire you" Rodrigo smirked.

"you!.." Alberto frowned, his cheeks bulging a little, making him look extremely adorable. "So unbelievable!" Alberto snorted.

Rodrigo just smiled, staring at Alberto's expressions. AHH! so cute! Alberto sighed heavily and raised his hands in defeat "fine you win"

He didn't eat anything before coming to work and he admit he's hungry; And someone offered him food, who is he to say no to free food?.

Alberto grabbed a fork and stabbed a piece of steak, putting it in his mouth. His eyes widened "hmm! tan delicioso (hmm! so delicious)". He rushed the steak, eating other dishes too. Soon his cheeks was bulging as he chewed.

Rodrigo suddenly laughed. Alberto looked up, his beautiful crystal blue eyes stared at Rodrigo confusedly. Rodrigo suddenly reached out and used his thumb to wipe the milky cream off the corner of Alberto's lips. Alberto's eyes widened, but it widened even more when Rodrigo licked the cream off his thumb "delicioso" he muttered huskily.


Alberto almost choked and grabbed a glass of water and gulped it down. When he calmed down, he faced Rodrigo asked "why?"

"Why what?" he smirked.

"Why are you doing this?"

"Doing what?"

Alberto rolled his eyes and said "First you were checking me out at the restaurant; then you invite me to eat with you and now you're acting all intimate with me.. What's your motive Mr Torillo?"

"Oh You noticed my stares earlier huh?" His smirk grew wider.

"Yeah.. I'm not blind you know" Alberto scoffed.

"Well, you might not know but.... I'm the kind of person that has an eye for beautiful things" Rodrigo grinned as Alberto stared silently, expression unreadable.

Suddenly he spoke up "That still doesn't explain the reason for your weird stares and actions" his luscious slightly red lips twitched as he frowned a little.

"maybe that's because.... I've taken a liking to you" Rodrigo smirked at the shocked Alberto.


Happy new month lovelies (*^3^)/~♡..

So sorry for the long suspense.. But guys can I request for something?

Can you guys please encourage me?.. Comment? reviews? Anyone is fine.. As long as it brings me encouragement..

I want to know what y'all think about my story(◔‿◔)

Anthonia_Charlescreators' thoughts