
Hollywood Fame and Fortune

Martin Davis, a gifted yet uncelebrated actor trapped in the mediocrity of his circumstances. However, fate takes an astonishing twist when he miraculously finds himself in the body of an impoverished youth in the year 2003. Determined to escape the clutches of poverty and relish in wealth and stardom, Martin sets his sights on Hollywood, a city that beckons with its extravagance and promises. With his cunning intellect and a disregard for traditional morality, he embarks on a relentless quest, willing to go to any lengths to achieve his goal. As Martin navigates the glitzy yet treacherous world of showbiz, he leaves a trail of fallen adversaries in his ascent to becoming a global sensation. His journey is marked by unexpected alliances, moral dilemmas, and sacrifices that challenge the very core of his being. The story of his transformation, ambition, and the relentless pursuit of dreams, even if it means rewriting the stars. The unapologetic drive of the Martin has, and the timeless quest for fame and fortune. #Hollywood #Showbiz #America #Celebrity #Star #Reallife #Antihero

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889 Chs

Chapter 741: Depp Is Finished!

Under the moonlit sky, a sleek black business car cruised out of the opulent streets of Beverly Hills, its destination set for Burbank.

Inside the car, Martin sifted through the invitation letter adorned with Tom Cruise's charismatic grin and the iconic "Mission: Impossible 4" poster gracing the cover.

Nicholson leaned forward, his voice carrying a hint of skepticism, "You reckon Megan Ellison will grace Tom Cruise's bash?"

Martin, without a shred of doubt, replied, "No doubt about it. Megan Ellison's brother, David Ellison, is the powerhouse behind Skydance Pictures, the very studio that bankrolled 'Mission: Impossible 4.' With their investment, the film not only soared to success but also rejuvenated Cruise's career. They're the VIPs Cruise won't skip inviting."

Leonardo clapped Martin on the back, jesting, "Thank goodness Jack and I tagged along. You'd be facing a tough battle solo, and if you lost, the trio's reputation would take a hit. Shame on you, mate."

As the luxury vehicle glided to a halt at the Burbank Hotel, the trio emerged, striding down the crimson carpet and following the illuminated signs guiding them to the bustling banquet hall.

Tom Cruise and director Brad Bird promptly approached, extending warm greetings.

After exchanging pleasantries with Leonardo and Nicholson, Tom extended his arms in a welcoming gesture, enveloping Martin in a hug. "You were instrumental in the success of 'Mission: Impossible 4.' Your insights were invaluable, making it the blockbuster it became."

Martin chuckled modestly, "All credit to your dedication, Tommy. Your hard work made those insights shine."

Tom Cruise marveled at Martin's acumen, remarking, "Let's head inside. We'll catch up over a drink later. And expect a cake from me this year."

The trio entered the bustling banquet hall.

Leonardo glanced back at Tom Cruise, whispering to Nicholson, "Jack, am I the only one sensing some chemistry between Martin and him?"

Nicholson smirked, "Because Tom Cruise has a knack for planting seeds of doubt. Makes us wonder if Martin's playing a different game behind our backs."

Ignoring their banter, Martin scanned the room, searching for tonight's target.

Spotting David Ellison first, Martin reminisced about his early days in Hollywood and Ellison's flamboyant style of investing, like his infamous pledge to add a million dollars to the budget for each additional plane in a film.

Leonardo nudged Martin discreetly, signaling towards Megan Ellison engaged in conversation nearby.

Nicholson motioned for the trio to follow him.

With glasses of wine in hand, the trio settled not far from Megan Ellison, blending seamlessly into the lively chatter of the evening.

To an outsider's eye, the trio appeared to be reveling in delight.

Nicholson raised his glass in a silent toast, catching Martin and Leonardo's attention. "Predators in the high-end jungle often become prey," he remarked.

Martin nodded thoughtfully, taking a sip of his wine. "True words indeed."

Meanwhile, on the other side, Megan Ellison's gaze fixated on Martin. Witnessing him engrossed in laughter and conversation ignited a whirlwind of emotions within her.

Her face flushed crimson, her palms grew clammy, irritability surged through her, her heart raced, breathing became labored, and a sharp pain gnawed at her sternum, threatening to unbalance her.

It wasn't a lack of mental fortitude that plagued Megan, but rather the magnitude of her losses, over $300 million invested with potential returns reduced to mere seven figures. Even if her father were present, the blow would stagger her.

Megan's eyes bore into Martin, recalling vividly how he had been the original contender for the project she now stewed over.

As she watched Martin, Leonardo, and Nicholson clinking glasses of champagne, Megan couldn't shake the nagging thought: were they celebrating her downfall?

Megan, never one to mince words, approached, pulling out a chair and seating herself across from Martin.

Martin casually gestured to a passing waiter for a glass of champagne.

Megan eyed the champagne before her, cutting straight to the chase. "Are you celebrating the failure of 'The Lone Ranger,' the very project I invested in?"

Martin, embracing his role as the ostensible villain, lifted his champagne glass with unapologetic cheer. "It's certainly cause for a toast."

Acknowledging Megan's imposing presence, Martin took a sip, offering a superficial smile. "Congratulations on your film's success, Ms. Ellison."

Megan maintained her composure, masking the turmoil within.

But beneath the façade, the weight of her losses pressed heavily. With a strained voice, she questioned, "Was it intentional?"

Though Martin's acting prowess couldn't match Nicholson's, he adeptly navigated the situation. "Was what intentional?"

Megan pressed further, "Did you purposely hand over 'The Lone Ranger' to me?"

Downing the remainder of his champagne, Martin met Megan's gaze head-on, pent-up frustration bursting forth. "Ms. Ellison, snatching others' projects only to watch them crumble and then shifting blame onto the one who was robbed, is that your idea of fair play?"

Nicholson chimed in, "In my fifty years in Hollywood, I've never seen such audacity."

Megan scrutinized Martin and then Nicholson, sensing sincerity amidst their words.

Martin nudged Leonardo subtly with his foot, a silent cue between the trio.

Leonardo spoke up, defending his friend with fervor. "Martin went to great lengths to secure 'The Lone Ranger' project from Disney's vast library, roping in heavyweight producers like Jerry Bruckheimer and successful directors like Gore Verbinski. He even lined up Johnny Depp..."

His tone dripped with loyalty, "And what did you do? You pulled the rug from under him midway, and now you have the gall to confront Martin? It's not a lack of intellect, Megan, it's a lack of integrity."

Martin's lips curled into a sneer. "The blame for the project's failure lies squarely on your shoulders. Your team, your incompetence..."

He shook his head in disbelief. "A promising project squandered like this!"

Megan inwardly seethed, refusing to acknowledge any fault in herself. But deep down, she knew the crew's incompetence had sealed the project's fate.

The crew's biggest liability? The image of Johnny Depp flashed before Megan's mind's eye.

Leonardo shook his head, admonishing, "If you can't handle the heat, don't blame the kitchen." But Nicholson, rising from his seat, interjected, "I came here for Tom's celebration, not to wallow in this mess. Let's leave."

Standing in agreement, Martin echoed, "Let's go, let's go."

The trio made their way to Tom Cruise, bid their farewells, and exited the banquet hall.

Outside, Leonardo inquired, "How did my performance fare?"

Martin assessed bluntly, "A bit over-the-top, but effective."

Nicholson delivered his verdict, "Megan Ellison sought to pin her failures on Martin. We prodded her, exposing her incompetence. But she won't own it. Instead, she'll seek new scapegoats. Who's the easiest target?"

Martin chimed in, "Of course, Johnny Depp, with whom she's had numerous clashes."

Nicholson chuckled, "Don't be fooled by her facade. Based on years of reading people, her anger nearly consumed her."

Leonardo's chubby face broke into a grin, "In the end, it'll be Depp left holding the bag."


Despite the burning turmoil within, Megan Ellison composed herself. Today marked David Ellison's celebration of "Mission: Impossible 4's" triumph, a significant occasion. Lingering briefly, Megan exited the banquet hall.

As she settled into her car, she instructed the driver, "Take me to Griffith Observatory."

The driver, seasoned in Megan Ellison's volatile temperament, treaded cautiously, mindful not to provoke any outburst. As they conversed, the car smoothly navigated the winding roads.

Megan Ellison retrieved her phone, swiftly dialing Amber Heard's number. "Meet me at Griffith Observatory in thirty minutes," she instructed.

Amber's voice crackled through the line, "On my way."

Just as Megan prepared to stow away her phone, it buzzed again.

Frowning at the caller ID, her bank, Megan answered, "This is Megan Ellison."

"Hello, Miss Ellison, it's Judith," the voice on the other end greeted pleasantly. "I wanted to inform you preemptively, as the bank might officially notify you tomorrow. The response to 'The Lone Ranger' hasn't been favorable, and we may need to take action, such as urging repayment..."

Megan's response was composed, "I understand. Thank you."

With a brief exchange, the call ended.

Megan clenched her phone tightly, the glittering diamond-encrusted device seemingly echoing her mounting frustration.

In that moment, memories flooded back of Johnny Depp's antics on set and during promotions.

Half an hour later, Megan met Amber Heard at Griffith Observatory.

Without preamble, Megan addressed her, "Are you prepared for what I asked?"

Amber nodded solemnly, "I've gathered plenty."

Megan gazed out at the city lights from beneath the observatory, her voice laced with determination. "I want Johnny Depp banished from mainstream Hollywood, and I want him to rue every outrageous stunt he pulled during 'The Lone Ranger' production!"

Her final words dripped with venom, "I want Johnny Depp utterly obliterated!"

Taken aback by Megan's commanding presence, Amber momentarily forgot to respond.

Megan pressed, "Can you do it?"

Amber, initially driven by financial gain from Depp, now spurred on by her newfound love's wishes, Elon Musk, gritted her teeth and affirmed, "I'll make it happen."